
Updated 9 months ago


Here are all the Sigils in the pack so far.

Sigil Description Additional Notes
Cub Protector When a cub is attacked, attack the attacker Currently unavailable, would've been found on the "Wolf Mother".
Loyalty When any friendly card is hurt, attack the attacker Normally found on the "Dog".
Matching Pair When two identical cards are placed next to one another, both cards gain 2 attack Normally found on the "Old Boot", and acts terribly on other cards.
Mighty Dive When a card with this sigil is opposed by a waterborne card, attack the waterborne card Normally found on the "Osprey".
Squirrel Generator On the end of your turn, add a squirrel to your hand Normally found on the "Sacrifice Generator".
Summon Gold Pay 2 bones to create gold piles on the left and right of this card Normally found on the "Goblin".
Horde When a card with this sigil is sacrificed to a card with the same name, add the power of the sacrificed card to the new card Normally found on the "Fly", becomes overpowered if mixed with two "Ouroboros"