New Monsters
Updated a year agoNew Threats
by: Garf
Old Threats
by: NiceHairs
As of the latest update, Symbiosis introduces the following features:
- Hoarding Bug - Item Use: Hoarding bugs can now utilize items at random intervals, creating humorous and intriguing scenarios.
- Hoarding Bug - Dispersal Behavior: After returning to their nest, hoarding bugs now disperse, to stop preventing others from reaching their nests.
- Stench Of Death: A client-side feature that spawns flies over corpses and masked player enemies after approximately 1 minute, adding to the game's immersive experience.
by qwbarch
- Masked can mimic the voice of a player
- Voice is synced to all players, where everyone hears the same voice
- Only masked enemies mimic voices by default, other enemies can be enabled via config
- Masked enemies use the mimicking player's suit
- Remove the arms out animation off of masked enemy
- Configuration is synced to all players (only the host's config is used)
by: TwinDimensionalProductions
- Coilhead slowly turns it's head toward the nearest player; even while you are looking directly at it.
- CoilHead spring bounces when hit with a shovel.