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4902-Random_Moons-1.4.1 icon

Random Moons

Adds an option to the terminal for routing to a random moon, including modded moons, with added challenge moon modifiers. client sided

By 4902
Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 1.4.1
Download link
Downloads 2836
Dependency string 4902-Random_Moons-1.4.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Type 'route randomizer' in the terminal to route to a random moon from your list of moons. The moon will have challenge moon modifiers, for example potentially extra scrap or enemies. This feature can make even experimentation have good total scrap, and has more moon variety than only high scrap moons. Only the host can route to the challenge moons, other players are not required to have this mod installed

Type 'randomizer key' in the terminal to enter the key/id of a challenge moon to directly route to that moon. Also displays the previous 10 challenge moons and their key/name/cost. Routing directly to a moon will cost a random amount of credits based on its key, randomly routing to a moon is free.

Type 'randomizer info' in the terminal to see randomizer commands and a list of all the non-challenge moons


> moons

> randomizer

> randomizer key

Config preview

Detailed descriptions in actual config

Name Default Priority
Print Moon Name (1 Player) False Host
Print Moon Weather (1 Player) False Host
Print Moon Weather True Host
Random Description True Client
Prevent Same Moon True Host
Default Moon Name True Client
Save / Load True Host
Printed Moon Color True Host
Monitor Moon Color True Client
Challenge Moon Modifiers True Host
Seed / Route Options 1 Host
Filtered Moons 1 Host
Direct Routing True Host
Default Credits 1000 Host
Random Credits 900 Host
Print to Console False Client

Example moons you can expect to see

cs in zip. discord@4902


-removed 'random' from printed message when directly routing to a moon
-added check for number of ^'s in received network message
-added more screenshots to the readme

-added 'randomizer key' terminal command for entering the key/id of a challenge moon to route to that moon (more info in config/readme)
-added 'randomizer modifiers' terminal command for toggling the challenge moon modifiers config in-game
-added text to 'randomizer info' showing other randomizer commands (key/modifiers)
-changed moon level/name/color/description/cost/randomMapSeed to use the key as a seed
-changed random route text to show the moons name and key
-fixed same seed for same moon config (new save, route, leave, rejoin, start, randomMapSeed would be 0, now it would be a proper seed)

-added config for filtering (blacklisting/whitelisting) moons
-changed mod icon

-added terminal/chat text being changed based on the challenge moon modifiers config, also synced to other players with the mod
-fixed error when closing the game
-added section text to config

-added challenge moon display syncing to the monitor screen and introAnimation (won't sync to players without the mod)
-added source code to the changelog
-added host/client priority info to the config preview in the readme

-added text for routing when not host
-fixed a small thing

Source code


using UInt32 = System.UInt32; using UInt64 = System.UInt64; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection.Emit; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Logging; using BepInEx.Configuration; using HarmonyLib; using GameNetcodeStuff; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Netcode; namespace random_moons { [BepInPlugin("4902.Random_Moons", "Random_Moons", "1.0.0")] public class c : BaseUnityPlugin { private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("4902.Random_Moons"); public static ManualLogSource mls; public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_ltn; //false print name <= 1 public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_ltw; //false print weather <= 1 public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_wet; //true print weather at all public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_rld; //true random level description public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_psm; //true prevent same moon public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_mdn; //true moon default name public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_slm; //true save/load moon public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_mcc; //true moon color chat public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_mcm; //true moon color monitor public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_cmm; //true challenge moon modifiers public static ConfigEntry<int> cfg_dsc; //diff different, same, company public static ConfigEntry<int> cfg_fl1; //off filter controls public static ConfigEntry<string> cfg_fl2; //stuff filter list public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_key; //true key (11/493/256/26/350/8) D14 Owu-97 1234 1234 Uwu-24 public static ConfigEntry<int> cfg_kcd; //1000 key cost/credit default public static ConfigEntry<int> cfg_kcr; //90 key credit/cost random public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_pri; //false print to console public static ConfigEntry<bool> cfg_tst; //false test private void Awake() { cfg_ltn = Config.Bind("#", "-print", false, "[Print Moon Name]\nprints the moon name if there are <= 1 players"); cfg_ltw = Config.Bind("#", "--print", false, "[Print Moon Weather]\nprints the moon weather if there are <= 1 players"); cfg_wet = Config.Bind("#", "---print", true, "[Print Moon Weather]\nprints the weather at all"); cfg_rld = Config.Bind("#", "random", true, "[Random Description]\nshould the description on the monitor display a random levels description.\ntrue, display any levels description, unrelated to the actual orbited level\nfalse, display unknown"); cfg_psm = Config.Bind("#", "prevent", true, "[Prevent Same Moon]\nprevents routing to the same level as the currently orbited level.\nif current challenge moon is Moon-11 and its level is Adamance, rerouting would or would not be able to pick Adamance again"); cfg_mdn = Config.Bind("#", "default", true, "[Default Moon Name]\ndisplay the levels default name instead of its challenge moon name when landing.\ndisplay 'CELESTIAL BODY: 20 Adamance' or 'CELESTIAL BODY: Moon-11'"); cfg_slm = Config.Bind("#", "save/load", true, "[Save / Load]\nsave and load the current challenge moon being orbited and the previous 10 moons.\ntrue, when rejoining the orbited moon will be the same challenge moon as it was previously\nfalse, if challenge moon was Moon-11 and level was Adamance then when rejoining the orbited moon will be non-challenge Adamance"); cfg_mcc = Config.Bind("#", "-color", true, "[Printed Moon Color]\nshould the moon name printed to chat have color"); cfg_mcm = Config.Bind("#", "--color", true, "[Monitor Moon Color]\nshould the moon name on the monitor have color"); cfg_cmm = Config.Bind("#", "modifiers", true, "[Challenge Moon Modifiers]\nshould challenge moon modifiers be enabled for challenge moons.\ntype 'randomizer modifiers' in the terminal to toggle this config in-game. it will be resynced to other players the next time the level is changed"); cfg_dsc = Config.Bind("#", "option", 1, "[Seed / Route Options]\n1 = different seed each day (like vanilla gameplay)\n2 = same seed for the same challenge moon (like weekly challenge moons)\n3 = route to company when going to orbit from a challenge moon (to play a different level each day)"); cfg_fl1 = Config.Bind("#", "filter", 1, "[Filtered Moons]\nchanges which moons are routable with the randomizer.\n1 = disabled, all moons are routable\n2 = blacklist, moons in the list are not routable\n3 = whitelist, only moons in the list are routable"); cfg_fl2 = Config.Bind("#", "list", "[20 Adamance], [68 Artifice], [5 Embrion]", "[Filter List]\nlist of moons that are blacklisted/whitelisted.\ntype 'randomizer info' in the terminal to see all of the moons (including modded)(they will be displayed in the terminal and logged to the console), those are the exact moon names that would be put in this list. the moon names inside the brackets [] are case sensitive so the positions of the characters/numbers and uppercase/lowercase need to be exactly the same.\nGordion and Liquidation are already filtered so those don't need to be added.\nif there are no available moons it will route to gordion"); cfg_key = Config.Bind("#", "key", true, "[Direct Routing]\nwhether direct routing should be enabled/disabled.\ntype 'randomizer key' in the terminal to enter the key/id of a moon to route to that moon. also shows the previous 10 moons with their key/name/cost.\nrouting directly to a moon will cost a random amount of credits based on the key. (default_credits +/- (random_credits * 10)). minimum cost is 100.\nif the number of levels changes (vanilla moon being added/removed or adding/removing a modded moon) then the level that a key routes to will be different than before.\nthe filtered moons/prevent same moon configs don't affect moons that are routed to directly.\nfalse will disable the key terminal command, won't show the key when routing to a random moon, won't save moons to the previous 10 moons list"); cfg_kcd = Config.Bind("#", "default_credits", 1000, "[Default Credits]\nthe default starting amount of credits that a moon will cost"); cfg_kcr = Config.Bind("#", "random_credits", 90, "[Random Credits]\nthe maximum amount of credits that the default cost can be raised/lowered by. (40% raise, 60% lower)\n(multiplied by 10, so a config value of 90 would be 900 credits)"); cfg_pri = Config.Bind("#", "print", false, "[Print to Console]\nprint statements in console for debugging"); cfg_tst = Config.Bind("#", "test", false, "[test config]\ntest config"); mls = BepInEx.Logging.Logger.CreateLogSource("Random Moons"); harmony.PatchAll(); } public static bool chosen = false; public static bool chosen_moon = false; public static int real = -1; public static string moon_n = "name"; public static string moon_c = "ffffff"; public static string moon_d = "description"; public static uint key = 0; public static string keys = ""; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Terminal))] internal class t { public static TerminalNode _node; public static TerminalKeyword _word; public static TerminalKeyword _modifier; public static TerminalKeyword _key; public static TerminalNode _key_select; public static TerminalNode _key_confirm; public static TerminalNode _error; public static TerminalNode _cancel; public static uint typed_key = 0; public static string text3 = (c.cfg_cmm.Value == true ? " challenge " : " "); public static string text1 = "Route the autopilot to a random" + text3 + "moon.\n\nPlease CONFIRM or DENY.\n\n"; public static string text2 = "Randomizer\n----------------------\n\n"; public static string gold_key; public static TerminalKeyword route; [HarmonyPatch("Awake"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst1(Terminal __instance) { print("1.0"); if (_node != null) return; print("1.1"); gold_key = __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords.First(_ => == "Moons").specialKeywordResult.displayText; __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords.First(_ => == "Moons").specialKeywordResult.displayText += "* Randomizer // Random" + text3 + "moons\n\n"; route = __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords.First(_ => == "Route"); TerminalKeyword info = __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords.First(_ => == "Info"); _node = new TerminalNode { name = "randomizer_select", displayText = text1, clearPreviousText = true, overrideOptions = true, terminalOptions = new CompatibleNoun[] { new CompatibleNoun { result = new TerminalNode { displayText = "You have cancelled the order.\n\n", }, noun = new TerminalKeyword { word = "deny", }, }, new CompatibleNoun { result = new TerminalNode { name = "randomizer_confirm", displayText = "Routing autopilot to [name].\n" + (c.cfg_key.Value == true ? "Key is [key].\n\n" : "\n") + "Good luck.\n\n", clearPreviousText = true, }, noun = new TerminalKeyword { word = "confirm", }, }, }, }; _word = new TerminalKeyword { word = "randomizer", specialKeywordResult = _node, defaultVerb = route, }; _modifier = new TerminalKeyword { word = "modifiers", isVerb = true, compatibleNouns = new CompatibleNoun[] { new CompatibleNoun { result = new TerminalNode { name = "randomizer_modifier", displayText = "temp\n\n", clearPreviousText = true, }, noun = _word, }, }, }; _key = new TerminalKeyword { word = "key", isVerb = true, compatibleNouns = new CompatibleNoun[] { new CompatibleNoun { result = new TerminalNode { name = "randomizer_key_prompt", displayText = "Enter an eight digit key.\n\n", clearPreviousText = true, maxCharactersToType = 9, terminalOptions = new CompatibleNoun[] { new CompatibleNoun { result = new TerminalNode { name = "randomizer_key_select", displayText = "select\n\n", clearPreviousText = true, overrideOptions = true, terminalOptions = new CompatibleNoun[] { new CompatibleNoun { result = new TerminalNode { displayText = "You have cancelled the order.\n\n", }, noun = new TerminalKeyword { word = "deny", }, }, new CompatibleNoun { result = new TerminalNode { name = "randomizer_key_confirm", displayText = "confirm\n\n", clearPreviousText = true, buyRerouteToMoon = -1, itemCost = 0, }, noun = new TerminalKeyword { word = "confirm", }, }, }, }, }, }, acceptAnything = true, }, noun = _word, }, }, }; _key_select = _key.compatibleNouns[0].result.terminalOptions[0].result; _key_confirm = _key_select.terminalOptions[1].result; _error = new TerminalNode { displayText = "Error\n\n", clearPreviousText = true, playSyncedClip = 1, }; _cancel = new TerminalNode { displayText = "[Cancelled.]\n\n", clearPreviousText = true, }; __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords = __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords.AddToArray(_word); __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords = __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords.AddToArray(_modifier); if (c.cfg_key.Value == true) __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords = __instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords.AddToArray(_key); route.compatibleNouns = route.compatibleNouns.AddToArray(new CompatibleNoun {result = _node, noun = _word}); info.compatibleNouns = info.compatibleNouns.AddToArray(new CompatibleNoun {result = new TerminalNode {name = "randomizer_info", displayText = text2, clearPreviousText = true}, noun = _word}); } [HarmonyPatch("OnSubmit"), HarmonyPrefix] private static void pre1(Terminal __instance) { if (__instance.terminalInUse == true && == "randomizer_key_prompt") { print("2.1"); if (__instance.textAdded != 0) { print("2.2"); string hex = __instance.screenText.text.Substring(__instance.screenText.text.Length - __instance.textAdded).ToLower().Replace(" ", ""); if (hex.Length <= 8 && hex.All("0123456789abcdef".Contains) && hex.Replace("0", "") != "") { print("2.3"); uint k = System.Convert.ToUInt32(hex, 16); Shion cr1 = new Shion(k + 350); _key_confirm.itemCost = c.cfg_kcd.Value - ((cr1.next32mm(0, c.cfg_kcr.Value + 1) * 10) * (cr1.next32mm(0, 10) < 4 ? -1 : 1)); if (_key_confirm.itemCost < 100) _key_confirm.itemCost = (c.cfg_tst.Value == false ? 100 : 0); gnm.k = k; _key_confirm.displayText = GameNetworkManager.Instance.GetNameForWeekNumber(); _key_select.displayText = (StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 > 1 ? "! Ship will automatically start !\n\n" : "") + "The cost to route to " + _key_confirm.displayText + " is $" + _key_confirm.itemCost + ".\n\nPlease CONFIRM or DENY.\n\n"; if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { print("2.4"); Shion cr2 = new Shion(k + 11); int level = 3; while (level == 3 || level == 11) { level = cr2.next32mm(0, StartOfRound.Instance.levels.Length); } _key_confirm.buyRerouteToMoon = level; typed_key = k; } else { print("2.5"); _key_confirm.buyRerouteToMoon = -1; _key_confirm.itemCost = 0; } } else { print("2.6"); _error.displayText = __instance.currentNode.displayText + "[Invalid hexidecimal key.]\nKey characters must be (0123456789ABCDEF), cannot be only 0's, cannot exceed eight digits.\n\n"; __instance.LoadNewNode(_error); __instance.textAdded = 0; } } else { print("2.7"); _cancel.displayText = __instance.currentNode.displayText + "[Cancelled.]\n\n"; __instance.LoadNewNode(_cancel); __instance.textAdded = 0; } } } [HarmonyPatch("LoadNewNodeIfAffordable"), HarmonyPrefix] private static void pre2(Terminal __instance, ref TerminalNode node, ref int ___groupCredits) { if ( == "randomizer_key_confirm" && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true && __instance.useCreditsCooldown == false && ___groupCredits >= _key_confirm.itemCost && _key_confirm.buyRerouteToMoon != -1 && node.isConfirmationNode == false) { print("3.1"); StartOfRound start = Object.FindObjectOfType<StartOfRound>(); if (start.inShipPhase == true && start.travellingToNewLevel == false && start.isChallengeFile == false && start.levels[_key_confirm.buyRerouteToMoon] != start.currentLevel) { print("3.2"); _key_confirm.displayText = "Routing autopilot to " + _key_confirm.displayText + ".\nYour new balance is $" + (___groupCredits - _key_confirm.itemCost) + ".\n\n" + (new Shion().next32mm(0, 2) == 1 ? "Good luck.\n\n" : "Please enjoy your flight.\n\n"); c.key = typed_key; c.chosen = true; gnm.k = c.key; string name = GameNetworkManager.Instance.GetNameForWeekNumber(); if (c.keys.Contains(name) == false) { print("3.3"); string hex = c.key.ToString("X8"); if (hex.Length > 4) hex = hex.Insert(4, " ");"Key " + hex); Shion cr = new Shion(c.key + 350); int cost = c.cfg_kcd.Value - ((cr.next32mm(0, c.cfg_kcr.Value + 1) * 10) * (cr.next32mm(0, 10) < 4 ? -1 : 1)); if (cost < 100) cost = (c.cfg_tst.Value == false ? 100 : 0); c.keys = c.keys + hex + " " + name.PadRight(10, ' ') + " $" + cost + "\n"; if ((c.keys.Length - c.keys.Replace("\n", "").Length) > 10) c.keys = c.keys.Substring(c.keys.IndexOf("\n") + 1); } } } } [HarmonyPatch("LoadNewNode"), HarmonyPrefix] private static void pre3(Terminal __instance, ref TerminalNode node) { if ( == "randomizer_select") { print("4.1"); if (StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 > 1) { print("4.2"); node.displayText = "! Ship will automatically start !\n\n" + text1; } else { print("4.3"); node.displayText = text1; } } else if ( == "randomizer_info") { print("4.4"); string s = ""; for (int n = 0; n < StartOfRound.Instance.levels.Length; n = n + 1) { if (s != "") s = s + ", "; s = s + "[" + StartOfRound.Instance.levels[n].PlanetName + "]"; }; node.displayText = text2 + (c.cfg_key.Value == true ? ">Key\nTo route directly to a moon with an entered key.\n\n" : "") + ">Modifiers\nTo toggle the challenge moon modifiers config.\n\nMoons List: " + s + "\n\n"; } else if ( == "randomizer_modifier" && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { print("4.5"); c.cfg_cmm.Value = !c.cfg_cmm.Value; text3 = (c.cfg_cmm.Value == true ? " challenge " : " "); text1 = "Route the autopilot to a random" + text3 + "moon.\n\nPlease CONFIRM or DENY.\n\n"; Object.FindObjectOfType<Terminal>().terminalNodes.allKeywords.First(_ => == "Moons").specialKeywordResult.displayText = gold_key + "* Randomizer // Random" + text3 + "moons\n\n"; node.displayText = "Challenge moon modifiers set from " + (!c.cfg_cmm.Value).ToString().ToLower() + " to " + c.cfg_cmm.Value.ToString().ToLower() + ".\n\n"; } else if ( == "randomizer_key_prompt") { print("4.6"); if (c.keys != "") { print("4.7"); node.displayText = "Enter an eight digit key. Press enter with nothing typed to cancel.\n\nKeys of the previous 10 moons:\n" + c.keys + "\n"; } else { print("4.8"); node.displayText = "Enter an eight digit key. Press enter with nothing typed to cancel.\n\n"; } } } [HarmonyPatch("LoadNewNode"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst2(Terminal __instance, ref TerminalNode node, ref int ___groupCredits) { if ( == "randomizer_confirm") { print("5.1"); if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { print("5.2"); StartOfRound start = Object.FindObjectOfType<StartOfRound>(); if (start.inShipPhase == true && start.travellingToNewLevel == false) { print("5.3"); if (start.isChallengeFile == false) { print("5.4"); c.chosen = true; start.ChangeLevelServerRpc(moons.list(c.cfg_psm.Value, false, true), ___groupCredits); } else { print("5.5"); __instance.LoadNewNode(__instance.terminalNodes.specialNodes[24]); } } else { print("5.6"); __instance.LoadNewNode(__instance.terminalNodes.specialNodes[3]); } } else { print("5.7"); _error.displayText = "[Unable to use randomizer while not host.]\n\n"; __instance.LoadNewNode(_error); } } else if ( == "randomizer_modifier" && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == false) { print("5.8"); _error.displayText = "[Unable to use randomizer while not host.]\n\n"; __instance.LoadNewNode(_error); } else if ( == "randomizer_key_confirm" && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == false) { print("5.9"); _error.displayText = "[Unable to use randomizer while not host.]\n\n"; __instance.LoadNewNode(_error); } else if ( == "MoonsCatalogue") { add(__instance); } } private static async void add(Terminal __instance) { print("6.0"); await Task.Delay(1); string text = __instance.currentText; if (text.Contains("PREVIEW:") == true || text.Contains("\u2554") == true) { print("6.1"); string str = (text.Contains("\u2554") == true ? (text.Contains("PREVIEW:") == true ? "\n\n u---" : " u---") : "* u___"); //text = text.Insert(Regex.Matches(text, "_\n").Cast<Match>().Select(_ => _.Index).ToList()[0] + 1, "\n\n* Randomizer // Random" + text3 + "moons"); text = text.Insert(Regex.Matches(text, ("\n" + str.Split('u')[1])).Cast<Match>().Select(_ => _.Index).ToList().Last(), str.Split('u')[0] + "Randomizer // Random" + text3 + "moons\n"); __instance.currentText = text; __instance.screenText.text = text; } } private static void print(string _) { if (c.cfg_pri.Value == true)"Terminal:" + _); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound))] internal class sor { private static string current_name = "name"; private static string current_color = "ffffff"; [HarmonyPatch("Start"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst1(StartOfRound __instance) { print("1.0"); c.chosen = false; c.real = (StartOfRound.Instance.isChallengeFile == true ? 1 : 0); if (c.cfg_slm.Value == true && c.real != 1 && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { print("1.1"); try { string save = GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentSaveFileName; c.chosen_moon = ES3.Load("4902.Random_Moons-1", save, false); c.key = ES3.Load("4902.Random_Moons-5", save, 0u); c.keys = ES3.Load("4902.Random_Moons-6", save, ""); if (c.chosen_moon == true) { print("1.2"); c.moon_n = ES3.Load("4902.Random_Moons-2", save, "name"); c.moon_c = ES3.Load("4902.Random_Moons-3", save, "ffffff"); c.moon_d = ES3.Load("4902.Random_Moons-4", save, "description"); current_name = c.moon_n; current_color = c.moon_c; __instance.screenLevelDescription.text = moons.create_description(c.moon_n, c.moon_c, c.moon_d, true); } } catch (System.Exception error) {"Error while trying to load game values when connecting as host: " + error); } } } [HarmonyPatch("ChangeLevel"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst2() { print("2.0"); pcb.stars = new string[] {"name", "ffffff", "description"}; pcb.presets = new bool[] {false, false, false}; if (c.chosen == true) { print("2.1"); c.moon_n = GameNetworkManager.Instance.GetNameForWeekNumber(); c.moon_c = ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(moons.color(0f, 1f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1f, 1f)); c.moon_d = StartOfRound.Instance.levels[moons.list(false, true)].LevelDescription; if (c.cfg_ltn.Value == true || StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 > 1) { print("2.2"); string color = (c.cfg_mcc.Value == true ? c.moon_c : "FFFF00"); string text = (c.key == t.typed_key ? "" : " random"); HUDManager.Instance.AddTextToChatOnServer("</color><color=#FF0000>Routing to" + text + t.text3 + "moon:</color>\n<size=14><color=#" + color + ">" + c.moon_n + "</color></size>", -1);"Routing to" + text + t.text3 + "moon " + c.moon_n + "(" + c.moon_c + ")"); } if (StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 > 1) { print("2.3"); pcb.host_send_all(); } } else { print("2.4"); c.key = 0; } c.chosen_moon = c.chosen; } private static bool temp1 = false; [HarmonyPatch("ArriveAtLevel"), HarmonyPrefix] private static void pre1() { print("3.0"); if (c.chosen == true) { print("3.1"); temp1 = true; } c.chosen = false; } [HarmonyPatch("ArriveAtLevel"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst3(StartOfRound __instance) { arrive(__instance); } private static async void arrive(StartOfRound __instance) { print("4.0"); if (temp1 == true) { print("4.1"); temp1 = false; __instance.screenLevelDescription.text = moons.create_description(c.moon_n, c.moon_c, c.moon_d, true); if (StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 > 1) { print("4.2"); StartMatchLever lever = Object.FindObjectOfType<StartMatchLever>(); await Task.Delay(250); lever.PlayLeverPullEffectsServerRpc(true); await Task.Delay(1500); lever.StartGame(); } } else if (pcb.presets[0] == true) { print("4.3"); __instance.screenLevelDescription.text = moons.create_description(pcb.stars[0], pcb.stars[1], pcb.stars[2], true); pcb.presets[0] = false; } } [HarmonyPatch("StartGame"), HarmonyPrefix] private static void pre2(StartOfRound __instance) { print("5.0"); if (c.chosen_moon == true) { print("5.1"); __instance.overrideRandomSeed = true; if (c.cfg_dsc.Value == 2 && c.moon_n == current_name && c.moon_c == current_color) { print("5.2"); __instance.overrideSeedNumber = new Shion(c.key + 8).next32mm(1, 100000000); } else { print("5.3"); if (c.key != 0) { print("5.4"); __instance.overrideSeedNumber = new Shion(c.key + 8).next32mm(1, 100000000); c.key = 0; } else { print("5.5"); __instance.overrideSeedNumber = new Shion().next32mm(1, 100000000); } } current_name = c.moon_n; current_color = c.moon_c; } } [HarmonyPatch("StartGame"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst4(StartOfRound __instance) { print("6.0"); if (c.chosen_moon == true) { print("6.2"); __instance.overrideRandomSeed = false; if (c.cfg_cmm.Value == true) { print("6.3"); __instance.isChallengeFile = true; } if (c.cfg_wet.Value == true && (c.cfg_ltw.Value == true || StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 > 1)) { print("6.4"); string weather = ((__instance.currentLevel.currentWeather == LevelWeatherType.None) ? "none" : ("Weather: " + __instance.currentLevel.currentWeather)); if (weather != "none") { print("6.5"); HUDManager.Instance.AddTextToChatOnServer("</color><color=#C0C0C0>" + weather + "</color>", -1);; } } } } [HarmonyPatch("ShipLeave"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pre3() { print("7.0"); if (c.cfg_cmm.Value == true && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true && c.real != 1) { print("7.1"); StartOfRound.Instance.isChallengeFile = false; } } [HarmonyPatch("PassTimeToNextDay"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst5(StartOfRound __instance) { print("8.0"); if (c.chosen_moon == true) { print("8.1"); __instance.screenLevelDescription.text = moons.create_description(c.moon_n, c.moon_c, c.moon_d, true); } else if (pcb.presets[2] == true) { print("8.2"); __instance.screenLevelDescription.text = moons.create_description(pcb.stars[0], pcb.stars[1], pcb.stars[2], true); pcb.presets = new bool[] {false, false, false}; } } private static bool temp2 = false; [HarmonyPatch("SetShipReadyToLand"), HarmonyPrefix] private static void pre4(StartOfRound __instance) { print("9.0"); if (c.cfg_dsc.Value == 3 && c.chosen_moon == true && __instance.travellingToNewLevel == false && c.real != 1 && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { print("9.1"); temp2 = true; c.chosen_moon = false; __instance.currentLevel = __instance.levels[3]; __instance.currentLevelID = 3; TimeOfDay.Instance.currentLevel = __instance.currentLevel; RoundManager.Instance.currentLevel = __instance.currentLevel; } } [HarmonyPatch("SetShipReadyToLand"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst6(StartOfRound __instance) { print("10.0"); if (c.cfg_dsc.Value == 3 && temp2 == true && __instance.inShipPhase == true && __instance.travellingToNewLevel == false && c.real != 1 && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { print("10.1"); temp2 = false; __instance.ChangeLevelServerRpc(3, Object.FindObjectOfType<Terminal>().groupCredits); } } private static void print(string _) { if (c.cfg_pri.Value == true)"StartOfRound:" + _); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(RoundManager))] internal class rm { [HarmonyPatch("SetChallengeFileRandomModifiers")] private static void Postfix(RoundManager __instance) { print("1.0"); if (c.cfg_cmm.Value == true && c.chosen_moon == true && c.real != 1 && StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 > 1 && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { print("1.1"); __instance.increasedMapPropSpawnRateIndex = -1; } } private static void print(string _) { if (c.cfg_pri.Value == true)"RoundManager:" + _); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(OutOfBoundsTrigger))] internal class ote { [HarmonyPatch("OnTriggerEnter")] private static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { List<CodeInstruction> list = instructions.ToList(); for (int n = 0; n < list.Count; n = n + 1) { if (list[n].opcode == OpCodes.Ldfld && list[n].operand != null && list[n].operand.ToString() == "System.Boolean isChallengeFile") { list[n - 1].opcode = OpCodes.Nop; list[n].opcode = OpCodes.Nop; list[n + 1].opcode = OpCodes.Nop; break; } } return list; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(UnityEngine.Animator))] internal class uea { [HarmonyPatch("SetTrigger", new System.Type[] {typeof(string)})] private static void Postfix(ref string name) { wait(name); } private static async void wait(string name) { if (name == "introAnimation" && (c.chosen_moon == true || pcb.presets[1] == true)) { print("1.1"); await Task.Delay(10); string moon = (c.cfg_mdn.Value == true ? StartOfRound.Instance.currentLevel.PlanetName : (c.chosen_moon == true ? c.moon_n : pcb.stars[0])); HUDManager.Instance.planetInfoHeaderText.text = "CELESTIAL BODY: " + moon; if (pcb.presets[1] == true) { print("1.2"); pcb.presets = new bool[] {false, false, pcb.presets[2]}; } } } private static void print(string _) { if (c.cfg_pri.Value == true)"UnityEngine.Animator:" + _); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager))] internal class gnm { public static uint k = 0; [HarmonyPatch("GetWeekNumber")] private static bool Prefix(ref int __result) { if (k != 0) { print("1.1"); __result = (new Shion(k + 493).next32mm(0, 100000000) - 51016); k = 0; return false; } if (c.chosen == true || c.chosen_moon == true) { print("1.2"); __result = (new Shion(c.key + 493).next32mm(0, 100000000) - 51016); return false; } return true; } [HarmonyPatch("SaveGame"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst1(GameNetworkManager __instance) { print("2.0"); if (c.cfg_slm.Value == true && c.real != 1 && StartOfRound.Instance.inShipPhase == true && __instance.isHostingGame == true) { try { StartOfRound start = Object.FindObjectOfType<StartOfRound>(); if (start != null) { print("2.1"); ES3.Save("4902.Random_Moons-1", c.chosen_moon, __instance.currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("4902.Random_Moons-5", c.key, __instance.currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("4902.Random_Moons-6", c.keys, __instance.currentSaveFileName); if (c.chosen_moon == true) { print("2.2"); ES3.Save("4902.Random_Moons-2", c.moon_n, __instance.currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("4902.Random_Moons-3", c.moon_c, __instance.currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("4902.Random_Moons-4", c.moon_d, __instance.currentSaveFileName); } } } catch (System.Exception error) {"Error while trying to save game values when disconnecting as host: " + error); } } } [HarmonyPatch("Disconnect"), HarmonyPostfix] private static void pst2() { print("3.0"); c.chosen = false; c.chosen_moon = false; c.real = -1; c.key = 0; c.keys = ""; t.typed_key = 0; pcb.stars = new string[] {"name", "ffffff", "description"}; pcb.presets = new bool[] {false, false, false}; pcb.sync = false; if (StartOfRound.Instance != null) { print("3.1"); NetworkManager.Singleton.CustomMessagingManager.UnregisterNamedMessageHandler("4902.Random_Moons-Host"); NetworkManager.Singleton.CustomMessagingManager.UnregisterNamedMessageHandler("4902.Random_Moons-Client"); } } private static void print(string _) { if (c.cfg_pri.Value == true)"GameNetworkManager:" + _); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB))] internal class pcb { public static string[] stars = {"name", "ffffff", "description"}; //strings>strs>stars public static bool[] presets = {false, false, false}; //pre set the stars in the voids public static bool sync = false; private static bool overwrite = false; [HarmonyPatch("ConnectClientToPlayerObject")] private static void Postfix() { print("1.0"); if (overwrite == true) { print("1.1"); t.text3 = (c.cfg_cmm.Value == true ? " challenge " : " "); t.text1 = "Route the autopilot to a random" + t.text3 + "moon.\n\nPlease CONFIRM or DENY.\n\n"; Object.FindObjectOfType<Terminal>().terminalNodes.allKeywords.First(_ => == "Moons").specialKeywordResult.displayText = t.gold_key + "* Randomizer // Random" + t.text3 + "moons\n\n"; overwrite = false; } if (sync == false) { print("1.2"); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost == true) { print("1.3"); NetworkManager.Singleton.CustomMessagingManager.RegisterNamedMessageHandler("4902.Random_Moons-Host", host_receive); } else { print("1.4");"requesting message from host"); NetworkManager.Singleton.CustomMessagingManager.RegisterNamedMessageHandler("4902.Random_Moons-Client", client_receive); FastBufferWriter w = new FastBufferWriter(0, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp); NetworkManager.Singleton.CustomMessagingManager.SendNamedMessage("4902.Random_Moons-Host", NetworkManager.ServerClientId, w); w.Dispose(); } sync = true; } } private static void host_receive(ulong id, FastBufferReader r) { print("2.0"); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost == true) { print("2.1"); try {"received request from client"); string message = (c.chosen_moon == true && StartOfRound.Instance.inShipPhase == true ? "1^" : "0^") + c.cfg_cmm.Value.ToString().ToLower() + "^" + c.moon_n + "^" + c.moon_c + "^" + c.moon_d.Replace("^", "(caret)");"sending message " + message); FastBufferWriter w = new FastBufferWriter(FastBufferWriter.GetWriteSize(message), Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp); w.WriteValueSafe(message); NetworkManager.Singleton.CustomMessagingManager.SendNamedMessage("4902.Random_Moons-Client", id, w); w.Dispose(); } catch (System.Exception error) {"Error writing strings while syncing: " + error); } } } private static void client_receive(ulong id, FastBufferReader r) { print("3.0"); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsClient == true) { print("3.1"); try { string message; r.ReadValueSafe(out message, false);"client received message: " + message); int n = 4; if ((message.Length - message.Replace("^", "").Length) == n) { print("3.2"); string[] s = message.Split(new char[]{'^'}, n + 1); stars = new string[] {s[2], s[3], s[4]}; if (s[0] == "1") { print("3.3"); if (StartOfRound.Instance.travellingToNewLevel == true) { print("3.4"); presets = new bool[] {true, true, true}; } else { print("3.5"); StartOfRound.Instance.screenLevelDescription.text = moons.create_description(stars[0], stars[1], stars[2], true); presets = new bool[] {false, true, true}; } } t.text3 = (s[1] == "true" ? " challenge " : " "); t.text1 = "Route the autopilot to a random" + t.text3 + "moon.\n\nPlease CONFIRM or DENY.\n\n"; Object.FindObjectOfType<Terminal>().terminalNodes.allKeywords.First(_ => == "Moons").specialKeywordResult.displayText = t.gold_key + "* Randomizer // Random" + t.text3 + "moons\n\n"; overwrite = true; } else { print("3.6");"received message was not what was expected. wasn't able to sync variables with host. (are the mod versions not the same?)");"found " + (message.Length - message.Replace("^", "").Length) + "/" + n + " ^ in message " + message); } } catch (System.Exception error) {"Error reading strings while syncing: " + error); } } } public static void host_send_all() { print("4.0"); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost == true && c.chosen == true) { print("4.1"); try { string message = "1^" + c.cfg_cmm.Value.ToString().ToLower() + "^" + c.moon_n + "^" + c.moon_c + "^" + c.moon_d;"sending message to all clients " + message); FastBufferWriter w = new FastBufferWriter(FastBufferWriter.GetWriteSize(message), Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp); w.WriteValueSafe(message); NetworkManager.Singleton.CustomMessagingManager.SendNamedMessageToAll("4902.Random_Moons-Client", w); w.Dispose(); } catch (System.Exception error) {"Error writing strings while syncing to all clients: " + error); } } } private static void print(string _) { if (c.cfg_pri.Value == true)"PlayerControllerB:" + _); } } internal class moons { public static int list(bool compare_previous = false, bool misc = false, bool display_key = false) { int level = 3; uint k = 0; Shion cr = new Shion(c.key + 26); for (int n = 1; n <= 4000; n = n + 1) { if (level == 3 || level == 11 || (compare_previous == true && level == StartOfRound.Instance.currentLevelID) || (c.cfg_fl1.Value != 1 && misc == false && c.cfg_fl2.Value.Contains(StartOfRound.Instance.levels[level].PlanetName) == (c.cfg_fl1.Value == 2 ? true : false))) { if (misc == false) { k = new Shion().next48mm(1, UInt32.MaxValue - 111111111); level = new Shion(k + 11).next32mm(0, StartOfRound.Instance.levels.Length); } else { level = cr.next32mm(0, StartOfRound.Instance.levels.Length); } } else { break; } if (n == 4000) {"couldn't find a valid level, routing to gordion"); c.chosen = false; level = 3; k = 0; break; } } if (k != 0 && misc == false) c.key = k; if (display_key == true && GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame == true) { Terminal terminal = Object.FindObjectOfType<Terminal>(); gnm.k = c.key; string name = GameNetworkManager.Instance.GetNameForWeekNumber(); string s = terminal.screenText.text.Replace("[name]", name); if (c.cfg_key.Value == true) { string hex = c.key.ToString("X8"); if (hex.Length > 4) hex = hex.Insert(4, " "); s = s.Replace("[key]", hex);"Key " + hex); if (c.keys.Contains(name) == false) { Shion cr2 = new Shion(c.key + 350); int cost = c.cfg_kcd.Value - ((cr2.next32mm(0, c.cfg_kcr.Value + 1) * 10) * (cr2.next32mm(0, 10) < 4 ? -1 : 1)); if (cost < 100) cost = (c.cfg_tst.Value == false ? 100 : 0); c.keys = c.keys + hex + " " + name.PadRight(10, ' ') + " $" + cost + "\n"; if ((c.keys.Length - c.keys.Replace("\n", "").Length) > 10) c.keys = c.keys.Substring(c.keys.IndexOf("\n") + 1); } } terminal.currentText = s; terminal.screenText.text = s; } return level; } public static string create_description(string _n, string _c, string _d, bool disable_video = false) { _n = (c.cfg_mcm.Value == true ? "Orbiting: </color><color=#" + _c + ">" + _n + "</color>\n" : "Orbiting: " + _n + "\n"); if (c.cfg_rld.Value == false) _d = "POPULATION: Unknown\nCONDITIONS: Unknown\nFAUNA: Unknown"; if (disable_video == true) { StartOfRound.Instance.screenLevelVideoReel.enabled = false; StartOfRound.Instance.screenLevelVideoReel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } return _n + _d; } public static Color color(float h_min, float h_max, float s_min, float s_max, float v_min, float v_max) { Shion cr = new Shion(c.key + 256); float h = Mathf.Lerp(h_min, h_max, (float)cr.next01()); float s = Mathf.Lerp(s_min, s_max, (float)cr.next01()); float v = Mathf.Lerp(v_min, v_max, (float)cr.next01()); Color r = Color.HSVToRGB(h, s, v, true); r.a = 1f; return r; } } public class Shion { private UInt64[] state; public Shion() { System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator rand = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); byte[] randBytes = new byte[8]; rand.GetBytes(randBytes, 0, 8); UInt64 seed = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(randBytes, 0); xorshift256_init(seed); } public Shion(UInt64 seed) { xorshift256_init(seed); } //next public int next32mm(int min, int max) { uint value = next32(); double scale = ((double)(max - min)) / UInt32.MaxValue; return (int)(min + (value * scale)); } public uint next48mm(uint min, uint max) { uint value = next32(); double scale = ((double)(max - min)) / UInt32.MaxValue; return (uint)(min + (value * scale)); } public byte[] next8() { UInt64 nextInt64 = xoshiro256ss(); return System.BitConverter.GetBytes(nextInt64); } public UInt32 next32() { byte[] randBytes = next8(); return System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(randBytes, 0); } public UInt64 next64() { return xoshiro256ss(); } public double next01() { UInt64 nextInt64 = xoshiro256ss(); //0 inclusive, 1 exclusive return (double)nextInt64 / (double)(UInt64.MaxValue); } //misc private UInt64 splitmix64(UInt64 partialstate) { partialstate = partialstate + 0x9E3779B97f4A7C15; partialstate = (partialstate ^ (partialstate >> 30)) * 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9; partialstate = (partialstate ^ (partialstate >> 27)) * 0x94D049BB133111EB; return partialstate ^ (partialstate >> 31); } private void xorshift256_init(UInt64 seed) { UInt64[] result = new UInt64[4]; result[0] = splitmix64(seed); result[1] = splitmix64(result[0]); result[2] = splitmix64(result[1]); result[3] = splitmix64(result[2]); state = result; } private UInt64 rotl64(UInt64 x, int k) { return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k)); } private UInt64 xoshiro256ss() { UInt64 result = rotl64(state[1] * 5, 7) * 9; UInt64 t = state[1] << 17; state[2] ^= state[0]; state[3] ^= state[1]; state[1] ^= state[2]; state[0] ^= state[3]; state[2] ^= t; state[3] = rotl64(state[3], 45); return result; } } }