General extra things
Updated 2 years agoDescription placeholders
You can put the following placeholders into the description of your pack to help dynamically generate the text that will appear when the user hovers over it on the screen:
- [count]: Will be replaced with the number of cards in this pack.
- [randomcard]: Will be replaced with the name of a random card in the pack.
- [name]: Will be replaced with the title of this pack.
- [powerlevel]: Will be replaced with the average power level of cards in the pack.
Pack validity
Each pack has a completely optional "ValidFor" property, which is a list of CardTemples. This is meant to allow you to indicate which zones/biomes the card pack is valid for. By default, the game only has a single zone available in Kaycee's Mod. That zone is Leshy's Cabin, which is the Nature zone. However, other mods, such as the "P03 for Kaycee's Mod" mod, may add other playable zones. The pack definition includes the idea of "ValidFor" in order to provide some amount of future-proofing.
What if there's a special CardMetaCategory that I really need to not be removed by the Pack Manager?
There's an example of this: my side decks mod can't allow the SideDeck metacategory to be removed. To do this, you need to add a 'protected metacategory.' Here is the relevant snippet of code from my side decks mod. Notice how I wrapped the call to the pack manager in a separate method surrounded by a try-catch. This prevents a soft lock if the player hasn't installed the Pack Manager.
private static void RegisterMetacategoriesInner()
private void Start() // Do this in your Plugin.cs file
if (Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("zorro.inscryption.infiniscryption.packmanager"))
Creating Pack Art
A template (blank) pack art PNG is included in this package.