Beaniebe-85_Reign icon

85 Reign

A Vanilla-Themed, 0 cost snowy mountain planet. Watch your step, its steep up there...


  • 1.2.6

    -fixed lighting and fog

    -general improvements around main

    -less scrap count, but slightly less enemies

  • 1.2.5

    -attempt to fix tags

  • 1.2.4

    -undid all the previous changes because they completely ruined the moon. I hate this stupid fog and terrain.

  • 1.2.2

Reign -optimization?

-fixed odd indoor lever

-now supports tundra tag

-lighting changes

-reduced fog to compensate for lighting changes

-unfortunately the rock wall textures are gone due to a bug I cant fix (no gameplay impact)

-slightly less scrap
  • 1.2.1


    • Alot less daytime tulip sneks

    • Improved the main room, added a new prop and moved back the shelves to be on the wall. Also (hopefully) fixed items spawning out of bounds

    -Added more guiding lights to main bunker

    -buffed scrap counts