Thank you.
Updated 7 months agoI make custom cosmetics
Want your own? Ill add it, just contact me on discord. I have a page set up on the modding discord, or DM me, they are always open @atomictyler. You can have as many as you want.
Thank you all!
We are so close to 10k downloads! As I'm loving the support and to know I'm in some published Modpacks is amazing to me. Why not show the support and ill see if I can make a massive update for everyone's suggestions. The only problem is no one is! I only have one mind but with you we have 10,000!
Make sure you like!
Enjoying the cosmetics? Well like the mod and show me even more support for free, all it takes is a little time out of your day to show me what you can really do. Liking shows mod surfers that's its an amazing mod. Ever seen a mod with 0 likes and considered not downloading it? Well that's why we need more!