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Bocon-BoconsPackEverything-1.1.0 icon


Misc mods and resources for my modpack.

By Bocon
Date uploaded a month ago
Version 1.1.0
Download link
Downloads 33
Dependency string Bocon-BoconsPackEverything-1.1.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
TestAccount666-FastDropShip-1.3.0 icon

The company invested into a better drop ship

Preferred version: 1.3.0
Hexnet111-SuitSaver-1.2.1 icon

A plugin for saving your last used suit. (Compatible with v55)

Preferred version: 1.2.1
TestAccount666-NoCompanyPenalty-1.0.0 icon

Removes death penalties from the company moon

Preferred version: 1.0.0
LegoMaster3650-FairGiants-1.1.2 icon

Makes forest keepers/giants fairer in lethal company.

Preferred version: 1.1.2
coderCleric-Poltergeist-1.1.1 icon

Lets players freecam on death as a ghost and do various interactions.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
taffyko-BetterSprayPaint-2.0.9 icon

Significantly more responsive and reliable painting, many bug-fixes, infinite spray paint, longer range, quieter sounds. Adds an erase feature, as well as the ability to control color and brush size. All configurable.

Preferred version: 2.0.9
mattymatty-LobbyControl-2.4.10 icon

A collection of Patches for Lethal Company with Quality of life changes for the Host.

Preferred version: 2.4.10
TestAccount666-ScanShipEverywhere-2.0.2 icon

Improves scan nodes for you

Preferred version: 2.0.2
JacuJ-YippeeTwo-1.2.0 icon

(Seasonal Update) An improved and configurable yippee bug - Powered by SoundAPI

Preferred version: 1.2.0
fumiko-CullFactory-1.7.0 icon

Stops rendering interior rooms that aren't visible - Helps with performance without affecting visuals.

Preferred version: 1.7.0
Dev1A3-LobbyImprovements-1.0.8 icon

Various improvements for lan and online lobbies

Preferred version: 1.0.8
AdiBTW-LoadstoneUnstableBeta-0.1.22 icon

Unstable Beta version of Loadstone. !!EXPECT OCCASIONAL BREAKAGES!!

Preferred version: 0.1.22
v0xx-TerraMesh-1.1.3 icon

An API for terrain to mesh conversion and mesh manipulation

Preferred version: 1.1.3
mrov-WeatherRegistry-0.4.0 icon

A mod for controlling the game's weather system.

Preferred version: 0.4.0
v0xx-LethalElementsBeta-1.2.71 icon

A mod that adds five new weather effects!

Preferred version: 1.2.71
DiFFoZ-LethalPerformance-0.5.1 icon

Optimizes the game by using Unity Jobs and Burst API

Preferred version: 0.5.1
Entity378-SellBodiesFixed-1.12.0 icon

Sell the bodies of dead enemies. This is an updated version of the SellBodies mod

Preferred version: 1.12.0
ButteryStancakes-JetpackFixes-1.5.2 icon

Fixes multiple bugs with the jetpack, most notably the random explosions, battery drain, and tulip snakes dropping you out of the sky. (See the description for full details!)

Preferred version: 1.5.2
XuXiaolan-CodeRebirth-0.14.3 icon

Content Expansion mod with Custom Weathers, Items, Enemies and more!.

Preferred version: 0.14.3
ButteryStancakes-VentSpawnFix-1.2.2 icon

Allows indoor enemies to spawn in groups larger than 1, like outdoor and daytime enemies can.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
ButteryStancakes-ButteRyBalance-0.0.1 icon

A collection of rebalances for several aspects of the game. Fully configurable, and fully networked - the host controls everything!

Preferred version: 0.0.1
LethalCompanyModding-VertexLibrary-1.1.0 icon

Provides extension methods for obtaining the oriented bounding box (OBB) of Unity objects.

Preferred version: 1.1.0
MissileMann-EliteFlashlight-1.0.2 icon

Adds a new tier of flashlight that has a wider and longer light than the pro's and has a longer battery life.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
ShaosilGaming-GeneralImprovements-1.4.5 icon

Fixes many bugs and adds many QoL improvements and optional tweaks. Very configurable.

Preferred version: 1.4.5
ButteryStancakes-ButteryFixes-1.11.1 icon

Fixes a lot of miscellaneous gameplay issues with vanilla. See store description for more details (and recommendations for other great bugfix packages)

Preferred version: 1.11.1
ButteryStancakes-MeleeFixes-1.4.0 icon

Fixes several gamebreaking bugs with shovels and knives.

Preferred version: 1.4.0
DistinctBlaze-ExtraEnemyVariety-1.10.0 icon

Gives (almost) every vanilla entity in Lethal Company more unique/referential skins to spawn as for variety.

Preferred version: 1.10.0
Dev1A3-LethalFixes-1.2.6 icon

Fixes for a bunch of common issues.

Preferred version: 1.2.6
Evaisa-LethalThings-0.10.7 icon

Adds 11 scrap, 6 store items, 1 enemy, 4 decor, 1 map hazard, and 1 game mechanic.

Preferred version: 0.10.7
33mamaster-LifetimeCruiserWarranty-1.4.0 icon

This mod allows all future re-purchasing of the Company Cruiser to be covered by the warranty.

Preferred version: 1.4.0
Lordfirespeed-OdinSerializer-2022.11.9 icon

Fast, robust, powerful and extendible .NET serializer built for Unity

Preferred version: 2022.11.9
xilophor-LethalNetworkAPI-2.1.6 icon

A library/API to allow developers to easily add networking to their mods.

Preferred version: 2.1.6
TisRyno-LethalCompanyProgressionPatchFix-1.7.4 icon

Leveling and skillpoints through a managed GUI! Patched and bugfixed until official copy updated.

Preferred version: 1.7.4


🎲 Bocon's Pack: Miscellaneous Collection

Lethal Company Version Mods

A carefully curated collection of miscellaneous mods for Lethal Company, enhancing gameplay and fixing various issues.

⚠️ Compatibility Notice: This modpack is designed to work with other parts of Bocon's Pack series. Individual mod updates may affect compatibility.

🛠️ Core Dependencies

Mod Name Version Creator
OdinSerializer v2022.11.9 Lordfirespeed
Lethal Network API v2.1.6 xilophor
Vertex Library v1.1.0 LethalCompanyModding

🎮 Gameplay Improvements

Mod Name Version Creator
Better Spray Paint v2.0.9 taffyko
Lethal Things v0.10.7 Evaisa
Elite Flashlight v1.0.2 MissileMann
General Improvements v1.4.5 ShaosilGaming
Poltergeist v1.1.1 coderCleric
YippeeTwo v1.2.0 JacuJ
Extra Enemy Variety v1.10.0 DistinctBlaze

🔄 Progression & Balance

Mod Name Version Creator
Lethal Progression PatchFix v1.7.4 TisRyno
Fair Giants v1.1.2 LegoMaster3650
Buttery Balance v0.0.1 ButteryStancakes
Loadstone Beta v0.1.22 AdiBTW

🔧 Quality of Life

Mod Name Version Creator
Fast Drop Ship v1.3.0 TestAccount666
Suit Saver v1.2.1 Hexnet111
No Company Penalty v1.0.0 TestAccount666
Lobby Control v2.4.10 mattymatty
Scan Ship Everywhere v2.0.2 TestAccount666
Lobby Improvements v1.0.8 Dev1A3
Buttery Balance v0.0.1 ButteryStancakes

🔍 Technical Improvements

Mod Name Version Creator
Cull Factory v1.7.0 fumiko
Terra Mesh v1.1.3 v0xx
Weather Registry v0.4.0 mrov
Lethal Elements Beta v1.2.71 v0xx
Lethal Performance v0.5.1 DiFFoZ

🔧 Bug Fixes

Mod Name Version Creator
Sell Bodies Fixed v1.12.0 Entity378
Jetpack Fixes v1.5.2 ButteryStancakes
Code Rebirth v0.14.3 XuXiaolan
Buttery Fixes v1.11.1 ButteryStancakes
Melee Fixes v1.4.0 ButteryStancakes
Lethal Fixes v1.2.6 Dev1A3

📝 Credits

A heartfelt thank you to all mod creators for their outstanding contributions to the Lethal Company modding community.

Support the Creators

Consider supporting these talented mod developers by:

  • 👍 Liking their mods
  • 💬 Providing feedback
  • 💵 Donating to them


📝 Changelog

Version 1.1.0 (February 10, 2025)

🆕 Added

  • Added Poltergeist enemy mod
  • Added YippeeTwo animation mod
  • Added Loadstone Beta mod
  • Added Extra Enemy Variety mod
  • Added General Improvements mod

🔧 Fixed

  • Added missing version information
  • Reorganized categories for better clarity
  • Updated mod count to reflect all included mods
  • Made lethal progression a bit more fair in terms of loot value


  • Initial release