Alululululu-Alu_Meowdpack icon

Alu Meowdpack

meow meow mew miauw moew mrrooooww RAAAAWR


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  • Removed

    • MetalRecharging (Already in LethalThings)
    • LethalExtension (moved to Scoopys Variety Mod)
    • TerminalGames (caused minor visual bugs and potentially lock you into terminal)
    • SimpleCommandAPI
    • Gamba Mod
  • Added

    • Scoopys Variety Mod
    • LethalSettings
    • Immersive Visor
    • Groan Tube Scrap
    • SmoreCosmetics
    • NeedyCats
    • CritHits
    • CasetteSwap
    • Custom Boombox Music
    • Custom Boombox Fix
    • LethalPaintings
    • LethalPosters
    • CatPosters
    • FrierenPlush
    • NoHornCooldown
    • PintoBoy
    • RollingGiant
    • Trey Health Text
    • QuotaFixer
    • MoreBlood
  • Updated

    • LethalExpansion to 1.3.11
    • CozyImprovements to 1.2.0
    • LC API to 3.2.3
    • LethalLib to 0.10.1
    • Lategame Ugrades to 2.8.6
    • ShowCapacity to 1.0.7
    • AccurateStaminaDisplay to 1.1.1
    • LateCompany to 1.0.9
    • Coroner to 1.5.3
    • Aquatis to 0.4.0
    • ReservedItemSlotCore to 1.7.6
    • ReservedFlashlightSlot to 1.5.5
    • ReservedWalkieSlot to 1.5.3
    • Diversity to 1.1.6
    • NuclearLib to 1.0.4
    • Symbiosis to 1.0.5
    • DiscountAlert to 2.3.0
    • DataCompany to 1.0.3
    • IntroTweaks to 1.4.0
    • TerminalApi to 1.5.0
    • TooManySuits to 1.0.5
  • Switched changelog version around so newest updates show up top

  • *Fixed(?) randomized items upon loading into save

  • Added config changes (i hope it works)

    • BepinEx (disabled log console)
    • Diversity (disabled Full Darkness, fixes previous darkness issue)
    • Scoopys Variety Mod (lowered interior spawn % from 50 to 15, config value: 300 -> 90)
  • Removed

    • Helmet Cameras (due to bad performance)
  • Added

    • Light Switch Scan Node
    • Aquatis
    • Dont Touch Me
    • DeadManWalking
    • Blahaj
    • TooManySuits
    • LethalFashion
    • Kast
    • Hold Scan Button
    • CozyImprovements
    • ShowCapacity
  • Updated

    • Orion to 1.1.0
    • LC API to 3.2.2
    • LethalExpansion to 1.3.9
    • DarkMist to 1.2.0
    • Coroner to 1.5.1
    • LateCompany to 1.0.8
    • AccurateStaminaDisplay to 1.0.2
    • LethalExtension 0.2.1
  • Changelog fixed

  • Known Issues

    • Darkness is darker (no ambient player light?)
    • Restarting game and loading into a save can cause some items to be randomized
  • Trying to fix changelog
  • Added

    • LethalStuff
    • DarkMist
    • TheCovenMod
  • Updated

    • ReservedItemSlotCore to 1.7.1
    • ReservedFlashlightSlot to 1.5.2
    • ReservedWalkieSlot to 1.5.1
    • AccurateStaminaDisplay to 1.0.1
    • LethalExtension to 0.2.0
  • Actually added the mods from previous version...
  • Added

    • Drive Suit
    • AccurateStaminaDisplay
    • LethalExtension
    • MoreHead
    • Chunkys Cosmetics
    • LethalExpansion
    • LethalExpansionCore
    • Orion
  • Updated

    • Diversity to 1.1.4
    • DiscountAlert to 2.2.0
    • NuclearLib to 1.0.2
    • Symbiosis to 1.0.4
    • Lategame Upgrades to 2.8.5
    • ReservedItemSlotCore to 1.7.0
    • FlashlightFix to 1.0.5
    • LetalCompany InputUtils to 0.4.4
    • Coroner to 1.5.0
  • Updated
    • LethalLib to 0.9.0
    • DiscountAlert to 2.1.0
  • initial release