Asonyx-LCPlanAssassin icon


A mod I made for my friends. Add a new scrap item which awt like a weapon when you click it. WARNING : This mod is in french

By Asonyx



Bug fix:

  • Fixed a bug with the mower not dealing damage in certain situations

New :

  • New video clips
  • New helicopter feature with the mower


New :

  • Added 4 new scrap items

Bug fix:

  • The item 'Plan d'assassin' can no longer kill unkillable enemy
  • Prevent the mod to bug with modded moons (not tested)


Bug fix:

  • Fixed a bug where an unwanted item appeared in the shop


  • Now some items works with the Poltergeist mod


New :

  • Added a new item to the game (which is funny but has no other purpose)

Known issue :

  • An item appear in the shop for 0 credits, currently investigating to remove it


Changed to V2 due to a bunch of features added and reworked

What changed ?

  • To not spoil anything, 3 items has been added and 1 item has been reworked
  • New mechanics with new items and the reworked one I'm not gonna say anything else you're gonna need to find it yourself


Optimized assets

  • The mod's weigth has been divided by 3


  • Added a new TV program


Bug fixes:

  • Items now make audible noise that can trigger mob (like dogs) when emitting sounds

Changes :

  • Change the value and the spawn rate of the item
  • Changing the way spawn rate is chosen (which was messy)

New :

  • Added a brand new item that can spawn on any vanilla moons
  • Added silly preview video for some planets