Ardie-Synth_Escape_Music icon

Synth Escape Music

A collection of darksynth music to fit the atmosphere of running for your life! I think it's pretty immersive. To have this pack play instead of the default pizza tower music, change 'Default' in the 'pizzatowerescapemusic.cfg' config to 'Ardie'



Bumped dependencies. Removed announcer option.


Fixed ardieserious having announcer in script still. Bumped dependencies in manifest. Updated readme.


Reworked Of Embers and Stars to be less crazy. Removed the announcer by default to allow compatability with the Lethal Resonance Meltdown mod. To Re-enable, add "AddAnnouncer" to the list of scripts to-be loaded by pizzatowerescape. I probably changed some other song weather placements but I can't remember.


Added 4 songs: 3 new and one reworked from a song already in the pack. Added songs specifically for rainy weather. Moved dome songs around between weathers (stormy and flooded).


Reverted dependency back to the original facility meltdown mod since it was updated. That was quick!


Updated dependency to new version of facility meltdown for v55. Added 3 songs. Made pulling the apparatus during stormy weather its own condition. Updated icon.


Added two songs. Reworked one song into an apparatus-pull song. Modified the scripts to be compatible with modded weather.


Added a song. Created alternative scripts for more serious or energetic songs. Created a script for vanilla play which removes apparatice-pulled songs.


Added a few songs. Removed a few songs. Editted songs to sync with the explosion at the end. Changed conditions for songs to better fit the context, such as weather and where you are when it is almost midnight. Each weather type should have its own music essentially. Optimized package a little bit. Reorganized changelog.


Now the mod uploads properly, sorry it is my first time modding!


Changed upload format


Fixed listing html, oopsie!


Initial release