
  • Initial Release to Thunderstore.


  • Fixed typo issue correlated with:

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] Failed to read json file: 'plugins\BHAHA-HellCompany\Sounds\replacers\ambience_outside.json'

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: s. Path 'replacements[17].sounds[0].sound', line 157, position 7.

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] 155 | },

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] 156 | {

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] 157 | "sound": "ambience_outside/ReworkScreamOutside2.ogg // <- HERE

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] 158 | }

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] 159 | ]

[Error :me.loaforc.soundapi] 160 | },

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] 4 fail(s) while loading 'plugins\BHAHA-HellCompany\Sounds\replacers\dropship.json':

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] FAIL: Sound 'icecreamclose1.ogg' couldn't be found or doesn't exist!

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] FAIL: Sound 'icecreamclose2.ogg' couldn't be found or doesn't exist!

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] FAIL: Sound 'icecreamfar1.ogg' couldn't be found or doesn't exist!

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] FAIL: Sound 'icecreamfar2.ogg' couldn't be found or doesn't exist!

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] 3 fail(s) while loading 'plugins\BHAHA-HellCompany\Sounds\replacers\meltdown.json':

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] FAIL: 'LethalCompany:player_location' is not a valid condition type!

[Error :soundpack.HCAudio] FAIL: 'LethalCompany:player_location' is not a valid condition type!

  • Removed "Meltdown" folder from the sound file, was pointless.


  • Added more sounds(Record Player, Ambience, ETC...), Diversity added, Fixed some more audio related bugs. :)