New Items
Updated a year agoNew Gear
LateGameUpgrades by: malco
- 20+ Upgrades: including...beekeeper, stimpack, protein powder, lightning rod, fast encryption, walkie GPS, hunter, bigger lungs, running shoes, strong legs, malware boadcaster, light footed, NVG battery, discombobulator, better scanner, back muscles and quantum disruptor
- 8 new Store items: including...wheelbarrow, diving kit, portable teleporter, medkit, lightning rod, peeper and interns
LethalThings by: Evaisa
- 4 Ship Upgrades: including...2 rugs, dartboard and a fatalities sign
- 6 new Store items: including...utility belt, rocket launcher, remote radar, hacking tool, pinger and flare gun
BuyableShotgun by MegaPiggy
- adds a buyable shotgun to the store
BuyableShotgunShells by MegaPiggy
- adds a buyable shotgun shells to the store