Updated 9 months agoSigils
Here are all the Sigils in the pack so far.
Sigil | Description | Additional Notes |
Currently unavailable, would've been found on the "Wolf Mother". | ||
Loyalty | When any friendly card is hurt, attack the attacker | Normally found on the "Dog". |
Matching Pair | When two identical cards are placed next to one another, both cards gain 2 attack | Normally found on the "Old Boot", and acts terribly on other cards. |
Mighty Dive | When a card with this sigil is opposed by a waterborne card, attack the waterborne card | Normally found on the "Osprey". |
Squirrel Generator | On the end of your turn, add a squirrel to your hand | Normally found on the "Sacrifice Generator". |
Summon Gold | Pay 2 bones to create gold piles on the left and right of this card | Normally found on the "Goblin". |
Horde | When a card with this sigil is sacrificed to a card with the same name, add the power of the sacrificed card to the new card | Normally found on the "Fly", becomes overpowered if mixed with two "Ouroboros" |