Custom Scrap (SPOILERS!) (WIP)
Updated 6 months agoBasic Scrap
Bronze Bar
The most common mineral in the Ganimedes mines, quite heavy and not so valuable.
Value: 42-102
Weight: ?
Conductive: Yes
Silver Bar
A common mineral, somewhat more valuable than bronze.
Value: 77-156
Weight: ?
Conductive: Yes
The most common and least valuable mineral among rare minerals, yet its value is considerably higher than the rest of scrap.
Value: 210-318
Weight: 16 lb
Conductive: No
A rare, light and valuable mineral.
Value: 318-426
Weight: 11 lb
Conductive: No
A very rare and valuable mineral.
Value: 426-534
Weight: 16 lb
Conductive: No
An extremely rare and valuable mineral.
Value: 534-642
Weight: 16 lb
Conductive: No
Special Scrap
It can be used as a weapon and is twice as strong as a shovel.
Value: ?
Weight: ?
Conductive: Yes
Mp3 Player
It can be used to play music, even custom songs if you config it! It has a very long battery and a greater range than the boombox.
To add your own songs to the Mp3 player you only have to drop them in "Lethal Company\BepInEx\plugins\Ganimedes\CustomSongs" folder. You can also use the same directory that Custom Boombox ("BepInEx\Custom Songs\Boombox Music") enabling an option in the configuration file. The supported extensions are '.mp3', '.wav' and '.ogg'.
Value: ?
Weight: ?
Conductive: ?
A treasure that can hold a lot of value, grab it and open it like a giftbox!
Value: ?
Weight: ?
Conductive: Yes
Great Chest
A huge, very heavy treasure with better rewards, you need a key or a lockpicker to unlock it.
Value: ?
Weight: ?
Conductive: Yes
Two hands: Yes
Cursed Gold Bar
The cursed gold of Ganimedes, rumors say that mine workers sometimes died after hallucinating. It could be one of the reasons why mining companies ended up abandoning the moon. Be very careful if you grab it. It is similar to a normal gold bar, so you have to be alert.
It is possible to differentiate them by position, they are usually supported on their base unlike normal gold bars, which are lying down.
Value: 102-210
Weight: 77 lb
Conductive: Yes
Ganimedite Ore
An ore of the characteristic mineral of Ganimedes, can contain a lot of value, if you manage to extract it.
Value: 1-100
Weight: ?
Conductive: No
Two hands: Yes
Hidden Scrap
The most exclusive and characteristic mineral of Ganimedes, formed due to high pressure, has not been found on any other moon. Can reach very high prices depending on its quality.
Value: 100-500
Weight: 8 lb
Conductive: No
Pure Ganimedite
The most valuable wealth of Ganimedes in its purest state. It is extremely valued due to its exclusivity and rarity.
Value: 500-1000
Weight: 8 lb
Conductive: No