All options explained

Updated a week ago


Pretty simple: a string with the name of your loadout. Ideally it should be unique.

Required; no default value.

< (C#) icon | iconPath (JSON) >

< (C#) A Texture2D with your loadout's icon | A string with the path to a .png file in your mod's folder (JSON) >, for displaying on the selection screen.

Required; no default value.


An int with the KCM challenge level your loadout should unlock at.

Defaults to 0 (always unlocked).


A string with the item that will be in the spot the Pliers usually occupy. That is to say, it will be removed if the "Smaller Pack" challenge is enabled. Important note: If you want to use a modded item in your loadout, while most options have a . between the mod's GUID and the name of the thing, in the case of items you should format the name like [mod GUID]_[item name] (using an underscore in place of a period).

Defaults to "" (no item). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of item IDs in vanilla.


A string with the item that will be in the spot the Squirrel Bottle usually occupies. That is to say, it will stay even if the "Smaller Pack" challenge is enabled. Important note: If you want to use a modded item in your loadout, while most options have a . between the mod's GUID and the name of the thing, in the case of items you should format the name like [mod GUID]_[item name] (using an underscore in place of a period).

Defaults to "" (no item). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of item IDs in vanilla.


A string with the item that will be in the spot the Fish Hook usually occupies. That is to say, it will always be there unless the "No Hook" challenge is enabled. Important note: If you want to use a modded item in your loadout, while most options have a . between the mod's GUID and the name of the thing, in the case of items you should format the name like [mod GUID]_[item name] (using an underscore in place of a period).

Defaults to "" (no item). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of item IDs in vanilla.


A string with the tribe of the pre-assembled totem the player should start the run with. Note that this will have no effect if currentTotemBottom is not filled out as well.

Defaults to "" (no totem top). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of tribe IDs in vanilla.


A string with the sigil of the pre-assembled totem the player should start the run with. Note that this will have no effect if currentTotemTop is not filled out as well.

Defaults to "" (no totem bottom).


A list of strings with the tribes the player should start with totem tops for.

Defaults to [] (no totem tops). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of tribe IDs in vanilla.


A list of strings with the tribes the player should start with totem tops for.

Defaults to [] (no totem bottoms).


A list of strings with the cards the player should start the run with outside of their main starter deck (like Rabbit Pelts in vanilla).

Defaults to [] (no bonus cards).


A list of strings with the cards that should replace the usual bonus cards one by one when the player has prematurely ended one or more previous run (like Opossum and Ring Worm in vanilla).

Defaults to [] (no penalty).


A string with the type of node the player should visit first (like Trade Pelts in vanilla). Does not support modded nodes.

Defaults to "" (random node). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of node types.


A string with the type of node the player should visit first if they quit two or more previous runs (like how the Trade Pelts node disappears in vanilla). Does not support modded nodes.

Defaults to "" (random node). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of node types.


An int with the number of teeth the player should start the run with.

Defaults to 0 (no teeth).


A string with the region the player should always start in when using the loadout (like how vanilla Act 1 always starts you in the Woodlands).

Defaults to "" (random region). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of region IDs in vanilla.


A list of strings with the boons the player should have throughout the run.

Defaults to [] (no boons). Check the "Useful lists" page for a list of boon IDs in vanilla.