
Updated 9 months ago


Here are all the cards in the pack so far.

Cards Cost Sigils Additional Notes
Ant Hill 3 Bones Ant Spawner & Undying Rare Card, although also given in "Bone Party" and "Insect Rebellion" Starter Decks
Armadillo 2 Blood Shield, Fledgling Will switch between hiding (0/6) and attacking (1/3) each turn. Idea from Reddit
Armoured Bear 6 Energy Frozen Away Rare Card, although also given in "Robot Uprising" Starter Deck. Releases Bear upon death
Beekeeper 2 Blood Frozen Away & Bees Inside Rare Card, although given in "Insect Rebellion" Starter Deck. Bees released are instead "Queen Bee". Releases Queen Bee upon death
Blind Mole Free None Side Deck exclusive. Basically a regular mole card, but it won't move to protect you. -20 challenge points.
Bone Extractor 4 Energy Bone Digger & Enlarge Rare Card, although also given in "Bone Party" Starter Deck. Attack power is half the amount of bones you currently have
Box Jellyfish 2 Blood Sharp Quills & Touch of Death Deadly, but lacks a brain. Has 0 base attack and 1 health, and can kill the survivors if lost in the campfire. Idea from Reddit.
Card Scavenger 1 Blood & 4 Bones Rabbit Hole & Brittle & Hoarder Rare Card
Ceptionist 3 Blood Frozen Away & Undying Rare Card. Releases "Rattler" upon death
Crow 4 Bones Airborne, Scavenger, Fecundancy Idea from Reddit
Dirt Hill Free Made of Stone & Frozen Away A pile of dirt that cannot be sacrificed. Upon death, releases "Acorn Hill", a 0/4 card with "Morsel" and "Worthy Sacrifice". Idea from Reddit
Dog 1 Blood Loyalty Ready to protect all of your cards. Evolves into wolf if given the chance. Idea from Reddit
Fly 1 Blood Horde Weak when alone, but with multiple of this card, it can become unstoppable. Idea from Reddit
Forests Wrath Free Made of Stone & Sharp Quills & Mighty leap & Trifurcated Strike & Permadeath Unobtainable through normal means, but is released from "Strange Growth". Idea from Reddit
Fox 2 Blood Sprinter The foxxo moves. Was buffed due to Reddit.
Gargoyle 3 Blood Airborne & Made Of Stone Rare Card. Literally the Child 13 sprite with some small edits. Idea from forms
Goblin 1 Blood Summon Gold Rare Card. Pay 2 bones to activate its ability. Idea from Reddit
Hiding Squirrel Free Fledgeling Side Deck exclusive. Cannot be sacrificed. Evolves into squirrel after 1 turn. +15 challenge points.
Ink Mage Blue mox None When placed, any Living Ink cards directly to the left or right will be transformed. Idea from Reddit. (first of my cards to have a mox cost)
Living Ink 1 Blood Stinky Will change from (0/1) to (1/1) and gain Omni-Strike when a "Ink mage" is placed next to it. Idea from Reddit
Loch Ness Monster 4 Blood None Rare Card. Has a special ability "Retreat", giving the card the "Submerge" sigil when it reaches less than 3 health. Idea from Reddit.
Malfunction 4 Energy Trifurcated Strike & Null Conduit Normal card, although also given in "Robot Uprising" Starter Deck. Almost the same as the "Splinter Cell", minus 1 health and the sigils are separate.
Mantis King 1 Blood Bifurcated Strike Rare card, although also given in "Mantis Trio" starter deck. It's just a worse Mantis God. Idea from Reddit
Mirror Bot 3 Energy Armored Normal card, although also given in "Robot Uprising" Starter Deck. Its attack is the same as its opposing card.
Old Boot 1 Blood Matching Pair Starts with no attack, but will gain attack from being next to other boots. Idea from Reddit
Osprey 3 Blood Submerged & Mighty Dive Idea from Reddit
Queen Bee 1 Blood Airborne A more powerful bee. Cannot normally be obtained, although is given in "Insect Rebellion" Starter Deck and released upon hit/death of BeeKeeper
Sacrifice Generator 2 Energy Squirrel Generator Creates a squirrel every turn it's on the board.
Skeleton Bear 8 Bones Brittle & Frozen Away Rare card. Releases a bone upon death
Starved Deer 2 Bones None You know the opossum? Yeah, that but 3 health and on hooved tribe now. Normal card, although also given in "Bone Party" Starter Deck
Strange Growth 3 Bones Made of Stone & Mighty Leap & Frozen Away & Permadeath Rare Card. Releases "Forests Wrath" upon death. Idea from Reddit
Undying Tortoise 3 Blood Graveyard Shift Rare Card. When killed, it will go into a shell for 3 turns, after which it will come out and attack again. If killed while in the shell, it dies.
Weaver Ant 1 Blood Sniper Able to aim its acid spit, taking down any card slot with the power of the ant tribe. Idea from Reddit
Wilter Free Death Bell & Danger! Side Deck exclusive. While on the board, dies when the bell is rung. Deals 1 damage to slot in front of it when dead (not when sacrificed). This can deal direct damage to the scales if unopposed. -15 challenge points.
Wolf Mother 3 Blood Frozen Away Normal card, although also given in "Wolf Tribe" Starter Deck. Releases "Wolf Cub" upon death. +1 health and -1 attack when compared to normal wolf