Adds the Scarlet Devil Mansion from Touhou as a possible dungeon to the snow maps.
Redid dungeon generation. All dungeons generate hallway tiles more often, have longer main paths, and shorter branching paths.
Retextured and redid the hallway rooms
Added new stair rooms
Redid all void rooms
Added some new visual effects to the portraits and void
Added some sound effects for using the jukebox
Adjusted hitbox of the maid's dropped knife to match her full body initially
Fixed blood from the maid and her knife to not be weirdly shiny white
Fixed me serializing stuff that I really shouldn't be. May stop certain crashes
Fixed crashing lol bad dev forgot to include some .pngs
Updated for LLL 1.4.0
Added new dungeon variant
Added new scrap item
Separated configs into the main mod and each of the individual dungeon's generation
Void rooms with missing paths are slightly easier
Enlarged 2F library rooms
Added a bit more space to the 1F library rooms
Added collision to the christmas trees
Fire exits will no longer spawn close to each other
Hallway rooms: removed some tiles, reduced some of the blood spam, added decorations
Fixed revenant slowly down even when you aren't looking at it
Fixed vent effects and sounds to work
Knights and Revenants now play a summoning effect when they spawn on props
Knights no longer trigger vent effects
Revenants now spawn at a vent instead of on the maid if no props exists
Fixed loot interaction with CodeRebirth's Gal enemies
Updated for v69
Added more config fields for scrap items and enemies
Added christmas trees to mayor
Each main path will generate a minimum of one fire exit and painting if possible
Slightly shrinked the size of the vanilla dungeon
All critical damage mechanics renamed to "marked for death." Being marked for death by any mechanic twice will kill the player regardless of the source.
Revenant properly slows down when being stared down
The code to inject items/enemies when SDM dungeon loads has been changed. May cause bugs please let me know if they occur
Added new portrait art
Updated for v65/66
Two new outside rooms with an open sunroof
Added visual effects to the dungeon if the moon has certain weather effects
Dungeon "sunlight" will decrease over time
The v62 enemies should destroy Scarlet doors now
Undefined enemies (future or modded) should open Scarlet doors by default now
Updated the red anger effect to be less red
Made the mayor pillars float higher in the air
1.3.0 - 1.3.27
Added many variant rooms
Added void rooms
Added new treasure rooms
Added clock prop to main entrance
Added destroyable doors
Added spike traps to dungeon
Added jukebox with Touhou beats to Servant's Quarter rooms
Redone dungeon brightness, item and map hazard spawn locations
Added ink/blood stains throughout the mansion floor
Expanded mayor entrance tile, removed basement
Shrunk all 1F libary rooms
Lights now have a chance of flickering and dying
Updated dungeon generation to prefer branch tiles that make multiple connections to encourage looping paths
Added new enemy variant for Butler and new weapon from said enemy
Added new scrap item, shattered decorative crystal (can combine with flashlights)
Added new scrap item, doll snowglobe
Added new scarlet key (it's just red) to help with visibility
Updated knight to match the coilhead's new v60 behaviour
Knight enters a brief cooldown after hitting a player
Added config to add unique enemy spawns during the bedroom dungeon event
Added configs for dungeon enemies and items spawn weights
Added config for demonic painting
Added config to use either SDM or vanilla fire exits
Moved some of the configs to LLL
Dungeon lights turn red during certain dungeon events
Added special colouring to enemies that spawn from the painting event
Portraits stare at you when you aren't looking
Added Mimics compatibility
Added FacilityMeltdown compatibility
Added ReservedFlashlightSlot compatibility
Added ReservedKeySlot compatibility
Added Coroner compatibility
CullFactory mod is now manatory
LethalConfig's entries will have a different shade of red if my preset settings auto-change its values
Updated mod for my new API
Added Sanguine (moon) to the interior's spawn list
Added Scarlet Devil Mansion (moon) to the interior's spawn list
1.2.0 - 1.2.12
Added new dungeon event
Added basement to mayor starting room
Added bedroom and servant quarter variant rooms
Many many internal code and design changes to reduce the load times by abouy 90% on average
Removed garden tile (temporarily). Added unpolished fire exits throughout the dungeon
Added rotateable frames to the hallways
Added new functionality to decorative crystal item
Added config presets. Automatically set to default. Contains two distinct presets for 4+ lobbies are 1-3 smaller lobbies
These config presets make the map much smaller
Fixed scrap spawn prefering to spawn on the upper floors
Added many new networked configs
Switch from BinaryFormatter to OdinSerializer
Fixed issues with unofficial Korean patch
1.1.0 - 1.1.12
Added support for LLL
Detailed the hallway rooms and added new ones
Added lethal company's lighting onto the dungeon (somehow?)
Added new enemy variant
Added new scrap item
Fixed enemy pathing issues
Spray cans now work, thanks SkullCrusher my beloved
Added wall lights to hallway rooms as a possible spawn
Added chandelier lights to most rooms as a possible spawn
Added networked config to modify the spawn chance of light sources
Added networked config to modify much of the dungeon generation values and scrap count
1.0.1 - 1.0.4
Detailed the mayor starting room
Added three detailed kitchen variants
Made more drastic changes to make the map much less spread out, AKA map is smaller