Available Commands

Updated 3 weeks ago


These can be used as Host and if you arent the one hosting the server.

/position or /pos -> get your current position

/spawn -> lists what spawn commands you can use

/help -> see what commands you can use

/morehelp -> more commands to use get listed

/cheats -> list cheat commands

/credits -> list credits for mod


If you are the one hosting the server, you can enable so clients can execute Host commands as well. The config file gets created on first startup of the mod. The setting is turned on by default.
If you dont want clients / non hosts executing commands, you can set it to false.

The list of Host only commands is as follows:

/enemies -> lists spawnable enemies on current map (may not work as nonhost atm.)

/getscrap -> lists spawnable scrap on curent map (may now work as nonhost atm.)
/spawnscrap or /spwscr "scrapname" (a="amount") (p="position") (v="value")
-> spawn scrap, amount, position and value arguments are optional, use the optional stuff without ()-Brackets
position can be random, @me or @"playername" or a vector using just 3 floating point numbers separated by a comma eg: 2.1,3,2 ,
amount sets how many items will be spawned (without it defaults to 1)
value sets how much it is worth (default:1000)
with gun as scrapname you can spawn a shotgun (gun is broken at the moment, please dont use for now)

/spawnenemy or /spweny "enemyname" (a="amount") (p="position"), use the optional stuff without ()-Brackets
-> spawn enemy, position can be random, @me or @"playername"
position can be random, @me or @"playername" or a vector using just 3 floating point numbers separated by a comma eg: 2.1,3,2 ,
amount sets how many items will be spawned (without it defaults to 1)

/infammo or /ammo -> enable infinite ammo on shotgun

/speed -> toggles speed and jump hack for faster travelling

/god -> toggles godmode

/tp ("playername") -> teleport back to ship or if stated to a player

/buy "item" ("count") -> buy items from shop

/money -> enables infinite money cheat

/togglelights -> toggles lights of facility

/weather -> change weather of current planet (not working properly rn)

/dl "days" or /deadline "days" -> set amount of days until deadline, gets applied after quota is reached and new one is presented, so reaching the quota once is required. leaving blank after the command will reset to default

/term -> use Terminal from anywhere. On exiting input you need to type /term again to enable walking again

#Legend: "arg" -> argument for command you have to enter (without the "") (x="arg") -> optional argument, you have to write with the x= in front and without the () so it knows what type of argument it is, for example: p=@me or p=random, a=5 etc.