Updated 9 months agoCards
Here are all the cards in the pack so far.
Cards | Cost | Sigils | Additional Notes |
Ant Hill | 3 Bones | Ant Spawner & Undying | Rare Card, although also given in "Bone Party" and "Insect Rebellion" Starter Decks |
Armadillo | 2 Blood | Shield, Fledgling | Will switch between hiding (0/6) and attacking (1/3) each turn. Idea from Reddit |
Armoured Bear | 6 Energy | Frozen Away | Rare Card, although also given in "Robot Uprising" Starter Deck. Releases Bear upon death |
Beekeeper | 2 Blood | Frozen Away & Bees Inside | Rare Card, although given in "Insect Rebellion" Starter Deck. Bees released are instead "Queen Bee". Releases Queen Bee upon death |
Blind Mole | Free | None | Side Deck exclusive. Basically a regular mole card, but it won't move to protect you. -20 challenge points. |
Bone Extractor | 4 Energy | Bone Digger & Enlarge | Rare Card, although also given in "Bone Party" Starter Deck. Attack power is half the amount of bones you currently have |
Box Jellyfish | 2 Blood | Sharp Quills & Touch of Death | Deadly, but lacks a brain. Has 0 base attack and 1 health, and can kill the survivors if lost in the campfire. Idea from Reddit. |
Card Scavenger | 1 Blood & 4 Bones | Rabbit Hole & Brittle & Hoarder | Rare Card |
Ceptionist | 3 Blood | Frozen Away & Undying | Rare Card. Releases "Rattler" upon death |
Crow | 4 Bones | Airborne, Scavenger, Fecundancy | Idea from Reddit |
Dirt Hill | Free | Made of Stone & Frozen Away | A pile of dirt that cannot be sacrificed. Upon death, releases "Acorn Hill", a 0/4 card with "Morsel" and "Worthy Sacrifice". Idea from Reddit |
Dog | 1 Blood | Loyalty | Ready to protect all of your cards. Evolves into wolf if given the chance. Idea from Reddit |
Fly | 1 Blood | Horde | Weak when alone, but with multiple of this card, it can become unstoppable. Idea from Reddit |
Forests Wrath | Free | Made of Stone & Sharp Quills & Mighty leap & Trifurcated Strike & Permadeath | Unobtainable through normal means, but is released from "Strange Growth". Idea from Reddit |
Fox | 2 Blood | Sprinter | The foxxo moves. Was buffed due to Reddit. |
Gargoyle | 3 Blood | Airborne & Made Of Stone | Rare Card. Literally the Child 13 sprite with some small edits. Idea from forms |
Goblin | 1 Blood | Summon Gold | Rare Card. Pay 2 bones to activate its ability. Idea from Reddit |
Hiding Squirrel | Free | Fledgeling | Side Deck exclusive. Cannot be sacrificed. Evolves into squirrel after 1 turn. +15 challenge points. |
Ink Mage | Blue mox | None | When placed, any Living Ink cards directly to the left or right will be transformed. Idea from Reddit. (first of my cards to have a mox cost) |
Living Ink | 1 Blood | Stinky | Will change from (0/1) to (1/1) and gain Omni-Strike when a "Ink mage" is placed next to it. Idea from Reddit |
Loch Ness Monster | 4 Blood | None | Rare Card. Has a special ability "Retreat", giving the card the "Submerge" sigil when it reaches less than 3 health. Idea from Reddit. |
Malfunction | 4 Energy | Trifurcated Strike & Null Conduit | Normal card, although also given in "Robot Uprising" Starter Deck. Almost the same as the "Splinter Cell", minus 1 health and the sigils are separate. |
Mantis King | 1 Blood | Bifurcated Strike | Rare card, although also given in "Mantis Trio" starter deck. It's just a worse Mantis God. Idea from Reddit |
Mirror Bot | 3 Energy | Armored | Normal card, although also given in "Robot Uprising" Starter Deck. Its attack is the same as its opposing card. |
Old Boot | 1 Blood | Matching Pair | Starts with no attack, but will gain attack from being next to other boots. Idea from Reddit |
Osprey | 3 Blood | Submerged & Mighty Dive | Idea from Reddit |
Queen Bee | 1 Blood | Airborne | A more powerful bee. Cannot normally be obtained, although is given in "Insect Rebellion" Starter Deck and released upon hit/death of BeeKeeper |
Sacrifice Generator | 2 Energy | Squirrel Generator | Creates a squirrel every turn it's on the board. |
Skeleton Bear | 8 Bones | Brittle & Frozen Away | Rare card. Releases a bone upon death |
Starved Deer | 2 Bones | None | You know the opossum? Yeah, that but 3 health and on hooved tribe now. Normal card, although also given in "Bone Party" Starter Deck |
Strange Growth | 3 Bones | Made of Stone & Mighty Leap & Frozen Away & Permadeath | Rare Card. Releases "Forests Wrath" upon death. Idea from Reddit |
Undying Tortoise | 3 Blood | Graveyard Shift | Rare Card. When killed, it will go into a shell for 3 turns, after which it will come out and attack again. If killed while in the shell, it dies. |
Weaver Ant | 1 Blood | Sniper | Able to aim its acid spit, taking down any card slot with the power of the ant tribe. Idea from Reddit |
Wilter | Free | Death Bell & Danger! | Side Deck exclusive. While on the board, dies when the bell is rung. Deals 1 damage to slot in front of it when dead (not when sacrificed). This can deal direct damage to the scales if unopposed. -15 challenge points. |
Wolf Mother | 3 Blood | Frozen Away | Normal card, although also given in "Wolf Tribe" Starter Deck. Releases "Wolf Cub" upon death. +1 health and -1 attack when compared to normal wolf |