BeanCan-CustomDeathAudio icon


[Update: Fix] Play a custom audio at the time any character dies. Put your audio into this plugin's folder, or customize the path. You can also configure the volume and play speed of your audio. Choose if to hear others' death. Totally client side.




Release v1.0.0

  1. First version release

Release v1.1.0

  1. Fix an issue that the death audio may play multiple times after the player is dead.

Release v1.2.0

  1. Add configurations for the audio path, volume and the playback speed.

Release v1.3.0

  1. Fix the issue that the death audio playback twice after the player's death, again.

Release v2.0.0

  1. Add Network Sync to the death audio. Now players can hear the audio when other players get killed, at some distance.

Release v2.0.1

  1. Fix despawn function.

Release v2.1.0

  1. Back to client side. Network sync is not really needed. You can still choose to hear others' death if you want.

Release v2.1.1

  1. May fix something.