Void Bone Pack
40+ bone new cards for act 1 to make pure bone decks a viable playing option when mixed with vanilla or other card packs. Includes starter decks for KCM and encounters.
By Void_Slime
View Changelog
- Readded Point Cost mode
- Bundle of Totems compatibility
- Updated Thunderstore page to be fully up-to-date
- Removed point cost config for now, as an API update broke it
- Fixed Thunderstore folder structure so it would work
- Removed point cost config for now, as an API update broke it
- Fixed Thunderstore folder structure so it would work
- Fixed Mad Bull
- Fixed pupate again
- Updated for latest api
- Fixed pupate
- Fixed Murder of Crows
- Added Scared Mouse
- Re-added Encounters
- New Card: Flowering Urchin
- New Card: Banded Diadem
- New Card: Manta Ray
- Changed the Tanuki line of cards to be Scavengers instead of bone diggers, to make them more unique.
- fixed some typos, causing errors when cards are loading
- Updated to API 2.0
- Adjusted the strength and cost of a lot of cards
- Removed Encounters for now
- Added Starter Decks
- Added Sea Urchin
- Removed SteelTrap from Strange Mole
- Added Frightful to Strange Mole (what I wanted it to have originally)
- Added the Enchidna
- Added the Torpedo Ray
- Made custom encounters work on the latest version
- Tweaked art for some cards (sorry cant remember what!)
- Renamed Burrowing Trap to Strange Mole
- Renamed Vampire Bat to Spectral Bat and gave it a different ability
- Lowered Komodo Dragon's health down (lets be real, it didnt need 8 health)
- Fixed Giant tortise being called Spotted Torpedo
- Adjusted various card stats. sorry too many stats over too long of a period to remember exactly everything.
- Raised Oppossum back to 2 bones. I thought I did this already
- Added Point Cost Mode
- Updated Icon
- fixed missing trap art
- downgraded to 1.13.0 api version so custom encounters can work
- Fixed inconsistancy that shows up at times with Murder of Crow's Board wipe
- Removed Pathetic Sacrifice protecting cards from Murder of Crows (for now, will return later)
- Updated to latest API version
- Updated to latest all the sigils version
- Updated to latest unofficial patch version
- Fixed beetle laerva's name
- Added Undead Axolotl to the side decks if you have the side-deck mod installed. However it gives less bones from the side deck
- Fixed tanuki pup showing up if side deck is installed
- Lowered attack of tanuki by 1 and health by 1 (from 2/3 to 1/2)
- lowered attack of mythical tanuki by 1 and health by 1 (from 3/4 to 2/3)
- tried to fix murder of crows. it should wipe out the board other than itself, the terrain, and the moon.
- Fixed encounters being bugged
- Fixed Hurt wolf not costing 3 bones
- Fixed encounters being bugged
- Fixed Hurt wolf not costing 3 bones
- Restructured the mod from a jsonloader mod to a .dll
- Added Crab Stall encounter for all regions
- Added Beetle Rush encounter to Wetlands
- Added Reptile King encounter to Wetlands
- Added Bull Rush encounter to Snowline
- Added Config options for vanilla tweaks and Encounters
- Adjusted the art on a lot of cards to stop them from being hidden by infused sigils or costs
- Renamed Rabbit of Python to Beast of Caerbannog
- Renamed Angler fish to a specific type of anglerfish: the Black Seadevil
- Added unique 'tail' for the angler fish/Black Seadevil
- Lowered cost of Tanuki pup from 1 to 0. If vanilla is able to give a 0/1 single turn evolve, I can do a 0/1 three turn evolve and be fine.
- Added unique 'tail' for Bell Turtle: scrap.
- Buffed the poor vanilla rattler. He now has Toxin (sickening)
- Nerfed oppossum. Went back to 2 bones from 1.
- Updated to the latest sigil version
- Fixed typo causing the hurt wolf to not have Tribe attack
- Updated to the latest sigil version
- Added Rabbit of Python, which can only be found at choice nodes (no trader)
- Added Bell Turtle (which can only be found at the trader)
- Added Broken Bell Turtle (which can only be found at choice nodes)
- Added Hurt Wolf
- Removed Decales from cards and added the unofficial patch as a requirement
- Added Custom sigil pupate for beetle larva. Making what ever pupate is on, turn into a beetle after 3 upkeeps.
- Fixed Rhino beetle not being insect
- Fixed all tortises / turtles not being reptile
- Added Jeweled Scarab
- Added Spider Crab
- Added Fiddler Crab
- Added Jade Serpent
- Added Bombardier Beetle
- Please uninstall and resubscribe to the mod, as the tanuki pup as been moved inside the dll. so his left over art will be left over and cause issues otherwise
- Adjusted the tanuki pup to be internal and a bit more dynamic. If the mod doesn't detect the side deck mod, he will cost 1 bone. if it does, it will remove him from the standard pool and add him to the side deck list
- Fixed Softlock with the steak and cow by just adding the steak to your hand
- Bone piles now give quad bones since the extra sigils mod fixed enemy quadbone units from giving you bones
- Added Kodiak
- Added Beetle Larvae
- Added Wild Cow
- Added Owl Familiar
- Added Tanuki Pup
- Added Tanuki
- Added Mythical Tanuki
- Added Rare Card: Dairy Cow
- Added Rare Card: Murder of Crows
- Added Rare Token: Steak
- Added Rare Token: Bone Pile
- Adjusted Rattler to be 5 bones instead of 6
- Lowered the cost of most Expensive bone cards by 1 or 2
- Lowered Cost of Wolverine by 1, but also lowered it's hp by 1
- Buffed Komodo Dragon by a lot to make him more worth 10 bones + 1 blood
- Changed Wasp Swarm to a unique ability: Draw Wasp from Copy Self
- Added Spotted Tortoise
- Added Long Neck tortoise
- Added Spiny Turtle
- Added Rhino Beetle
- Added multiple new cards based on the artwork of YisusWhy, who said it was free to use
- My Extra Sigils mod is now required, as it has a few sigils that I intended to use for this mod
- Undead Axolotle and Undead Salmon are now Pathetic Sacrifices instead of Brittle, meaning they have to get killed in combat for the quad bones
- Wasp Swarm's Cost as now increased, and has Double Attack instead of flying like originally intended
- Coyote has been tweaked as in the initial version of this mod, since the bone digger bug has been patched
- Wolverine has 1 more health and 0 attack now instead of 1/4, but is now vicious
- Bone Lord's Art has been updated to feature the Bone lord instead of just his horn (inteded for another card)
- Adjusted the stinkbug art a tiny bit NEW rare card: Carrion Beetle
- New Card: Coconut Crab
- The curse of copy-pasta strikes. Well Fixed the Komodo dragon to actually cost blood and to actually be poisonous. Also he now kills survivors if you warm him too much by the fire
- Adjusted Undead Axolotl and Undead Salmon to be unsaccable based on feedback
- Updated Pack Icon art to be in the bottom right hand side, with a new and better icon