Beaniebe-Storage_Complex icon

Storage Complex

A Vanilla friendly storage interior, with some unique generation.


-1.1.2 - Fixing everything

-fixed the entire mod being bricked

-1.1.1 - Vanquishing the evil fire exit, for now

-temporarily disabled fire exits from spawning in the cargo bay room because they would spawn backwards and instantly kill the player

-1.1.0 - Minor patch

-fixed tables and chairs not having collision, gave them wood sounds when you stand on them

-1.0.9 - Minor patch

-Fixed barrels not having collision

-(not a patch note, but i will be adding new tiles and making a new interior soon, hopefully, maybe, perhaps.)

-1.0.8 - Minor patch

-Fixed more blast door desyncs hopefully???

-added weights for all the vanilla moons and 42-Nephrite

-1.0.7 - Minor patch

-Fixed blast doors not being network synced

-1.0.6 - No notable changes

-fixed a random floating box collider in the middle of the pipe server room tile

-1.0.5 - No notable changes

-fixed an issue with the changelog

-1.0.4 - Generation improvements and new tiles

-3 new tiles: mini split, blast door hallway and shelving unit

-dungeon generation is way less linear, and slightly larger

-slightly less lights
-hopefully fixed turrets being able to spawn inside and shoot through walls?

-fixed the walls and other stuff in the cargo bay tile being a micron off their intended positions, for some reason

-fixed doorways being askew

-various tile spawn chance changes

-1.0.3 - Apparatus and tile changes

-Added apparatus tile. It has a very high chance to generate, but isnt guaranteed Happy appy huntin!

-Increased spawn chance for the following tiles: 5 way split, office hallway, ribbed hallway, tight + shape hall

-The 5 way split can now generate more than once and will not generate exclusively deep in the facility.

-Fixed floor materials and sounds not playing correctly

-Fixed enemies being able to move through cargo containers

-Fixed the config for level tags (I missed it last update)

-Fixed doors clipping by slightly editing the concrete doorframe model. It now widens near the edge

-Less lights, fixed ambient lighting (everything is darker now)

-1.0.2 - Propset updates

- Added 1 new tile, the 5 way split. Has 2 variants.

- Added 3 prop sets for the open + tile, and made it more common. Look out for the rare one!

-Added new prop set to the hallway tile

-Doors and doorframes are no longer slightly stretched

-Repositioned ladder to a more logical place in the 2 story lootroom

-Fixed Config not working properly

-1.0.1 - Small patch

-Added more lights to main entrance room, and shifted the lights to a warmer color to make it stand out

-Repositioned some vents, I think?

-Shifted some metallic supports to reduce clipping

-I plan on introducing more tiles soon, stay tuned!

-1.0.0 - Initial release

-Released interior