Beaniebe-Beanies_Moons icon

Beanies Moons

A moon pack that adds 6 Vanilla Plus themed moons!


  • 1.0.7 Nephrite -fixed spawnrates being abnormally high for some rare enemies

  • 1.0.6 -Added new moon, 42-Nephrite, a high tier 1000 cost moon

  • 1.0.5

Symbiosis -Added sparse grass textures to brighten the environment. Nature is healing! -Redid some of the elevator area's textures, fixed some minor clipping and added various props -the locusts the locusts the locusts

Veld -Optimized navmesh -Fixed broken ai spawn nodes (Thanks for the report Lunxara!) -moved 1st fire exit back farther, should now take just as much time to travel to main as it does to both fire exits -terrain is now a mesh (shaders apply to terrain now) -nicer looking water shaders (Thanks dopadream!)

  • 1.0.4

    Desperation -Widened landing pad (should be wider ship compatible now?) -Smoothed terrain -Very small performance boosts?

  • 1.0.2 / 1.0.3 -Updated readme to show correct data

  • 1.0.1

    Patches, buffs and visual improvements


    • Prettier water
    • Less daytime tulip sneks
    • Tried to fix wave noises
    • Hotloading now works (increased performance while not in use)


    • Alot less daytime tulip sneks
    • Improved the main room, added a new prop and moved back the shelves to be on the wall. Also (hopefully) fixed items spawning out of bounds
    • More scrap, new scrap spawns
    • Added more lights guiding to main


  • Smoothed terrain
  • Added collisions to previously OOB props
  • A tiny bit more props
  • Decreased cost to 300 (previously 350)


  • Boosted scrap count 20/24 -> 24/26
  • Hotload Fixes

Symbiosis -Fixed elevator reverb persisting / not making sense -Better lamppost textures -Hotloading fixes