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4902-No_Console_Spam-1.6.0 icon

No Console Spam

Adds a cooldown to messages that are logged every frame

By 4902
Date uploaded a day ago
Version 1.6.0
Download link
Downloads 5264
Dependency string 4902-No_Console_Spam-1.6.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5


Adds a cooldown to strings that commonly spam the console so that they can't be logged again while they're on cooldown. The number of frames the cooldowns last for (and whether they're enabled) can be individually changed in the config

List of strings that can have cooldowns:

01-"Average velocity: {0}"
02-"Targetable A"
03-"Set destination to target player A"
03-"Set destination to target player B"
04-"Level up timer: {0}"
05-"FS 1"
05-"FS 2"
05-"FS 3"
05-"FS 4"
06-"Called teleport function on (player)"
07-"Desk: Waiting to grab the items on the desk; {0}"
07-"Desk: no objects on counter, waiting with door open; {0}"
08-"Shower is running with players inside!"
08-"spray decal #{0} found as child of {1}"
09-"agent speed: {0}"
10-"secondary use A"
10-"secondary use B"
10-"secondary use C"
10-"secondary use D"
10-"secondary use E"
10-"secondary use F"
10-"secondary use G"
11-"Player leave web called"
12-"Scan A"
12-"Scan B"
12-"Got shockable transform name :"
12-"Zap gun light off!!!"
12-"Target position: {0}"
12-"Gun not meeting conditions to zap; {0}; {1}; {2}"
12-"Stop shocking gun"
12-"Start scanning gun"
12-"Use patcher tool"
13-"Set local client speaking on walkie talkie: {0}"
13-"Walkie talkie A"
13-"Walkie talkie #{0} {1} B"
13-"is walkie being used: {0}"
13-"Walkie talkie #{0} {1} C"
13-"False A"
13-"False B"
13-"False C"
14-"HOLD horn local client called"
15-"dog '{0}': Heard noise! Distance: {1} meters"
15-"Mouth dog targetPos 1: {0}; distanceToNoise: {1}"
15-"Mouth dog targetPos 2: {0}"
15-"Dog lastheardnoisePosition: {0}"
15-"Setting lastHeardNoisePosition to {0}"
15-"Ending lunge"
16-"Current behaviour state: {0}"
17-": Setting target object and going towards it."
17-": i found an object but cannot reach it (or it has been taken by another bug):"
18-"Unable to get random nav mesh position in radius! Returning old pos"
19-"Set local player to sinking!"
19-"Quicksand is not sinking local player!"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player!"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player! B"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player! C"
20-"Player is not targetable"
21-"Noise heard relative loudness: {0}"
21-"Can't hear noise reason A"
21-"Can't hear noise reason B"
22-"Fox spotted meter: {0}"
22-"Fox A"
22-"Fox B"
22-"Fox C; {0}; {1}"
22-"Fox D"
22-"Fox E"
22-"Fox F"
22-"Fox G"
22-"Fox H"
22-"Fox I"
22-"Fox J"
22-"Bush wolf: No game objects found with spore tag; cancelling"
22-"{0}: Mold spore {1} at {2} surrounded by {3}"
22-"Bush wolf: Most surrounding spores is {0}"
22-"Bush wolf: All spores found were lone spores; cancelling"
23-"weeds found at pos {0}: {1}"
23-"Index: {0}"
23-"Mold iteration {0}"
23-"Spore duplication count: {0}"
23-"Mold #{0} of it#{1} pos: {2} ; {3}"
23-"previousSpores[{0}]: pos {1}, marked {2}"
23-"{0}; {1}; too close?: {2}"
23-"Adding mold to previously destroyed mold"
23-"Spore #{0} of iteration #{1} marked for deletion; \n found spore position?: {2}; \n stemmed from destroyed spore?: {3}; \n too close to other?: {4}"
23-"Added spore"
23-"Growing back mold at index {0}"
24-"{0}; {1}"
24-"Set on interact early"
25-"Collect items in truck A"
25-"Collect items in truck B; {0}"
25-"Collect items in truck C; {0}"
25-"{0}; {1}; {2}"
25-"Magneted? : {0}"
25-"Play collision audio with type {0} A"
26-"Setting position of ropes"
27-"Following player, like meter: {0}; decreasing loneliness by {1} * Time.deltaTime"
28-"grabInvalidated: {0}"
29-"Got player in physics region: {0}"
31-"Spraying, depleting tank"
32-"Start using spray"
32-"Spray empty"
32-"Spray not empty"
32-"Stop using spray"
33-"Flashlight click. playerheldby null?: {0}"
33-"Flashlight being disabled or enabled: {0}"
34-"Is being used set to {0} by RPC"

cs in zip. for suggestions on strings that could be added there is a release thread in the LC modding discord (+ other threads for my other mods)


-added cooldowns 30,31,32,33,34 with strings
31-"Spraying, depleting tank"
32-"Start using spray"
32-"Spray empty"
32-"Spray not empty"
32-"Stop using spray"
33-"Flashlight click. playerheldby null?: {0}"
33-"Flashlight being disabled or enabled: {0}"
34-"Is being used set to {0} by RPC"

-added cooldowns 28,29 with strings
28-"grabInvalidated: {0}"
29-"Got player in physics region: {0}"

-added cooldown 27 with string "Following player, like meter: {0}; decreasing loneliness by {1} * Time.deltaTime"

-added cooldown 26 with string "Setting position of ropes"
-added section text to config

-renamed class/namespace

-added cooldowns 22,23,24,25 with strings
22-"Fox spotted meter: {0}"
22-"Fox A"
22-"Fox B"
22-"Fox C; {0}; {1}"
22-"Fox D"
22-"Fox E"
22-"Fox F"
22-"Fox G"
22-"Fox H"
22-"Fox I"
22-"Fox J"
22-"Bush wolf: No game objects found with spore tag; cancelling"
22-"{0}: Mold spore {1} at {2} surrounded by {3}"
22-"Bush wolf: Most surrounding spores is {0}"
22-"Bush wolf: All spores found were lone spores; cancelling"
23-"weeds found at pos {0}: {1}"
23-"Index: {0}"
23-"Mold iteration {0}"
23-"Spore duplication count: {0}"
23-"Mold #{0} of it#{1} pos: {2} ; {3}"
23-"previousSpores[{0}]: pos {1}, marked {2}"
23-"{0}; {1}; too close?: {2}"
23-"Adding mold to previously destroyed mold"
23-"Spore #{0} of iteration #{1} marked for deletion; \n found spore position?: {2}; \n stemmed from destroyed spore?: {3}; \n too close to other?: {4}"
23-"Added spore"
23-"Growing back mold at index {0}"
24-"{0}; {1}"
24-"Set on interact early"
25-"Collect items in truck A"
25-"Collect items in truck B; {0}"
25-"Collect items in truck C; {0}"
25-"{0}; {1}; {2}"
25-"Magneted? : {0}"
25-"Play collision audio with type {0} A"
-added source code to the changelog

-added cooldowns 19,20,21 with strings
19-"Set local player to sinking!"
19-"Quicksand is not sinking local player!"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player!"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player! B"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player! C"
20-"Player is not targetable"
21-"Noise heard relative loudness: {0}"
21-"Can't hear noise reason A"
21-"Can't hear noise reason B"

Source code


using BindingFlags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags; using GetField = System.Reflection; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Configuration; using GameNetcodeStuff; using UnityEngine; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using MonoMod.Cil; using MonoMod.Utils; using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour; namespace bunny { [BepInPlugin("4902.No_Console_Spam", "No_Console_Spam", "1.0.0")] public class no_console_spam : BaseUnityPlugin { private static ConfigEntry<bool> yeet; private static ConfigEntry<uint>[] cfg = new ConfigEntry<uint>[34+1]; private static ConfigEntry<string> cdlist; private static uint cd_01; //average velocity private static uint cd_02; //targetable a private static uint cd_03; //set destination a/b private static uint cd_04; //level timer private static uint cd_05; //fs 1-4 private static uint cd_06; //called teleport function private static uint cd_07; //company desk timer private static uint cd_08; //shower private static uint cd_09; //agent speed private static uint cd_10; //secondary use a-g private static uint cd_11; //player leave web private static uint cd_12; //zapgun private static uint cd_13; //walkie private static uint cd_14; //loud horn private static uint cd_15; //mouth dog private static uint cd_16; //behaviour state private static uint cd_17; //hoarder bug private static uint cd_18; //random nav private static uint cd_19; //quicksand private static uint cd_20; //not targetable private static uint cd_21; //masked private static uint cd_22; //fox private static uint cd_23; //bush private static uint cd_24; //hold interact private static uint cd_25; //truck private static uint cd_26; //ropes private static uint cd_27; //cavedweller private static uint cd_28; //grabinvalidated private static uint cd_29; //physics region private static uint cd_30; //item meshes private static uint cd_31; //weedkiller private static uint cd_32; //spraypaint private static uint cd_33; //flashlight private static uint cd_34; //item being used private void Awake() { string s1 = "number of frames this string should be on cooldown for after being logged. set to 0 to disable the string completely"; string s2 = "number of frames these strings should be on cooldown for after being logged. set to 0 to disable the strings completely"; yeet = Config.Bind("#", "enabled", true, "whether this mod should be enabled or not\ndefault cooldown values are assuming 60 frames per second, with higher or lower fps you may want to adjust the values"); cdlist = Config.Bind("#", "cd_list", "{01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34}", "if you want to disable individual cooldowns, or if you want to see a variable in a string that the original string would've had (like cd_04), you can disable the cooldown related to that string with this option, which will prevent the transpiler/il from modifying those cooldowns related strings and will be the same as vanilla. to remove a cooldown remove its number from this configs string"); cfg[1] = Config.Bind("#", "01_cooldown", 180u, "[average velocity]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: while using the jetpack or while flower snakes are lifting the player\nfrequency: every frame\n(PlayerControllerB.Update)\n\"Average velocity: {0}\""); cd_01 = cfg[1].Value; cfg[2] = Config.Bind("#", "02_cooldown", 480u, "[targetable a]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: roughly when certain enemies check if the player is targetable while they're in the ship\nfrequency: every frame (per enemy)\n(EnemyAI.PlayerIsTargetable)\n\"Targetable A\""); cd_02 = cfg[2].Value; cfg[3] = Config.Bind("#", "03_cooldown", 480u, "[set destination a/b]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: roughly when an enemy sees a player and is going towards them\nfrequency: every frame (per enemy)\n(EnemyAI.Update)\n\"Set destination to target player A\"\n\"Set destination to target player B\""); cd_03 = cfg[3].Value; cfg[4] = Config.Bind("#", "04_cooldown", 60u, "[level timer]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: during the xp increase/decrease animation after the end of a round\nfrequency: every frame for a short duration\n(HUDManager.SetPlayerLevelSmoothly)\n\"Level up timer: {0}\""); cd_04 = cfg[4].Value; cfg[5] = Config.Bind("#", "05_cooldown", 600u, "[fs 1-4]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: flower snakes existing during a round\nfrequency: every few frames (per flower snake)\n(FlowerSnakeEnemy.DoAIInterval)\n\"FS 1\"\n\"FS 2\"\n\"FS 3\"\n\"FS 4\""); cd_05 = cfg[5].Value; cfg[6] = Config.Bind("#", "06_cooldown", 180u, "[called teleport function]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: anytime TeleportPlayer() is called, most notably while the player is waiting to be respawned while in orbit it will log every frame\nfrequency: either infrequently or every frame\n(PlayerControllerB.TeleportPlayer)\n\"Called teleport function on (player)\""); cd_06 = cfg[6].Value; cfg[7] = Config.Bind("#", "07_cooldown", 60u, "[company desk timer]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: while host and while the desk door is open\nfrequency: every frame for a short duration\n(DepositItemsDesk.Update)\n\"Desk: Waiting to grab the items on the desk; {0}\"\n\"Desk: no objects on counter, waiting with door open; {0}\""); cd_07 = cfg[7].Value; cfg[8] = Config.Bind("#", "08_cooldown", 600u, "[shower]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: while the shower is on and there is spray paint anywhere, and while the shower is on and spray paint is on a player\nfrequency: every frame\n(ShowerTrigger.Update)\n\"Shower is running with players inside!\"\n\"spray decal #{0} found as child of {1}\""); cd_08 = cfg[8].Value; cfg[9] = Config.Bind("#", "09_cooldown", 180u, "[agent speed]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: while a giant was chasing a player and then lost sight of the player\nfrequency: every frame for maybe a short duration\n(ForestGiantAI.Update)\n\"agent speed: {0}\""); cd_09 = cfg[9].Value; cfg[10] = Config.Bind("#", "10_cooldown", 0u, "[secondary use a-g]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: anytime the key that the item secondary use keybind is set to is pressed\nfrequency: up to 7 strings once per press\n(PlayerControllerB.ItemSecondaryUse_performed)\n\"secondary use A\"\n\"secondary use B\"\n\"secondary use C\"\n\"secondary use D\"\n\"secondary use E\"\n\"secondary use F\"\n\"secondary use G\""); cd_10 = cfg[10].Value; cfg[11] = Config.Bind("#", "11_cooldown", 1u, "[player leave web]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: when a player leaves a web or other stuff like going through an entrance\nfrequency: once per web, so with 10 webs it would log 10 lines in 1 frame. cooldown doesn't need to be anything above 1\n(SandSpiderWebTrap.PlayerLeaveWeb)\n\"Player leave web called\""); cd_11 = cfg[11].Value; cfg[12] = Config.Bind("#", "12_cooldown", 240u, "[zapgun]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: activating the zap gun and or zapping something\nfrequency: some strings (multiple times) on each activation and 1 string logged every frame while zapping something\n(PatcherTool.ScanGun)\n\"Scan A\"\n\"Scan B\"\n\"Got shockable transform name :\"\n\"Zap gun light off!!!\"\n(PatcherTool.GunMeetsConditionsToShock)\n\"Target position: {0}\"\n\"Gun not meeting conditions to zap; {0}; {1}; {2}\"\n(PatcherTool.ItemActivate)\n\"Stop shocking gun\"\n\"Start scanning gun\"\n\"Use patcher tool\""); cd_12 = cfg[12].Value; cfg[13] = Config.Bind("#", "13_cooldown", 240u, "[walkie]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: using the walkie\nfrequency: some strings on each activation\n(WalkieTalkie.SetLocalClientSpeaking)\n\"Set local client speaking on walkie talkie: {0}\"\n(WalkieTalkie.SendWalkieTalkieStartTransmissionSFX)\n\"Walkie talkie A\"\n\"Walkie talkie #{0} {1} B\"\n\"is walkie being used: {0}\"\n\"Walkie talkie #{0} {1} C\"\n(WalkieTalkie.PlayerIsHoldingAnotherWalkieTalkie)\n\"False A\"\n\"False B\"\n\"False C\"\n\"{0}\""); cd_13 = cfg[13].Value; cfg[14] = Config.Bind("#", "14_cooldown", 300u, "[loud horn]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: holding the cord\nfrequency: every frame\n(ShipAlarmCord.HoldCordDown)\n\"HOLD horn local client called\""); cd_14 = cfg[14].Value; cfg[15] = Config.Bind("#", "15_cooldown", 480u, "[mouth dog]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: dog hearing noise\nfrequency: some strings initially and 1 string logged maybe every frame if hearing continuous noise\n(MouthDogAI.DetectNoise)\n\"dog '{0}': Heard noise! Distance: {1} meters\"\n(MouthDogAI.EnrageDogOnLocalClient)\n\"Mouth dog targetPos 1: {0}; distanceToNoise: {1}\"\n\"Mouth dog targetPos 2: {0}\"\n\"Dog lastheardnoisePosition: {0}\"\n(MouthDogAI.ReactToOtherDogHowl)\n\"Setting lastHeardNoisePosition to {0}\"\n(MouthDogAI.EndLungeClientRpc)\n\"Ending lunge\""); cd_15 = cfg[15].Value; cfg[16] = Config.Bind("#", "16_cooldown", 600u, "[behaviour state]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: when an enemy changes behaviour state\nfrequency: not common per enemy, however since every enemy can log this it can end up being alot\n(EnemyAI.SwitchToBehaviourStateOnLocalClient)\n\"Current behaviour state: {0}\"\n\"CHANGING BEHAVIOUR STATE!!! to {0}\""); cd_16 = cfg[16].Value; cfg[17] = Config.Bind("#", "17_cooldown", 180u, "[hoarder bug]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: when a hoarder bug finds an item\nfrequency: every frame for maybe a short duration\n(HoarderBugAI.SetGoTowardsTargetObject)\n\": Setting target object and going towards it.\"\n\": i found an object but cannot reach it (or it has been taken by another bug):\""); cd_17 = cfg[17].Value; cfg[18] = Config.Bind("#", "18_cooldown", 300u, "[random nav]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: when some enemies search for a position on the map\nfrequency: usually low\n(RoundManager.GetRandomNavMeshPositionInRadius)\n\"Unable to get random nav mesh position in radius! Returning old pos\""); cd_18 = cfg[18].Value; cfg[19] = Config.Bind("#", "19_cooldown", 480u, "[quicksand]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: interacting with quicksand, can also be triggered by enemies\nfrequency: every frame for a short duration\n(QuicksandTrigger.OnTriggerStay)\n\"Set local player to sinking!\"\n(QuicksandTrigger.OnExit)\n\"Quicksand is not sinking local player!\"\n\"Quicksand is sinking local player!\"\n\"Quicksand is sinking local player! B\"\n\"Quicksand is sinking local player! C\""); cd_19 = cfg[19].Value; cfg[20] = Config.Bind("#", "20_cooldown", 180u, "[not targetable]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: player not being targetable while trying to be hit by an enemy (most commonly while invincable)\nfrequency: every frame for maybe a short duration\n(EnemyAI.MeetsStandardPlayerCollisionConditions)\n\"Player is not targetable\""); cd_20 = cfg[20].Value; cfg[21] = Config.Bind("#", "21_cooldown", 300u, "[masked]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: masked detecting noise\nfrequency: every few frames (per masked)\n(MaskedPlayerEnemy.DetectNoise)\n\"Noise heard relative loudness: {0}\"\n\"Can't hear noise reason A\"\n\"Can't hear noise reason B\""); cd_21 = cfg[21].Value; cfg[22] = Config.Bind("#", "22_cooldown", 600u, "[fox]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: fox existing during a round\nfrequency: every frame\n(BushWolfEnemy.Update)\n\"Fox spotted meter: {0}\"\n\"Fox A\"\n\"Fox B\"\n\"Fox C; {0}; {1}\"\n\"Fox D\"\n\"Fox E\"\n\"Fox F\"\n\"Fox G\"\n\"Fox H\"\n\"Fox I\"\n\"Fox J\"\n(BushWolfEnemy.GetBiggestWeedPatch)\n\"Bush wolf: No game objects found with spore tag; cancelling\"\n\"{0}: Mold spore {1} at {2} surrounded by {3}\"\n\"Bush wolf: Most surrounding spores is {0}\"\n\"Bush wolf: All spores found were lone spores; cancelling\""); cd_22 = cfg[22].Value; cfg[23] = Config.Bind("#", "23_cooldown", 180u, "[bush]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: using spray on bushes or loading a level\nfrequency: every frame for a short duration\n(MoldSpreadManager.DestroyMoldAtPosition)\n\"weeds found at pos {0}: {1}\"\n\"Index: {0}\"\n(MoldSpreadManager.GenerateMold)\n\"Mold iteration {0}\"\n\"Spore duplication count: {0}\"\n\"Mold #{0} of it#{1} pos: {2} ; {3}\"\n\"previousSpores[{0}]: pos {1}, marked {2}\"\n\"{0}; {1}; too close?: {2}\"\n\"Spore #{0} of iteration #{1} marked for deletion; \\n found spore position?: {2}; \\n stemmed from destroyed spore?: {3}; \\n too close to other?: {4}\"\n\"Added spore\"\n\"Growing back mold at index {0}\""); cd_23 = cfg[23].Value; cfg[24] = Config.Bind("#", "24_cooldown", 0u, "[hold interact]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: interacting with any hold interact\nfrequency: every frame\n(InteractTrigger.HoldInteractNotFilled)\n\"{0}; {1}\"\n\"Set on interact early\""); cd_24 = cfg[24].Value; cfg[25] = Config.Bind("#", "25_cooldown", 180u, "[truck]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: spawning truck, using magnet, collecting items with the truck, collide audio playing\nfrequency: some strings multiple times\n(VehicleController.CollectItemsInTruck)\n\"Collect items in truck A\"\n\"Collect items in truck B; {0}\"\n\"Collect items in truck C; {0}\"\n\"{0}; {1}; {2}\"\n\"Magneted? : {0}\"\n(VehicleController.PlayCollisionAudio)\n\"Play collision audio with type {0} A\""); cd_25 = cfg[25].Value; cfg[26] = Config.Bind("#", "26_cooldown", 300u, "[ropes]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: bought cruiser arriving\nfrequency: every frame for a short duration\n(ItemDropship.Update)\n\"Setting position of ropes\""); cd_26 = cfg[26].Value; cfg[27] = Config.Bind("#", "27_cooldown", 480u, "[cavedweller]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: cavedweller being near a player\nfrequency: every frame\n(CaveDwellerAI.BabyUpdate)\n\"Following player, like meter: {0}; decreasing loneliness by {1} * Time.deltaTime\""); cd_27 = cfg[27].Value; cfg[28] = Config.Bind("#", "28_cooldown", 300u, "[grabinvalidated]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: waiting for a grabbed item to be validated\nfrequency: depends on the connection, if laggy then can be every frame\n(PlayerControllerB.GrabObject)\n\"grabInvalidated: {0}\""); cd_28 = cfg[28].Value; cfg[29] = Config.Bind("#", "29_cooldown", 600u, "[physics region]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: being in cruiser and probably other stuff\nfrequency: every frame\n(PlayerPhysicsRegion.OnTriggerStay)\n\"Got player in physics region: {0}\""); cd_29 = cfg[29].Value; cfg[30] = Config.Bind("#", "30_cooldown", 0u, "[item meshes]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: picking up or dropping certain items\nfrequency: once each time\n(GrabbableObject.EnableItemMeshes)\n\"DISABLING/ENABLING SKINNEDMESH:\""); cd_30 = cfg[30].Value; cfg[31] = Config.Bind("#", "31_cooldown", 600u, "[weedkiller]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: spraying weed killer\nfrequency: every frame\n(SprayPaintItem)\n\"Spraying, depleting tank\""); cd_31 = cfg[31].Value; cfg[32] = Config.Bind("#", "32_cooldown", 600u, "[spraypaint]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: spraying spray paint or weed killer\nfrequency: two lines each activation\n(SprayPaintItem)\n\"Start using spray\"\n\"Spray empty\"\n\"Spray not empty\"\n\"Stop using spray\""); cd_32 = cfg[32].Value; cfg[33] = Config.Bind("#", "33_cooldown", 480u, "[flashlight]\n"+s2+"\nconditions: another player using a flashlight\nfrequency: two lines each activation\n(FlashlightItem)\n\"Flashlight click. playerheldby null?: {0}\"\n\"Flashlight being disabled or enabled: {0}\""); cd_33 = cfg[33].Value; cfg[34] = Config.Bind("#", "34_cooldown", 480u, "[item being used]\n"+s1+"\nconditions: another player using an item\nfrequency: one line each activation\n(GrabbableObject)\n\"Is being used set to {0} by RPC\""); cd_34 = cfg[34].Value; if (yeet.Value == true) { if (cdlist.Value.Contains("01") == true) IL.GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB.Update += pcb_update; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("02") == true) IL.EnemyAI.PlayerIsTargetable += enemy_target; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("03") == true) IL.EnemyAI.Update += enemy_update; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("04") == true) new ILHook((typeof(HUDManager).GetMethod("SetPlayerLevelSmoothly", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)).GetStateMachineTarget(), level); if (cdlist.Value.Contains("05") == true) IL.FlowerSnakeEnemy.DoAIInterval += snake; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("06") == true) IL.GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB.TeleportPlayer += pcb_teleport; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("07") == true) IL.DepositItemsDesk.Update += desk; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("08") == true) IL.ShowerTrigger.Update += shower; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("09") == true) IL.ForestGiantAI.Update += giant; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("10") == true) IL.GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB.ItemSecondaryUse_performed += pcb_secondary; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("11") == true) IL.SandSpiderWebTrap.PlayerLeaveWeb += spider; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("12") == true) { new ILHook((typeof(PatcherTool).GetMethod("ScanGun", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)).GetStateMachineTarget(), patch_1); IL.PatcherTool.GunMeetsConditionsToShock += patch_2; IL.PatcherTool.ItemActivate += patch_3; } if (cdlist.Value.Contains("13") == true) { IL.WalkieTalkie.SetLocalClientSpeaking += radio_1; IL.WalkieTalkie.SendWalkieTalkieStartTransmissionSFX += radio_2; IL.WalkieTalkie.PlayerIsHoldingAnotherWalkieTalkie += radio_3; } if (cdlist.Value.Contains("14") == true) IL.ShipAlarmCord.HoldCordDown += cord; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("15") == true) { IL.MouthDogAI.DetectNoise += dog_1; IL.MouthDogAI.EnrageDogOnLocalClient += dog_2; IL.MouthDogAI.ReactToOtherDogHowl += dog_3; IL.MouthDogAI.EndLungeClientRpc += dog_4; } if (cdlist.Value.Contains("16") == true) IL.EnemyAI.SwitchToBehaviourStateOnLocalClient += enemy_behaviour; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("17") == true) IL.HoarderBugAI.SetGoTowardsTargetObject += hoarder; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("18") == true) IL.RoundManager.GetRandomNavMeshPositionInRadius += random; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("19") == true) { IL.QuicksandTrigger.OnTriggerStay += sand_1; IL.QuicksandTrigger.OnExit += sand_2; } if (cdlist.Value.Contains("20") == true) IL.EnemyAI.MeetsStandardPlayerCollisionConditions += enemy_not_targetable; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("21") == true) IL.MaskedPlayerEnemy.DetectNoise += masked; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("22") == true) { IL.BushWolfEnemy.Update += bushwolf_update; IL.BushWolfEnemy.GetBiggestWeedPatch += bushwolf_big; } if (cdlist.Value.Contains("23") == true) { IL.MoldSpreadManager.DestroyMoldAtPosition += bush_destroy; IL.MoldSpreadManager.GenerateMold += bush_generate; } if (cdlist.Value.Contains("24") == true) IL.InteractTrigger.HoldInteractNotFilled += hold_interact; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("25") == true) { IL.VehicleController.CollectItemsInTruck += truck_collect; IL.VehicleController.PlayCollisionAudio += truck_audio; } if (cdlist.Value.Contains("26") == true) IL.ItemDropship.Update += ropes; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("27") == true) IL.CaveDwellerAI.BabyUpdate += cavedweller; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("28") == true) new ILHook((typeof(GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB).GetMethod("GrabObject", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)).GetStateMachineTarget(), grab); if (cdlist.Value.Contains("29") == true) IL.PlayerPhysicsRegion.OnTriggerStay += physics; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("30") == true) IL.GrabbableObject.EnableItemMeshes += item_meshes; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("31") == true) IL.SprayPaintItem.LateUpdate += spray_1; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("32") == true) IL.SprayPaintItem.ItemActivate += spray_2; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("33") == true) IL.FlashlightItem.SwitchFlashlight += flashlight; if (cdlist.Value.Contains("34") == true) IL.GrabbableObject.ActivateItemClientRpc += item_used; } } //01 average velocity public static int _1; private static void pcb_update(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Average velocity: {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_01 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<PlayerControllerB>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _1) >= cd_01) { _1 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Average velocity: " + self.averageVelocity + " [NCS:" + cd_01 + "-" + _1 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //02 targetable a public static int _2; private static void enemy_target(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Targetable A") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_02 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _2) >= cd_02) { _2 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Targetable A [NCS:" + cd_02 + "-" + _2 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //03 set destination a/b public static int[] _3 = new int[2]; private static void enemy_update(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Set destination to target player A") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_03 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _3[0]) >= cd_03) { _3[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Set destination to target player A [NCS:" + cd_03 + "-" + _3[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Set destination to target player B") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_03 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _3[1]) >= cd_03) { _3[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Set destination to target player B [NCS:" + cd_03 + "-" + _3[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //04 level timer public static int _4; private static void level(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Level up timer: {0}") { c.Index = n + 8; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_04 == 0) continue; //c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(HUDManager).GetField("SetPlayerLevelSmoothly.timeAtStart", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _4) >= cd_04) { _4 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Level up timer: (timer) [NCS:" + cd_04 + "-" + _4 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //05 fs 1-4 public static int[] _5 = new int[4]; private static void snake(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "FS 1") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_05 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _5[0]) >= cd_05) { _5[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("FS 1 [NCS:" + cd_05 + "-" + _5[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "FS 2") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_05 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _5[1]) >= cd_05) { _5[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("FS 2 [NCS:" + cd_05 + "-" + _5[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "FS 3") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_05 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _5[2]) >= cd_05) { _5[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("FS 3 [NCS:" + cd_05 + "-" + _5[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "FS 4") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_05 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _5[3]) >= cd_05) { _5[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("FS 4 [NCS:" + cd_05 + "-" + _5[3] + "]"); } }); } } } //06 called teleport function public static int _6; private static void pcb_teleport(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Called teleport function on ") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_06 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<PlayerControllerB>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _6) >= cd_06) { _6 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Called teleport function on " + + " [NCS:" + cd_06 + "-" + _6 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //07 company desk timer public static int[] _7 = new int[2]; private static void desk(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Desk: Waiting to grab the items on the desk; {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_07 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(DepositItemsDesk).GetField("grabObjectsTimer", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<float>>((timer) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _7[0]) >= cd_07) { _7[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Desk: Waiting to grab the items on the desk; " + timer + " [NCS:" + cd_07 + "-" + _7[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Desk: no objects on counter, waiting with door open; {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_07 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(DepositItemsDesk).GetField("waitingWithDoorOpenTimer", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<float>>((timer) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _7[1]) >= cd_07) { _7[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Desk: no objects on counter, waiting with door open; " + timer + " [NCS:" + cd_07 + "-" + _7[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //08 shower public static int[] _8 = new int[2]; private static void shower(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Shower is running with players inside!") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_08 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _8[0]) >= cd_08) { _8[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Shower is running with players inside! [NCS:" + cd_08 + "-" + _8[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "spray decal #{0} found as child of {1}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 11; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_08 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(ShowerTrigger).GetField("cleanDecalIndex", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(ShowerTrigger).GetField("playersInShower", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int, System.Collections.Generic.List<PlayerControllerB>, int>>((num, players, index) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _8[1]) >= cd_08) { _8[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("spray decal #" + num + " found as child of " + players[index] + " [NCS:" + cd_08 + "-" + _8[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //09 agent speed public static int _9; private static void giant(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "agent speed: {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_09 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<EnemyAI>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _9) >= cd_09) { _9 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("agent speed: " + self.agent.speed + " [NCS:" + cd_09 + "-" + _9 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //10 secondary use a-g public static int[] _10 = new int[7]; private static void pcb_secondary(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "secondary use A") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_10 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _10[0]) >= cd_10) { _10[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("secondary use A [NCS:" + cd_10 + "-" + _10[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "secondary use B") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_10 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _10[1]) >= cd_10) { _10[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("secondary use B [NCS:" + cd_10 + "-" + _10[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "secondary use C") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_10 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _10[2]) >= cd_10) { _10[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("secondary use C [NCS:" + cd_10 + "-" + _10[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "secondary use D") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_10 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _10[3]) >= cd_10) { _10[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("secondary use D [NCS:" + cd_10 + "-" + _10[3] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "secondary use E") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_10 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _10[4]) >= cd_10) { _10[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("secondary use E [NCS:" + cd_10 + "-" + _10[4] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "secondary use F") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_10 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _10[5]) >= cd_10) { _10[5] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("secondary use F [NCS:" + cd_10 + "-" + _10[5] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "secondary use G") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_10 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _10[6]) >= cd_10) { _10[6] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("secondary use G [NCS:" + cd_10 + "-" + _10[6] + "]"); } }); } } } //11 player leave web public static int _11; private static void spider(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Player leave web called") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_11 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _11) >= cd_11) { _11 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Player leave web called [NCS:" + cd_11 + "-" + _11 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //12 zapgun 1 public static int[] _12 = new int[9]; private static void patch_1(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Scan A") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[0]) >= cd_12) { _12[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Scan A [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Scan B") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[1]) >= cd_12) { _12[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Scan B [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Got shockable transform name : ") { c.Index = n + 7; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s = s + 1) { if (s != 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; } if (cd_12 == 0) continue; //c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, 4); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<IShockableWithGun>>((component) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[2]) >= cd_12) { _12[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Got shockable transform name : " + component.GetShockableTransform() + " [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Zap gun light off!!!") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[3]) >= cd_12) { _12[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Zap gun light off!!! [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[3] + "]"); } }); } } } //12 zapgun 2 private static void patch_2(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Target position: {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<Vector3>>((position) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[4]) >= cd_12) { _12[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Target position: " + position + " [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[4] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Gun not meeting conditions to zap; {0}; {1}; {2}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 21; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(PatcherTool).GetField("gunOverheat")); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); //position c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); //target_position c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<float, Vector3, Vector3>>((num, position, target_position) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[5]) >= cd_12) { _12[5] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Gun not meeting conditions to zap; " + (num > 2f) + "; " + (Vector3.Distance(position, target_position) < 0.7f) + "; " + (Physics.Linecast(position, target_position, StartOfRound.Instance.collidersAndRoomMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) + " [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[5] + "]"); } }); } } } //12 zapgun 3 private static void patch_3(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Stop shocking gun") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[6]) >= cd_12) { _12[6] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Stop shocking gun [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[6] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Start scanning gun") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[7]) >= cd_12) { _12[7] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Start scanning gun [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[7] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Use patcher tool") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_12 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _12[8]) >= cd_12) { _12[8] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Use patcher tool [NCS:" + cd_12 + "-" + _12[8] + "]"); } }); } } } //13 walkie 1 public static int[] _13 = new int[9]; private static void radio_1(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Set local client speaking on walkie talkie: {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<bool>>((bol) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[0]) >= cd_13) { _13[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Set local client speaking on walkie talkie: " + bol + " [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[0] + "]"); } }); break; } } } //13 walkie 2 private static void radio_2(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Walkie talkie A") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[1]) >= cd_13) { _13[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Walkie talkie A [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Walkie talkie #{0} {1} B") { c.Index = n + 10; for (int s = 0; s < 10; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, typeof(WalkieTalkie).GetField("allWalkieTalkies")); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.List<WalkieTalkie>, int>>((list, index) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[2]) >= cd_13) { _13[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Walkie talkie #" + index + " " + list[index] + " B [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "is walkie being used: {0}") { c.Index = n + 8; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, typeof(WalkieTalkie).GetField("allWalkieTalkies")); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.List<WalkieTalkie>, int>>((list, index) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[3]) >= cd_13) { _13[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("is walkie being used: " + list[index].isBeingUsed + " [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[3] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Walkie talkie #{0} {1} C") { c.Index = n + 10; for (int s = 0; s < 10; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, typeof(WalkieTalkie).GetField("allWalkieTalkies")); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.List<WalkieTalkie>, int>>((list, index) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[4]) >= cd_13) { _13[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Walkie talkie #" + index + " " + list[index] + " C [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[4] + "]"); } }); } } } //13 walkie 3 private static void radio_3(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "False A") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[5]) >= cd_13) { _13[5] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("False A [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[5] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "False B") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[6]) >= cd_13) { _13[6] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("False B [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[6] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "False C") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[7]) >= cd_13) { _13[7] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("False C [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[7] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "{0}") { c.Index = n + 6; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_13 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<WalkieTalkie>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _13[8]) >= cd_13) { _13[8] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log(self.isPocketed + " [NCS:" + cd_13 + "-" + _13[8] + "]"); } }); } } } //14 loud horn public static int _14; private static void cord(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "HOLD horn local client called") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_14 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _14) >= cd_14) { _14 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("HOLD horn local client called [NCS:" + cd_14 + "-" + _14 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //15 mouth dog 1 public static int[] _15 = new int[6]; private static void dog_1(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "dog '{0}': Heard noise! Distance: {1} meters") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_15 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<MouthDogAI, float>>((self, num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _15[0]) >= cd_15) { _15[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("dog '" + + "': Heard noise! Distance: " + num + " meters [NCS:" + cd_15 + "-" + _15[0] + "]"); } }); break; } } } //15 mouth dog 2 private static void dog_2(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Mouth dog targetPos 1: {0}; distanceToNoise: {1}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_15 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<Vector3, float>>((position, distance) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _15[1]) >= cd_15) { _15[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Mouth dog targetPos 1: " + position + "; distanceToNoise: " + distance + " [NCS:" + cd_15 + "-" + _15[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Mouth dog targetPos 2: {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_15 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<Vector3>>((position) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _15[2]) >= cd_15) { _15[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Mouth dog targetPos 2: " + position + " [NCS:" + cd_15 + "-" + _15[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Dog lastheardnoisePosition: {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_15 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(MouthDogAI).GetField("lastHeardNoisePosition", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<Vector3>>((position) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _15[3]) >= cd_15) { _15[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Dog lastheardnoisePosition: " + position + " [NCS:" + cd_15 + "-" + _15[3] + "]"); } }); } } } //15 mouth dog 3 private static void dog_3(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Setting lastHeardNoisePosition to {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_15 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<Vector3>>((position) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _15[4]) >= cd_15) { _15[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Setting lastHeardNoisePosition to " + position + " [NCS:" + cd_15 + "-" + _15[4] + "]"); } }); break; } } } //15 mouth dog 4 private static void dog_4(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Ending lunge") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_15 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _15[5]) >= cd_15) { _15[5] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Ending lunge [NCS:" + cd_15 + "-" + _15[5] + "]"); } }); break; } } } //16 behaviour state public static int[] _16 = new int[2]; private static void enemy_behaviour(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Current behaviour state: {0}") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_16 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<EnemyAI>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _16[0]) >= cd_16) { _16[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Current behaviour state: " + self.currentBehaviourStateIndex + " [NCS:" + cd_16 + "-" + _16[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "CHANGING BEHAVIOUR STATE!!! to {0}") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_16 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int>>((index) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _16[1]) >= cd_16) { _16[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("CHANGING BEHAVIOUR STATE!!! to " + index + " [NCS:" + cd_16 + "-" + _16[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //17 hoarder bug public static int[] _17 = new int[2]; private static void hoarder(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == ": Setting target object and going towards it.") { c.Index = n + 3; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[(n - 3) + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_17 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<HoarderBugAI>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _17[0]) >= cd_17) { _17[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log( + " : Setting target object and going towards it. [NCS:" + cd_17 + "-" + _17[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == ": i found an object but cannot reach it (or it has been taken by another bug): ") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[(n - 3) + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_17 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<HoarderBugAI, GameObject>>((self, item) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _17[1]) >= cd_17) { _17[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log( + " : i found an object but cannot reach it (or it has been taken by another bug): " + + " [NCS:" + cd_17 + "-" + _17[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //18 random nav public static int _18; private static void random(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Unable to get random nav mesh position in radius! Returning old pos") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_18 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _18) >= cd_18) { _18 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Unable to get random nav mesh position in radius! Returning old pos [NCS:" + cd_18 + "-" + _18 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //19 quicksand 1 public static int[] _19 = new int[5]; private static void sand_1(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Set local player to sinking!") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_19 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _19[0]) >= cd_19) { _19[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Set local player to sinking! [NCS:" + cd_19 + "-" + _19[0] + "]"); } }); break; } } } //19 quicksand 2 private static void sand_2(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Quicksand is not sinking local player!") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_19 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _19[1]) >= cd_19) { _19[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Quicksand is not sinking local player! [NCS:" + cd_19 + "-" + _19[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Quicksand is sinking local player!") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_19 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _19[2]) >= cd_19) { _19[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Quicksand is sinking local player! [NCS:" + cd_19 + "-" + _19[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Quicksand is sinking local player! B") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_19 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _19[3]) >= cd_19) { _19[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Quicksand is sinking local player! B [NCS:" + cd_19 + "-" + _19[3] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Quicksand is sinking local player! C") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_19 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _19[4]) >= cd_19) { _19[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Quicksand is sinking local player! C [NCS:" + cd_19 + "-" + _19[4] + "]"); } }); } } } //20 not targetable public static int _20; private static void enemy_not_targetable(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Player is not targetable") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_20 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _20) >= cd_20) { _20 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Player is not targetable [NCS:" + cd_20 + "-" + _20 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //21 masked public static int[] _21 = new int[3]; private static void masked(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Noise heard relative loudness: {0}") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_21 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<float>>((num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _21[0]) >= cd_21) { _21[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Noise heard relative loudness: " + num + " [NCS:" + cd_21 + "-" + _21[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Can't hear noise reason A") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_21 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _21[1]) >= cd_21) { _21[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Can't hear noise reason A [NCS:" + cd_21 + "-" + _21[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Can't hear noise reason B") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_21 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _21[2]) >= cd_21) { _21[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Can't hear noise reason B [NCS:" + cd_21 + "-" + _21[2] + "]"); } }); } } } //22 fox 1 public static int[] _22 = new int[15]; private static void bushwolf_update(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox spotted meter: {0}") { c.Index = n + 6; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<BushWolfEnemy>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[0]) >= cd_22) { _22[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox spotted meter: " + self.spottedMeter + " [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox A") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[1]) >= cd_22) { _22[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox A [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox B") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[2]) >= cd_22) { _22[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox B [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox C; {0}; {1}") { c.Index = n + 7; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 14); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 15); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<float, float>>((distance, angle) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[3]) >= cd_22) { _22[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox C; " + distance + "; " + angle + " [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[3] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox D") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[4]) >= cd_22) { _22[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox D [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[4] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox E") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[5]) >= cd_22) { _22[5] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox E [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[5] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox F") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[6]) >= cd_22) { _22[6] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox F [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[6] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox G") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[7]) >= cd_22) { _22[7] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox G [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[7] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox H") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[8]) >= cd_22) { _22[8] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox H [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[8] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox I") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[9]) >= cd_22) { _22[9] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox I [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[9] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Fox J") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[10]) >= cd_22) { _22[10] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Fox J [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[10] + "]"); } }); } } } //22 fox 2 private static void bushwolf_big(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Bush wolf: No game objects found with spore tag; cancelling") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[11]) >= cd_22) { _22[11] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Bush wolf: No game objects found with spore tag; cancelling [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[11] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "{0}: Mold spore {1} at {2} surrounded by {3}") { c.Index = n + 32; for (int s = 0; s < 32; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 6); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_3); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int, GameObject[], int>>((index, objects, num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[12]) >= cd_22) { _22[12] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log(index + ": Mold spore " + objects[index] + " at " + objects[index].transform.position + " surrounded by " + num + " [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[12] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Bush wolf: Most surrounding spores is {0}") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_2); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int>>((num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[13]) >= cd_22) { _22[13] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Bush wolf: Most surrounding spores is " + num + " [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[13] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Bush wolf: All spores found were lone spores; cancelling") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_22 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _22[14]) >= cd_22) { _22[14] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Bush wolf: All spores found were lone spores; cancelling [NCS:" + cd_22 + "-" + _22[14] + "]"); } }); } } } //23 bush 1 public static int[] _23 = new int[11]; private static void bush_destroy(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "weeds found at pos {0}: {1}") { c.Index = n + 7; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<Vector3, int>>((position, num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[0]) >= cd_23) { _23[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("weeds found at pos " + position + ": " + num + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Index: {0}") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_2); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int>>((num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[1]) >= cd_23) { _23[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Index: " + num + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //23 bush 2 private static void bush_generate(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Mold iteration {0}") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 13); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int>>((num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[2]) >= cd_23) { _23[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Mold iteration " + num + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Spore duplication count: {0}") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 19); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int>>((num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[3]) >= cd_23) { _23[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Spore duplication count: " + num + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[3] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Mold #{0} of it#{1} pos: {2} ; {3}") { c.Index = n + 25; for (int s = 0; s < 25; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 18); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 13); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 6); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 10); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int, int, Vector3, bool>>((index1, index2, position, bol) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[4]) >= cd_23) { _23[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Mold #" + index1 + " of it#" + index2 + " pos: " + position + " ; " + bol + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[4] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "previousSpores[{0}]: pos {1}, marked {2}") { c.Index = n + 15; for (int s = 0; s < 15; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 18); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 4); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int, System.Collections.Generic.List<MoldSpore>>>((index, spores) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[5]) >= cd_23) { _23[5] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("previousSpores[" + index + "]: pos " + spores[index].spawnPosition + ", marked " + spores[index].markedForDestruction + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[5] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "{0}; {1}; too close?: {2}") { c.Index = n + 9; for (int s = 0; s < 9; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 18); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 7); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 23); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int, int, bool>>((index, num, bol) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[6]) >= cd_23) { _23[6] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log(index + "; " + num + "; too close?: " + bol + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[6] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Adding mold to previously destroyed mold") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[7]) >= cd_23) { _23[7] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Adding mold to previously destroyed mold [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[7] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Spore #{0} of iteration #{1} marked for deletion; \n found spore position?: {2}; \n stemmed from destroyed spore?: {3}; \n too close to other?: {4}") { c.Index = n + 41; for (int s = 0; s < 41; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 18); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 13); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 10); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 4); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 23); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int, int, bool, System.Collections.Generic.List<MoldSpore>, int, bool>>((index1, index2, bol1, spores, iterations, bol2) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[8]) >= cd_23) { _23[8] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Spore #" + index1 + " of iteration #" + index2 + " marked for deletion; \n found spore position?: " + bol1 + "; \n stemmed from destroyed spore?: " + (spores[index1].markedForDestruction && index2 + 1 == iterations) + "; \n too close to other?: " + bol2 + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[8] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Added spore") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[9]) >= cd_23) { _23[9] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Added spore [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[9] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Growing back mold at index {0}") { c.Index = n + 8; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_23 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 12); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 24); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<System.Collections.Generic.List<MoldSpore>, int>>((spores, index) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _23[10]) >= cd_23) { _23[10] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Growing back mold at index " + spores[index].generationId + " [NCS:" + cd_23 + "-" + _23[10] + "]"); } }); } } } //24 hold interact public static int[] _24 = new int[2]; private static void hold_interact(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "{0}; {1}") { c.Index = n + 9; for (int s = 0; s < 9; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_24 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<InteractTrigger>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _24[0]) >= cd_24) { _24[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log(self.specialCharacterAnimation + "; " + self.isLadder + " [NCS:" + cd_24 + "-" + _24[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Set on interact early") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_24 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _24[1]) >= cd_24) { _24[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Set on interact early [NCS:" + cd_24 + "-" + _24[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //25 truck 1 public static int[] _25 = new int[6]; private static void truck_collect(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Collect items in truck A") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_25 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _25[0]) >= cd_25) { _25[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Collect items in truck A [NCS:" + cd_25 + "-" + _25[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Collect items in truck B; {0}") { c.Index = n + 7; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_25 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<Collider[]>>((list) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _25[1]) >= cd_25) { _25[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Collect items in truck B; " + list.Length + " [NCS:" + cd_25 + "-" + _25[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Collect items in truck C; {0}") { c.Index = n + 7; for (int s = 0; s < 7; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_25 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<GrabbableObject>>((go) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _25[2]) >= cd_25) { _25[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Collect items in truck C; " + (go != null) + " [NCS:" + cd_25 + "-" + _25[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "{0}; {1}; {2}") { c.Index = n + 22; for (int s = 0; s < 22; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_25 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_2); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<GrabbableObject, Collider[], int, VehicleController>>((go, list, index, self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _25[3]) >= cd_25) { _25[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log(!go.isHeld + "; " + !go.isHeldByEnemy + "; " + (list[index].transform.parent == self.transform) + " [NCS:" + cd_25 + "-" + _25[3] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Magneted? : {0}") { c.Index = n + 6; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_25 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<VehicleController>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _25[4]) >= cd_25) { _25[4] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Magneted? : " + self.magnetedToShip + " [NCS:" + cd_25 + "-" + _25[4] + "]"); } }); } } } //25 truck 2 private static void truck_audio(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Play collision audio with type {0} A") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_25 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<int>>((num) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _25[5]) >= cd_25) { _25[5] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Play collision audio with type " + num + " A [NCS:" + cd_25 + "-" + _25[5] + "]"); } }); break; } } } //26 ropes public static int _26; private static void ropes(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Setting position of ropes") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_26 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _26) >= cd_26) { _26 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Setting position of ropes [NCS:" + cd_26 + "-" + _26 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //27 cavedweller public static int _27; private static void cavedweller(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Following player, like meter: {0}; decreasing loneliness by {1} * Time.deltaTime") { c.Index = n + 17; for (int s = 0; s < 17; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_27 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_2); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<BabyPlayerMemory>>((memory) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _27) >= cd_27) { _27 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Following player, like meter: " + memory.likeMeter + "; decreasing loneliness by " + (Time.deltaTime * (0.07f / Mathf.Max(memory.likeMeter * 3f, 0.45f))) + " * Time.deltaTime [NCS:" + cd_27 + "-" + _27 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //28 grabinvalidated public static int _28; private static void grab(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "grabInvalidated: {0}") { c.Index = n + 6; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_28 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, typeof(GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB).GetField("grabInvalidated", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<bool>>((grabinvalidated) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _28) >= cd_28) { _28 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("grabInvalidated: " + grabinvalidated + " [NCS:" + cd_28 + "-" + _28 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //29 physics region public static int _29; private static void physics(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Got player in physics region: {0}") { c.Index = n + 4; for (int s = 0; s < 4; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_29 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<PlayerControllerB>>((component) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _29) >= cd_29) { _29 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Got player in physics region: " + component + " [NCS:" + cd_29 + "-" + _29 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //30 item meshes public static int _30; private static void item_meshes(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "DISABLING/ENABLING SKINNEDMESH: ") { c.Index = n + 8; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_30 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_1); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_3); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<SkinnedMeshRenderer[], int>>((meshes, index) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _30) >= cd_30) { _30 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("DISABLING/ENABLING SKINNEDMESH: " + meshes[index] + " [NCS:" + cd_30 + "-" + _30 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //31 weedkiller public static int _31; private static void spray_1(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Spraying, depleting tank") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_31 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _31) >= cd_31) { _31 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Spraying, depleting tank [NCS:" + cd_31 + "-" + _31 + "]"); } }); break; } } } //32 spraypaint public static int[] _32 = new int[4]; private static void spray_2(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Start using spray") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_32 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _32[0]) >= cd_32) { _32[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Start using spray [NCS:" + cd_32 + "-" + _32[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Spray empty") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_32 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _32[1]) >= cd_32) { _32[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Spray empty [NCS:" + cd_32 + "-" + _32[1] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Spray not empty") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_32 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _32[2]) >= cd_32) { _32[2] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Spray not empty [NCS:" + cd_32 + "-" + _32[2] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Stop using spray") { c.Index = n + 2; for (int s = 0; s < 2; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_32 == 0) continue; c.EmitDelegate<System.Action>(() => { if ((Time.frameCount - _32[3]) >= cd_32) { _32[3] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Stop using spray [NCS:" + cd_32 + "-" + _32[3] + "]"); } }); } } } //33 flashlight public static int[] _33 = new int[2]; private static void flashlight(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Flashlight click. playerheldby null?: {0}") { c.Index = n + 8; for (int s = 0; s < 8; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_33 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<FlashlightItem>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _33[0]) >= cd_33) { _33[0] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Flashlight click. playerheldby null?: " + (self.playerHeldBy != null) + " [NCS:" + cd_33 + "-" + _33[0] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Flashlight being disabled or enabled: {0}") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5 ; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_33 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<bool>>((bol) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _33[1]) >= cd_33) { _33[1] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Flashlight being disabled or enabled: " + bol + " [NCS:" + cd_33 + "-" + _33[1] + "]"); } }); } } } //34 item being used public static int _34; private static void item_used(ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr && l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "Is being used set to {0} by RPC") { c.Index = n + 5; for (int s = 0; s < 5; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_34 == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<bool>>((bol) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _34) >= cd_34) { _34 = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("Is being used set to " + bol + " by RPC [NCS:" + cd_34 + "-" + _34 + "]"); } }); break; } } } /*template public static int[] = new int[]; private static void (ILContext l) { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(l); for (int n = 0; n < l.Instrs.Count; n = n + 1) { if (l.Instrs[n].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldstr) continue; if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "") { c.Index = n; for (int s = 0; s <; s = s + 1) l.Instrs[n + s].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop; if (cd_ == 0) continue; c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate<System.Action<>>((self) => { if ((Time.frameCount - _[]) >= cd_) { _[] = Time.frameCount; Debug.Log("[NCS:" + cd_ + "-" + _[] + "]"); } }); } else if (l.Instrs[n].Operand.ToString() == "") { } } } */ } }