Beastnode-ToontownCorporateClashScrap icon


Adds things from Toontown Corporate Clash as scrap.

Last updated 7 months ago
Total downloads 4511
Total rating 2 
Categories Items
Dependency string Beastnode-ToontownCorporateClashScrap-1.3.4
Dependants 5 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

HolographicWings-LethalExpansion-1.3.9 icon

Large game expansion with SDK support and a plenty of features.

Preferred version: 1.3.9



The dependency "LethalExpansion" adds a new moon and three new scrap items to the game.
If you do not want to play with either/both of these things do the following once the mod is installed.
Navigate to \BepInEx\plugins\HolographicWings-LethalExpansion
Delete oldseaport.lem (new moon)
Delete templatemod.lem (three new scrap)

Updating this mod may replace/remove any saved scrap from this mod!!!


Adds things from Toontown Corporate Clash as scrap.

Currently Includes:

  • Duck Shuffler Plush
  • Major Player Head
  • Low Baller