Bob_Gang-Boob_Gang_Modpack icon

Boob Gang Modpack

A nice mix of funny and QoL mods to have fun.


Version 1.2.1

  • Added Needy Cats

If you're having issues with the pack in multiplayer, disable TooManyEmotes. There seems to be an issue with this mod at the moment.

Version 1.2

  • Removed Lethal Progression, broken.
  • Added Suits.
  • Adjusted Suit page display.

Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed network syncing of audio mods.

Version 1.1

  • Removed AEIOCompany due to conflict with the Boombox Controller
  • Added Masked Overhaul mod.
  • Added "FairAI". Monsters will now set off turrets and landmines.
  • Added Skillpoint system.
  • Added buyable shotgun shells.
  • Added Coilheadstare.
  • Added racist hoarding bugs (removed yippee).
  • Added Symbiosis mod (adjusts hoarding behavior).
  • Added suit scroll.

Version 1.0.1

  • Added Lethal Door
  • Added URL-based Custom Boombox
  • Removed hardset Boombox

Version 1

Initial commit