Amadora-BetterCompany icon


Small modpack that aims to improve the vanilla experience! (TO UPDATE THE PACK CREATE A NEW PROFILE AND DOWNLOAD THE PACK)


Version 1.0.5 changes:

  • Lowered the price of the scan upgrade (650 --> 300)
  • Added some funny mods (Temporary, will be removed next update/after christmas)
  • Added the backrooms
  • Added SCP foundation facilty (can spawn in any moon)
  • Added new suits
  • Added push company (Give feedback on this one)
  • Added youtube boombox, How to use: 1- Obtain boombox 2- Use your configured hotkey to open the boombox menu (B by default) 3- Paste URL 4- Click play, wait a few seconds for everyone to download
  • Added TZPReworkedHealing (Also need feedback on this one)
  • Lowered the perfomance on the Hellmet Cameras, for performance reason

Version 1.0.4 changes:

  • Tuned down the masked enemies, nerfed spawn rate and only spawn on higher tier moons
  • Updated all mods to most recent version
  • Added ScalingStartCredits by sunnobunno: Adds additional credits per person after starting the game on day 0

Version 1.0.3 changes:

Small bugfixes and balance changes

  • The "Masked" have their mask again
  • Fixed a visual bug that occured while doing scans

Version 1.0.2 changes:

  • Added MaskedEnemyOverhaul
  • Added HullBreaker Company to the pack, adding many new encounters and challenges
  • We're now using EladsHUD, a cleaner and better version of the original HUD
  • Improved scans using BetterItemScan by PopleZoo and ShipLoot by Tinyhoot


  • Fixed an issue where the spray can wasn't working as intended