Ship Plus
Protect ship with zap strikes around / Terminal tool
New features:
- Fix in some cases looped sounds after use
New features:
- Added SAVES (when you buy it, it will save info about that, after starting new session on same SAVE file it will be setup, no need to buy again)
Major fixes:
- Added SOUNDS of laser
- Fixed price for zapwave
- Fixed bug when zapwave could be used few times when it was already bought
- Fixed bug when 'wave' in terminal was crashing/freezing game. Could not crash/crash not that often (need testers)
- Fixed display price in terminals
Major fixes:
- Fixed balance after waveup
- Fixed spawning after 'zapwave' to be applied on the same moon (to don't wait for start of next round to be able to use it)
New features:
- Added count down for using wave
- Added count of use wave per round depending of upgrade (look table at README)
- Added not using wave when there are no targets near
Major fixes:
- Fixed not working zapping for some scenarios
- Fixed displaying at terminal
- Fixed ZAPPING (before it could zap the same target from 1 to MAX - amount of targets randomly)
- Fixed displaying ZAPPED ppl and enemies screen (related to bug above)
Finished wave per round (was WIP and forgot about it), added no wasting 'wave' when no one was zapped
Fix screen OTHER with 'zapwave' to display price and adjust message when player can't afford to buy to show price.
Fix information on the main page
Init version