Magnificus Mod
[The Last Update] Adds a new magnificus dungeon crawler based act to the game.
-Made the Goo Dungeon slightly bigger to compensate for how little events spawn.(+ some rome layouts made a bit more generous)
-Updated the Homunculus art.
-Ethereal Gems when upgraded now costs 1 mana.
-Fixed a softlock room in area 3.
-Fixed that one offcenter trapdoor I hate.
-Fixed items not being able to be bought from the shop sometimes
-Fixed an outdated tutorial popup. -
-Enchanted Grounds rework! You can now see the sigils that you will get! (+sacrificing cards buffed, cards wont get sigils they cant use)
-Edaxio ending in story mode is now easier to get (+ reworked visually)
-Fixed issues with the shield sigil not displaying.
-Removed softlock rooms in dungeon 2.
-Gave Bleene's Scholar a new sigil.
-Added a small rug to the tile that warps you to the dungeon in the tower.
-Made Goobert's theme quieter
-Nerfed the Goobert node.
-Amber's Scarecrows now have the Impaled sigil.
-Entering a spell upgrade node without any spells will now let you select from 3 already everlasting spells.
-Spell Tentacle's power now persists through the current dungeon.
-Fixed Revivors causing infinite loops when trying to ressurect another Revivor.
-Fixed a softlock with Maux being cycled by the Mox Cycle sigil.
-Fixed gaining 2 potions at the cauldron node instead of 1
-Fixed Mimagius not mimicking gems from a mox card -
The Last One
Late night, there's a major operation taking place. Contrubuting members: [Smughtro, Keks, Cevin, Nevernamed, Silenceman, Kyan, John "Lil' Sci" Robinson]
Big Stuff
-New Music for Lonely Mage (Composed by Akisephila)!
-New Music for Amber!
-Reworked how spells work completely! Your spellbook now appears beside the table, and you can choose one of eight spells once per turn.
-Reworked the bleach event to be useful in more situations..
-The old card backs have been replaced with actual 3D models!
-All the Act 2 Mage Cards now replace the original act 2 cards instead of being new ones. Don't worry, your old save will still work on this version.
-Added a new camera angle to isometric mode, for a better controlled experience.
-Removed self insert cards!
-Fixed the issue where when starting a new run you are trapped in the finale with magnificus stuck on a pillar.
-Added a basic mox fair hand mechanic.
-You now start with a blank map that can be filled in, (esentially the free map challenge is innate now)
-All spells now cost 1 mana less and are removed from your deck when played, (esentially the magnum opus challenge is inate now)
-Added a tablecloth to the pillar table.
-Magnificus now has intro text for entering a dungeon, and some more text upon starting a new story mode run.
-The Master Bosses now have unique fonts!.
-Map sizes have been made significantly smaller.
-Map generation is now more funky and less boxy.
-Added a config to enable classic card balancing.
-Removed the obelisk trading system from KCM.
New Cards
--Astral Projector
--Ruby Titan
--Crystal Sage
--Bleene's Scholar
--Goranj's Warrior
--Chaos Mage
--The Horven
--Sapphire Mech
--Chained Mox
Tweaks & Fixes
-Starter decks tweaked.
-Magnum Opus challenge replaced with the Tiny Spellbook challenge.
-Dying Breath challenge replaced with the Displeased Spirits challenge.
-Added 2 new challenges: Magickal Paint, Iron Maiden.
-Anti Challenges removed.
-Shortened names of most spells.
-Fixed the wrong rare card border being displayed.
-Changed the pillar puzzles sigils to be more appropriate to magnificus.
-The pillar puzzle's starting order is now randomised.
-Multiplication mage's starting cost is now randomised.
-Mox Cycle ability now cycles rabbits, mox mage and crystal worm.
-More enemy encounter variety.
-Buffed the Dummy Fight.
-Added a tutorial for the shop and viewing your deck.
-Added more polish to the shop.
-Master Moxes sold in the shop are no longer random, and depend on the current area.
-Addded a handfull of new room layouts.
-Goobert's phase 2 and the gooey sigil now display a goo decal on effected cards.
-Added doors to the tower.
-Added a new detonator animation.
-Added an animation for the Made of Gold sigil.
-Added sound to cards attacking and being hit.
-Tweaked the Master's card art.
-Nerfed Amber's phase 2.
-Goranj's phase 2 will now always target slots in the same lane.
-Updated the spear model.
-The cards on the game table during battle should be more visually reliable.
-Goobert's boss room will now always be blocked by a battle.
-Fixed the gems on the duel disk not properly updating.
-Queued cards now update properly.
-Nerfed both final bosses 3rd phases.
-Fixed issues with Strafe.
-Slightly tweaked the death animation.
-Tweaked Jupiter and Saturn card art, (based on real false color images of said planets)
-If you have a map with filled in icons, it will correctly refresh after clearing an event.
-Fixed battle nodes counting towards the Rush Recklessly challenge.
-Fixed targeted spell jank.
-Fixed occasional issues with losing a run.
-Trasmogrify spell can now only be placed in empty slots.
-Fixed portrait mage clipping into other cards at times.
-Tweaked the Intrusive Presence challenge.
-Fixed cards with mox health staying alive on 0 health.
-Fixed the player's pillar clipping into your arm in the magnificus fight.
-Made lonely mage's voice clips the appropriate volume.
--Gembound Ripper - (3/1) from (4/1)
--Gem Fiend - (2/1) from (3/1)
--Ruby Golem - (1/1) from (2/1)
--Master Orlu - (1/3) from (1/5)
--Stimbot - (1/1) from (2/1) Now has gem dependant
--Chime Mage - Now blue mox cost
--Phoenix - 2 Blue, No longer familiar
--Bleenehound - (3/2) from (4/3), now without familiar.
--Crystal Worm - Now 1 mana (0/2), select its gem type upon placing.
--Mox Mage - Now a Rare Card with Mox Cycle sigil (1/3), (thanks partially to Dalv19 for the idea)
--Cleaver Tentacle - Now does combined damage of every card on the OPPONENT board.
--Spell Tentacle - Now does damage equal to the exact amount of spells played per battle.
--Invisible Mage - (1/1), Airborne Submerge from (2/1), Submerge
--Whitesmith - (0/4), from (0/5). Sigil now only adds 1 health instead of 2.
--Flame Spell (Engulf) - Now does 2 damage instead of setting health to 1.
--Removed that one trinket bearer card, gem frog, the drake
--Gem Absorber - (0/1), from (1/1)
--Gem Absorber sigil now adds (1/1) per gem instead of (1/2), but gains a bigger buff depending on the type of gem absorbed.
--Resurrection sigil no longer revives cards with the gem trait.
--Ouroberyl now resets at the end of each dungeon instead of at the end of each run.
-Added something special to the dummy on the second floor of the tower..
-Fixed issues with first person mode.
-Slightly nerfed potions in certain circumstances.
-Little bit of polish here and there. -
-Tweaked the rarity of certain events.
-The Mushroom Merge event is now more clear.
-Nerfed the spell of frost, frozen cards will defrost when struck or over time.
-Slightly nerfed the Goobert Event.
-Added sound effects to the cauldron event.
-Fixed the game softlocking after beating magnificus.
-Fixed stat icons being buggy and not appearing in battles.
-Fixed the background stars in the background of goobert's fight being bugged in isometric mode.
-More new art. -
-Fixed issues with obtaining edaxio softlocking the game.
-Tweaked the design of the edaxio hallway. -
-The mod now takes place entirely in an isometric perspective! You can disable it in the config files if you wish.
-You can press tab to view the deck.
-Drastically sped up battles.
-Added a new voice for Amber.
-Fixed boss voices being too quiet and sometimes not playing.
-Reworked the trading obelisk system
-Added the final starter deck.
-Fixed the Portrait Mage sometimes appearing as a streak of paint.
-Stat Icons now show the correct rulebook page.
-Cards the final boss summons in phase 3 after the giant card is defeated no longer attack on the same turn.
-Improved most of the art (thanks to Nevernamed).
-Rabbits spawned by the performer will now be the same color as the mox in your side deck.
-Nerfed Chime Mage.
-Fixed the Lonely Wizard boss softlocking when there are no available spaces to play the phase 2 card.
-Fixed issues with the Spell Upgrade event.
-Chime Mage's chimes will now have the leader sigil properly display.
-Fixed the newest API version softlocking the mod! (Thanks API devs for this)
-Fixed the Mana Heart anti challenge not working. -
-Kaycees overhaul! Redid a bunch of boring/unfair challenges.
-Added the final challenge.
-Added Achievements!
-You can now choose which spell to draw from your spell deck.
-Changed the color of skulls to be purple and green.
-Added and reworked some starter decks.
-Improved the minimap.
-The render distance will decrease based on your graphics setting (for lag reduction)
-Fixed a bug with the queued card portrait rendering as a picture from leshy's cabin.
-Your thumb should no longer stick through the card.
-The Cost Change event and the Enchanted Grounds no longer softlock if you have no valid cards.
-Fixed an issue with the Multiplication sigil on mana cost cards.
-If there are no valid spell cards at a choice, the game no longer softlocks.
-Cards with the uncuttable trait will remove your hammer (similar to the ouroberyl).
-A whole lot more
-Optimised the Goo Dungeon, (it should be less laggy now)
-Fixed an error message when exiting the shop.
-Spell of Magnus Mox's sigils now appear in the rulebook.
-Background objects in Void Dungeon battles are now properly lit.
-Added a new curse. -
Clipse of Light
-Lighting overhaul! The mod now has dynamic lighting and is generally moodier.
-Added another secret config option.
-Orange mage is now a 0/2
-Gembound Ripper is now a 4/1
-Buffed Coffee Mage
-Redone Spell Sigil Icons by annebean.
-Fixed Bleene's Calculus only swapping base stats.
-Added the red text popups when a challenge is activated.
-Battle animations have been made faster.
-Added a transition between the end of a boss battle and the rare card choice.
-The transition between a boss and the tower is now faster.
-When a battle ends, cards that fly away now have the proper card back.
-Fixed walls sometimes being janky (overlapping/spawning inside eachother).
-Fixed a softlock when using certain spells on the moon.
-Fixed a softlock when entering a battle quickly after checking your deck.
-Fixed a bug with ouroberyl being able to be hammered.
-Fixed multiplication sigil not working.
-2 Different costs can now be displayed on a card.
-Tutorials now appear in KCM.
-Fixed a softlock when the moon attacks directly.
-Fixed a softlock related to the spell of magnus mox.
-Fixed cards displacing position in the trader event. -
-You can now sacrifice spells at Enchanted Grounds, but maybe it's not worth it..
-Some new cards.
-Added an animation and sfx when sacrificing cards.
-Tweaked the likeliness of certain events appearing.
-In the magnificus boss fight, if you have less than 5 health when a new phase starts, you regain 5 health.
-Nerfed magnificus' fight.
-Fixed a softlock with the card merge node.
-Fixed Card Events sometimes softlocking in story mode.
-Fixed audio cutting out after beating Magnificus.
-Fixed issues with overkilling cards with a Revivor on the board.
-Mismagius can no longer mimic the moon, (thanks trobby).
-Fixed Mismagius not giving gems when transforming into a mox.
-Fixed issues with the Cauldron Event.
-Blood and Mana are now completely seperate costs (for custom card creation).
-Energy and Bones correctly display now. -
-Fixed a horrible awful softlock. -
The Release
-The Magnificus Boss fight and the final area are fully complete!
-Added the Lonely Wizard's event (that unlocks after you beat him).
-4 new Spell Cards (ideas by ara)
-Reworked Orlu's Phoenix.
-Redone Card Event Icons (by ener, with tweaks from me).
-Lonely Mage's turn timer is now more forgiving.
-Added a synergy, where if a card has both the Ruby Heart and Emerald Heart sigils, it will drop a Goranj's Mox.
-Emerald Maniac's health is now green.
-Fixed Submerge Cards blocking all damage.
-Emerald Maniac no longer dies if the opponent plays it first, even when there are gems in queue.
-Fixed card events changing upon reentering the run.
-Fixed a visual bug where the overkill animation would display, even though the opposing card was shielded.
-The KCM Pause Screen now displays the dungeon name instead of "MAP #X"
-View Deck Button has been added to the KCM Pause Screen.
-Fixed not being able to exit the pause menu using the keyboard/mouse after using the View Deck button.
-Added text that appears if you can't play a card that costs two of the same gems.
-Fixed some problematic room layouts.
-Fixed the weaker bleach challenge not working.
-Fixed another exploit with card events. -
3.1.4 - PI PatchesTM
-Fixed the softlock when an enemy would play a Gem Guardian.
-Buffed Performer. (the rabbit now counts as a gem and gives you a sapphire mox)
-The Portrait Mage event should now pick gem costs from those which are in your deck.
-Fixed an issue with the boss teleporter pedestal showing the incorrect sigil.
-Fixed certain rare cards not showing up.
-Added some more mage cards.
-Fixed Edaxio in area 3 making the whole area dark.
-Copies of a card from the Displacement and the Multiplication sigil now keep their modifications.
-Tweaks to Dungeon Generation and room layouts to (hopefuly) prevent softlocks. -
3.1.3 - Annoyance FixesTM
-Fixed the secret fight not working.
-Added some more mana cards.
-New art for the menu card and gem shielder by ener.
-Card Events now use the entire deck instead of a small section of it.
-Upgraded spells now have a unique decal.
-Actually fixed the bleach node this time.
-Brittle can no longer be bleached with the weaker bleach challenge.
-Goobert's node no longer softlocks the game when used twice in one game.
-Fixed not being able to re-select your card in goobert's node.
-Fixed queued cards having the wrong card back.
-Fixed the starter decks screen not showing up if you have a challenge level of 1 in vanilla KCM.
-Fixed the position of the shielded gems challenge.
-Fixed the retry button on the KCM end screen.
-Fixed a visual bug where if you had too many cards in your deck, the duel disk deck pile would "overflow".
-Tweaked the amount of challenge points certain challenges give you. -
3.1.1 & 3.1.2- Hotfix
-Fixed a softlock that happenes when an enemy plays certain spells. -
3.1.0 -
Area 3
-Added the Void Dungeon after amber.
-Fixes with card events.
-The bleaching event should no longer not bleach a remaining sigil, and now has a little bleach pot.
-Added a secret spell unlocked from Amber's node.
-Fixed Amber's node ending after you select a picked spell.
-The Card Cost Change event's button is now the color of the gem cost that the card will change into.
-More room deigns and battle blueprints.
-Amber's phase 2 now has spells
-Fixed a bug where the Boss Teleport Pillar would sometimes not work properly.
-Fixed a bug where your footstep sounds would turn into goo after completing the boss teleport pillar.
-Rare Familiars have been buffed.
-Buffed Bleene's Ability.
-Buffed Chime Mage.
-Updated Stim Machine (Now Stimbot) artwork.
-Fixed amorphous loading latch sigils or other illegal act 3 sigils.
-Fixes with how cards are rendered in battles.
-Fixed Act2 Magnus Mox showing up in rare card choices.
-Portait Mages no longer lag the game upon being loaded.
-Fixed a softlock related to an API issue.
-Optimised battles, Goobert should no longer crash the game after a while.
-Slight visual fixes to the enchantment event. -
-Fixed the mod not starting on occasion. -
-Dungeon Generation Optimisation! The mod now runs much faster and smoother, crashes should be less frequent.
-2 New events! A rare card drawing node (supposed to be for area 3 but whatever), and an event that appears after you beat Amber for the first time.
-Card Battles and Card Events have shadows now!! Yay
-Story events in the mod are now saved to the mod save data, instead of the main game save.
-The Kaycee Handler DLL is now part of the main MagnificusMod DLL
-Secret Finale Card Back Mode
-Card Cost Choice events can no longer have mana as an option
-Stat Icons now appear in the rulebook (sorta)
-Better Card and Sigil art, (made by NeverNamed which I didn't implement until now :c)
-Fixed a crash that happens when you hover over your deck at card choice events
-Fixed Mox bought from the shop not being added to your deck
-Fixed your deck turning into act 1 cards when re-entering the game
-Finishing a run now unlocks stuff that happens when you die -
-Balance tweaks!
-Alchemist - 0/1
-Every spell now costs 1 mana
-Blueprint rebalancing
-Crash fixes? I think?
-The gem pedestal in Amber's area can now be rotated counter clockwise -
We're Back
-Prety much just demo 3 ported onto thunderstore, but with some slight tweaks, art changes, balancing and bug fixes.