Acalians Company
Do you long for adventure as you work? Do you ache for new worlds and new life? Then join Acalians Company Today! Become a salvage expert in no time with our specialised on the job training utilising all new safety equipment like a Helmet or a Gun!
Acalian's Company
Version 5.2.1
- Forget to edit the readme and manifest so thats done now
- Updated Cullfactory
Version 5.2.0
- Updated ButteryFixes, CruiserImproved, CullFactory, Matty_Fixes_Experimental, StarlancerAIFix, VoidLeak, BetterStamina, Wider_Ship_Mod, suitsTerminal, Lategame_Upgrades, Custom_Item_Behaviour_Library, DungeonGenerationPlus, WeatherRegistry, EnemySkinRegistry, EnemySkinKit, MoreCounterplay, HotbarPlus, SCP173, UsualScrap, Wheelbarrow, TakeyPlush, WesleysInteriors, LiminalPools, JLL, ut99_interiors, unreal_interiors, ScarletDevilMansion, Moons_of_Otherworldly_Oddity, Snipers_Moons, HarvestMoons, VoxxMoons, Black_Mesa_Half_Life_Moon_Interior, Atomics_Cosmetics, BloodAndGrime_Suits, TooManyEmotes, BetterVehicleControls, LethalNetworkAPI, EnemySoundFixes, JetpackFixes, LethalFixes, LethalPerformance, Matty_Fixes_Experimental, LethalPipeRemoval, ScannableCodes, StarlancerEnemyEscape, OpenBodyCams, Malfunctions, LethalElements, ColorfulEnemyVariety, ExtraEnemyVariety, ReservedItemSlotCore, JPOGTrex, ShibaBatInu, Locker, Surfaced, Emergency_Dice, MoreItems, PremiumScraps & Thormina
- Added AsyncLoggers, BagConfig, DistinctMoonVariety, DistinctEnemyVariety, ReservedJsonSlots, ReservedBeltBagSlot, JPOGStegosaurus & RGB_Skeleton_Suit
- Removed AsyncLoggers_Experimental and Immersive_Visor as they have been Deprecated and no longer work properly
- Removed Vega and VoiceRecognitionAPI to reduce load
Version 5.1.0
- Updated VanillaMoonsLagFix, Wider_Ship_Mod, ImprovedClock, Surfaced, TestAccountVariety, ut99_interiors, AsyncLoggers_Experimental, OpenBodyCams, CodeRebirth, LETHALRESONANCE, JPOGTrex, TakeyPlush, JLL, unreal_interiors, BetterStamina, VoxxMoons, TooManyEmotes, Moons_of_Otherworldly_Oddity, CullFactory, LethalPerformance, ReservedFlashlightSlot, UsualScrap, WesleysInteriors, Wesleys_Moons, Black_Mesa_Half_Life_Moon_Interior & NikkisCosmeticKingdom.
- Re-added Acalian's Company Theme as I now realise the in-game changelog is always going to be 1 version behind if don't.
- Re-added Scopophobia now it has been updated.
- Added SCP173 - a new enemy that will act like a mix between the Bracken, ShyGuy and a Coil-Head.
- Added BloodAndGrime Suits, LetMeLookDown, Football, BepInUtils, Glow_Steps, HazbinHotelSuits, PremiumScraps, LethalPresents, ShuffleShift, RGB_Suit, Lightsabers, Dont Touch Me, LethalRegeneration, MuldjordCosmetics, Ty Suits & Gridian Cosmetics.
Version 5.0.3
- Updated TestAccountCore, Wider_Ship_Mod, CodeRebirth, BetterEXP, LETHALRESONANCE & Diving_Kit
Version 5.0.2
- Updated HarmonyXTranspilerFix, ImprovedClock & TestAccountCore
- Changed the boot screen
Version 5.0.1
- Updated DoNotEatItems, Matty_Fixes_Experimental, CodeRebirth, ImmersiveScrap, USC_Vortex_Interiors, AsyncLoggers Experimental, CursedScraps, ImprovedClock & Acalians_Company_Theme
- Replaced Mazon_moon, Espira_moon, Halation_moon & Praetor_moon with the Moons of Otherworldly Oddity mod. (contains all these moons)
- Updated Configs to re-enable certain items that were disabled due to update requirements. Noteably Money spawns, Wallets & Tornados.
- Added Acalian's Company Theme to the download of the modpack so it is now included as one item.
Version 5.0.0
- Updated multiple mods
- Removed, added & replaced many mods
- Modpack is now considerably larger but should have a considerable perfomance increase.
- The pack is now made for you to be able to change how you see fit. You can remove whatever moons, interiors, creatures suits or cosmetics you wish without worrying about causing issues. This is even easier if you us my import code to do this. See readme for more info.
Version 4.1.2
- Updated Pinnacle, LethalNetworkAPI & CursedScraps
- Added SCP106 back in as it has been updated.
Version 4.1.1
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore, UsualScrap, Biodiversity, DungeonGenerationPlus, ScarletDevilMansion & LC_Office
- Added ScarletDevilMoon
- Changed configs to double the reward for killing a creature & to turn of Quota Rollover. If you wish to turn it back on, Open the GeneralImprovements config, go to Mechanics and then change AllowQuotaRollover to True.
Version 4.1.0
- Updated USC_Vortex, WesleysInteriors, ButteryFixes, CullFactory, unreal_interiors, ut99_interiors, oneshotinteriors, Mazon_moon & Espira_moon
- Removed ChocoQuota, LethalHands, loaforcsSoundAPI, LETHALRESONANCE, SCP106, MoreBlood, The_Projection, LethalEmotesAPI, LEgend_of_TheMoai, Moai_Enemy, ImmortalSnail, MolesterLootBug, RecentlyPlayedWith, LethalAchievements, TerminalApi, StrangerThingsMod & Shopping_Cart to increase performance
Version 4.0.12
- Updated JLL & Acalians_Company_Theme
Version 4.0.11
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore, ReservedFlashlightSlot, ReservedWeaponSlot, ReservedWalkieSlot, ReservedUtilitySlot, Tolian_Moons, FacilityMeltdown, LETHALRESONANCE, TestAccountVariety, SellBodiesFixed, CullFactory, Acalians_Company_Theme & LethalEmotesAPI
- Added Motion Tracker V2 & MoreBlood.
- Changed the Icon
Version 4.0.10
- Updated Biodiversity & UnityDebuggerAssistant
- Added LethalHands, The Projection & DoorBreach
Version 4.0.9
- Added ToggleMute, True_Darkness, Atomics Suits & Atomics Cosmetics.
Version 4.0.8
- Updated VentSpawnFix, UnityDebuggerAssistant, MeleeFixes, TestAccountCore, ButteryFixes, unreal_interiors, ut99_interiors, oneshotinteriors, oneshotmoons, LETHALRESONANCE & TestAccountVariety.
Version 4.0.7
- Changed configs to stop Ogopogo spawning until updated.
- Updated changelog layout
Version 4.0.6
- Updated BarberFixes, TheGiantSpecimens, CountryRoadCreature, SchoolDungeon, USC_Vortex_Interiors, CullFactory, PathfindingLagFix, Pinnacle, UnityDebuggerAssistant, Emergency_Dice, UltraFlashlight, Xen_Interior, ScarletDevilMansion, unreal_interiors, LC_Office, oneshotinteriors, Xen_Moon, Halation_moon, Men_Stalker, Snipers_Moons, FacilityMeltdown & LETHALRESONANCE.
- Added UnityDebuggerAssistant, BepInExMonoModDebug, this is purely to help me debug errors.
- Added BepInExFasterLoadAssetBundles, Biodiversity, VentSpawnFix, SnatchinBracken, Mazon moon, Espira moon, Generic Moons, Cesspool, EverythingCanDie & DeathAnimationss.
- Updated Configs to disable culling for USC Vortex Interiors, to disable Wallets and Money spawns as wallets seem broken atm, to double upgrade costs,, to randomize available upgrades every quoto, to reduce bodys/sample values, to reduce Kill credits rewards, to increase some creatures health and to make some immortal creatures mortal.
- Immortal Mobs: SCP106, IMMORTALSNAIL, HALT, SCP3199 (technically killable but lays an egg and grows again upon death), SHYGUY, SLENDERMAN, GIRL, ECLIPSEWISPS
Version 4.0.5
- Updated EnemySoundFixes, TestAccountCore, LateCompany, WesleysInteriors, HarvestMoons, Custom_Item_Behaviour_Library & TestAccountVariety.
- Added USC_Vortex_Interiors & SCPFoundationDungeon.
- Updated Configs.
Version 4.0.4
- Updated Acalians_Company_Theme, LateCompany, LobbyCompatibility Custom_Item_Behaviour_Library, Seichi, Synthesis_Moon, Xen_Moon, XuMiscTools, ut99_interiors, Xen_Interior & men_stalker.
- Removed Scoopys_Variety_Mod (Not Working), PizzaTowerEscapeMusic & LETHAL_RESONANCE_MELTDOWN (they are unnecessary), EverythingCanDie (makes it too easy to get credits and if the price of bodies is lowered it makes it not worth having in the firstplace), DeathAnimationss (not needed without EverythingCanDie).
Version 4.0.3
- Updated JLL, Pinnacle and Acalians_Company_Theme.
- Added EverythingCanDie, RandomDeathMessages, DeathAnimationss, PizzaTowerEscapeMusic & LETHAL_RESONANCE_MELTDOWN.
Version 4.0.2
- Updated EnemySoundFixes, ut99_interiors, Halation moon, MoreCompany & Acalians_Company_Theme
- Added new Icon.
- Added new description.
Version 4.0.1
- Updated LethalPerformance, LethalLevelLoader, EnemySoundFixes, ButteryFixes, ImmersiveScrap, UsualScrap, Piggys_Variety_Mod, Surfaced, FacelessStalker, DungeonGenerationPlus, ScarletDevilMansion, unreal_interiors, ut99_interiors, oneshotinteriors, oneshotmoons, Synthesis_Moon, NeedyCats, MoreCounterplay, Lategame_Upgrades, Locker, TestAccountVariety, LethalPresents, WesleysInteriors, WeedkillerFixes & SellBodiesFixed.
- Added Halation moon, Scoopys Variety Mod, Malfunctions, DetourContext_Dispose_Fix & AutoHookGenPatcher.
Version 4.0.0
V61 from now on, please use previous ### Versions for V56.
- Updated Acalians_Company_Theme, LethalLevelLoader, Lategame_Upgrades, Lategame_Company_Cruiser_Upgrades, Locker, FacelessStalker, SellBodiesFixed, HitchBloodsworth, ShibaBatInu, TestAccountVariety, UltraFlashlight, MysteriousHarbingers, PathfindingLagFix, MoreCompany, CullFactory, seichi, MoatMoon, ButteryFixes, LCGoldScrapMod, sellbodiesfixed, Men_Stalker, unreal_interiors, OpenBodyCams, MoneyForKills, WesleysInteriors, Moonswept, ut99_interiors & Custom_Item_Behaviour_Library.
- Removed SoberShip as it is now unnecessary for V60 since there is no fox
- Removed Gnomes due to broken scripts.
- Removed Ombra as it doesn't work in V60 yet.
- Removed TooManySuits due to desync issues.
- Removed NoobsideDrips, StealthSuits, Daritxe_FFAAyFCS, SCP_Suits & Pigeons_HighVis_Suits to reduce bloat in the modpack.
- Removed DynamicInterior as I have configured interiors to match exteriors.
- Added TeraSpace, MantifDungeon, MANTIF, XuMiscTools, Black_Mesa_Half_Life_Moon_Interior, Tranquillity, Scifi Box, BigEyes, MoreCounterplay, The_Fiend, Moved_Magnet_Switch, OpenLib & suitsTerminal.
Version 3.2.4
- Updated ButteryFixes, EnemySoundFixes, LethalNetworkAPI, UsualScrap, unreal_interiors, ut99_interiors, oneshotinteriors, Tolian_Moons & BetterEXP.
- Added CountryRoadCreature, UltraFlashlight, TerminalApi & LethalAchievements.
Version 3.2.3
- Updated Surfaced & TestAccountVariety
- Updated Configs.
Version 3.2.2
- Updated Surfaced & Pinnacle
- Removed AmbianceLib, MuteLib, Conviction, Assertion, Thormina, Atlas_Abyss, LertzMod & LethalCorporation due to errors in those mods
- Added Hazardsoutside & Fair AI.
Version 3.2.1
- Updated StarlancerAIFix, EnemySoundFixes, UsualScrap, Surfaced, men_stalker, FacelessStalker, JLL & Pinnacle
- Added Sleight_Of_Hand_Piggy_Variety_Patch, TestAccountVariety, TeleportDecline, LethalCorporation, USC_Vortex, MoatMoon, AmbianceLib, MuteLib, Conviction, Assertion, Thormina, Atlas_Abyss, LertzMod, Snipers_Moons & HarvestMoons.
Version 3.2.0
- Updated JetpackFixes, ButteryFixes & Surfaced
- Added Scallg, Sanoradia, Hawalia & Random Moons
- Removed EmployeeAssignments & EmployeeAssignments_Updater_Fix due to repeated errors, turns out these were a big problem and causing many crashes and issues.
Version 3.1.3
- Updated unreal_interiors, ut99_interiors & oneshotinteriors
- Removed mods from manifest that i had forgotten to remove, there should now be the correct number of 178 mods.
Version 3.1.2
- Updated Seichi, MoreItems, Pinnacle, Surfaced, WesleysInteriors, StarlancerMoons & LateGameUpgrades
- Added Talking Heads, Remnants, BetterXP and Helmet
- Removed ShipWindows, CelestialTint, SCP Scrap Breached & SCPDungeon due to performance issues and errors occurring during landing.
Version 3.1.1
- Updated UsualScrap & Synthesis_Moon.
Version 3.1.0
- Updated WesleysInteriors & LiminalPools
- Added ShibaBatInu, CompanyOffices, SellBodiesFixed, Pinnacle & JLL.
Version 3.0.0
- Removed LethalCasion due to bloat
- Removed EGypt, PsychSanctum, Echelon, CaltPrime, Sanguine, Harloth, Nyx, Azure, Nimbus, Argent, Crystallum & Aquatis -> Replaced with Tolian Moons which contains all these and more
- Removed Etern, Atlantica, Desolation, Junic, Infernis & Asteroid13 -> Replaced with Wesleys Moons which contains all these and more
- Removed 184Derelict -> Replaced with VoxxMoons which contains Derelict and Arcadia
- Added LiminalPools, Sanoradia, Hawalia, Ombra, oneshotinteriors & oneshotmoons
- Updated LethalPerformance, StarlancerAIFix, TestAccountCore, MoreItems & StarlancerMoons
- Updated the configs for many mods including flora from CodeRebirth so that it now matches with a moons specific biome
- Added a kitty surprise for some very helpful people.
Version 2.5.4
- Removed Random_Moons due to bugs causing failure to land on some modded planets
- Removed LethalCasion due to bloat
- Updated Locker, UnrealInteriors, UsualScrap, Piggys_Variety_Mod & Seichi. Created Acalians Company Plus.
Version 2.5.3
- Updated TestAccountCore, MoreItems, Piggys_Variety_Mod & CompanyMines
- Updated configs to change spawn rates of various enemies, increased speed of ShyGuy chase and max number of spawns to 2
- Added Needy Cats due to popular request.
Version 2.5.2
- Updated SolidLib, Surfaced & ShockwaveDroneEnemy
- Removed fasteritemdropship from my files as it was appearing in the import code
- Removed Pushcompany as it is unneccessary and just caused bloat
- Added TelepathicObject as a new enemey.
Version 2.5.1
- Updated Lategame_Upgrades, UsualScrap, Surfaced, ut99_interiors, Portable_Teleporters & OpenBodyCams
- Removed Flans_CosmeticsBundle, DygDygCosmetic to reduce modpack size.
Version 2.5.0
- Updated configs
- Updated moai_enemy
- Removed 8 mods to reduce modpack size and performance issues along with individual reasons for each mod.
- fasteritemdropship - LateGameUpgrades provides upgrades that do the same effect
- Mobik_Suit - Not showing in game
- LethalSkirts - Look ridiculous without physics
- Mantle - Animations need work, get stuck in place often and unkillable
- Symbiosis - Doesnt interact with many modded items
- Smiling Critters - Often get stuck in place and don't provide much of a challenge
- LethalPlaytime - Other than Miss Behave, tend to get stuck in place and not chase players even when right infront of them
- NightmareFoxy - Same as lethalplaytime
- Scp_049_The_Plague_Dcotor - Great in theory but doesnt really add anything new to the game
Version 2.4.3
- Updated configs for backgrounds to show up correctly
Version 2.4.2
- Update various mods, I forget which, sorry
- Added Open Body Cam
- Added ReservedUtilitySlot and removed ReservedKeySlot, this should allow players to have both a key slot and a slot for various other items such as grenades, jetpack, inhalent etc. Re-Added Portable Teleporters as they should now see more use as they go in the utility slot
- Added Random_Moons and Aquatis.
Version 2.4.1
- Updated MrovLib, Piggys_Variety_Mod, unreal_interiors & ut99_interiors
- Updated configs.
Version 2.4.0
- Updated LateGameUpgrades and added its new second half
- Updated DungeonGenerationPlus
- Removed SkullEnemy as it doesnt seem to actually do anything to players
- Removed More Items Mod due to strange purchasing errors in the store resulting in buying the wrong items
- Removed LethalMoonUnlocks as it did nothing
- Added UsualScrap, MoreItems, CodeRebirth, ShipWindows, ShipWindows & SpectateEnemies.
Version 2.3.0
- Removed SirenHead due to issues with it not spawning correctly
- Removed Cruiser_Additions as it does absolutley nothing, seems most of it is overridden by other mods
- Added: MonitorLabels, PushCompany, SCP_Suits, EmberCosmeticsPack, LethalSkirts, WackyCosmetics, Daritxe_FFAAyFCSE, Mobik_Suit, StealthSuits & NoobsideDrips
- Updated Seichi & CompanyMines.
Version 2.2.1
- Updated the manifest as I forgot to for ### Version 2.2.0
Version 2.2.0
- Updated many mods
- Removed Vile Vending machine due to under-use feedback and inconsistant spawns
- Removed Haunted due to performance feedback
- Removed Portable Teleporter due to under-use feedback
- Added HitchBloodsworth & LethalMoonUnlocks. Changed some configs.
Version 2.1.7
- Updated TestAccountCore, TestAccountFixes, ReservedItemSlotCore, TooManyEmotes, Piggys_Variety_Mod, Custom_Item_Behaviour_Library, Portable_Teleporters And Wheelbarrow.
Version 2.1.6
- Updated Lategame_Upgrades and added the new seperate item and command mods
- Updated Configs.
Version 2.1.5
- Updated Configs.
Version 2.1.4
- Removed Weather Bonuses as I realised it was unnecessary due to Weather Registry
- Added DungeonGenerationPlus as it is now required for ScarletDevilMansion.
Version 2.1.3
- Updated Mattys Fixes Experimental, Moai_Enemy and ScarletDevilMansion. Changed the Layout for CHANGELOG. Edited ReadMe with regards to issue about loading game twice as it seems to no longer be an issue.
Version 2.1.2
- Added Weather Registry and Weather Bonuses.
Version 2.1.1
- Updated Mattys Fixes Experimental and Cruiser Additions.
Version 2.1.0
- Removed Addon Fusion as it doesn't work correctly with other mods in this pack
- Updated Company Mine
- Added Wesleys Interiors Addon, Lunar Anomalies, Emblem and Acalians Company Theme.
Version 2.0.3
- Updated Profile/Config code.
Version 2.0.2
- ACTUALLY Updated Mrov.Lib & Synthesis Moon.
Version 2.0.1
- Updated Mrov.Lib & Synthesis Moon. Replaced AdditionalNetworking_Experimental with AdditionalNetworking.
Version 2.0.0
- A Complete overhaul of the modlist and configs to create a unique game that can have many options so as to not just repeat the same process/content over and over again. The modpack now contains more mods than before,this is because I have picked out various moons, items, interiors etc, from mods that had multiple seperate mods packaged as one. This means that whilst the number of mods has increased, the actual amount of data to load has decreased overall. I recomend using my configs if you dont know what you are doing as I have gone over each of them time and again to balance them all.
Old - Acalians Company Modpack
Version 1.9.9
- No Longer Updating. Please us Acalians Company instead: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Acalian/Acalians_Company/
Version 1.0.10
- Updated Configs.
Version 1.0.9
- Updated mods.
Version 1.0.8
- Updated mods.
Version 1.0.7
- Updated mods, added reservedkeyslot, re-added reservedweaponslot.
Version 1.0.6
- Stripped down the pack to reduce errors and increase performance whilst still bringing new elements into play.
Version 1.0.5
- Updated Pack to replace mods, removed some and added others. Should minimise issues.
Version 1.0.4
- Updated Pack.
Version 1.0.3
- Removed HolographicWings-LethalExpansion & PKY-SCP_scrap due to a compatibility issue.
Version 1.0.2
- Created a better Readme.
Version 1.0.1
- Reworked Mods.
Version 1.0.0
- Pack Created.