Available Commands
Updated 3 months agoCommands
Spawn Enemy: Format: /spawnenemy [enemyname] ([p=position]) ([a=amount]) ([s=state]) - Alt: /spweny [enemyname] ([a=amount]) ([s=state]) ([p=position])
Description: Spawns an enemy at the specified location. Either use the player's position or specify a position. Position, state and amount are optional. Use them with the following format: position=@(playername/me) amount=(number) state=(alive/dead), For Host only -
Set Custom Deadline: Format: /deadline [days] - Alt: /dl [days]
Description: Sets a custom deadline for the game. If no argument is provided, the custom deadline will be toggled. For Host only -
Spawn Scrap: Format: /spawnscrap [scrapname] ([p=position]) ([a=amount]) ([v=value]) - Alt: /spwscr [scrapname] ([a=amount]) ([v=value]) ([p=position])
Description: Spawns Scrap at the specified location. Either use the player's position or specify a position. Position, value and amount are optional. Use them with the following format: position=@(playername/me) amount=(number) value=(number), For Host only -
Teleport: Format: /teleport ([position=(random/@<playername>/@me/Vector3)]) - Alt: /tp ([position=(random/@<playername>/@me/Vector3)])
Description: Teleport to where you want. Use the following format: position=@(playername/me) or position=(random) or without arguments to teleport to the terminal. Host and Client -
View Help: Format: /help ([command]) - Alt: /h ([command])
Description: Displays a list of available commands with their format. Use <color=#00FFFF>/help [command]</color> to get more information about a specific command. Host and Client -
Toggle Lights: Format: /togglelights - Alt: /toglig
Description: Toggles the lights on and off. For Host only -
Get Spawnable Enemies: Format: /getenemies - Alt: /enemies
Description: Gets the spawnable enemies for the current level. For Host only -
Buy Stuff: Format: /buy [itemname] - Alt: /buyitem [itemname]
Description: Buy stuff from the shop. Gets delivered via DropShip. (old function, you better use /term buy [itemname] instead) For Host only -
Change Weather: Format: /changeweather [weathername] - Alt: /chwe [weathername]
Description: Change Weather to a specific type. For Host only -
Spawn Item: Format: /spawnitem [itemname] ([p=position]) ([a=amount]) ([v=value]) - Alt: /spwitm [itemname] ([a=amount]) ([p=position]) ([v=value])
Description: Spawns Items at a specified position or at a random position. Args are optional, use them like this: p=@me a=5 v=1234. Note: Value doesnt work for everything. For Host only -
Get Spawnable Enemies: Format: /getenemies - Alt: /enemies
Description: Gets the spawnable enemies for the current level. For Host only -
Get Spawnable Scrap Items: Format: /getscrap - Alt: /scrap
Description: Gets the spawnable scrap items for the current level. For Host only -
Give Co-Host to a player: Format: /cohost [playername] - Alt: /hostcmd [playername]
Description: Gives co-host to a player, which allows them to use host commands, when you turned them off for everyone else. For Host only -
Toggle God Mode: Format: /godmode - Alt: /god
Description: Toggles if invincibility is enabled. Host and Client -
Get Alive Players: Format: /getalive - Alt: /getap
Description: Returns a list of all players and if they are alive or dead. For Host only -
Revive all players: Format: /revive - Alt: /rev
Description: Revives everyone. For Host only -
Speed Hack: Format: /speed ([speed]) ([jumpforce]) - Alt: /speedhack ([speed]) ([jumpforce])
Description: Toggles Speed Hack, if speed is provided it will set the speed to that value. If jump force is provided it will set the jump force to that value. Host and Client -
Spawn Truck: Format: /spawntruck ([p=position]) - Alt: /spwtrk ([p=position])
Description: Spawns the Truck, either at the default position or at a specified position. For Host only -
Get ALL Spawnable Items: Format: /getitems - Alt: /items
Description: Gets the spawnable items you can spawn with /spawnitem or /spwitm. Host and Client -
Infinite Ammo: Format: /infammo - Alt: /ammo
Description: Toggle Infinite Ammo. Host and Client -
Get your current Position: Format: /getposition - Alt: /getpos
Description: Returns your current position. Host and Client -
Set Money: Format: /setmoney ([value]) - Alt: /money ([value])
Description: Set Terminal Money to defined value, or without value to toggle infinite money. For Host only -
Spawn Map Object: Format: /spawnobject [objectname] ([p=position]) ([a=amount]) - Alt: /spwobj [objectname] ([a=amount]) ([p=position])
Description: Spawns Map Object at the specified location. Either use the player's position or specify a position. Position and amount are optional. Use them with the following format: position=@(playername/me) amount=(number), For Host only -
Send Terminal Command: Format: /term [terminalcommand] - Alt: /terminal [terminalcommand]
Description: Send a terminal commmand to the terminal and receive a response. Host and Client -
Toggle Host Commands: Format: /togglehostcmd - Alt: /thcmd
Description: Toggle if connecting clients can use host commands. For Host only -
Toggle Overrride Spawns: Format: /override - Alt: /ovr
Description: Toggles if Monster Spawns are overriden or not. This affects how many monsters spawn with the spawn command and natural spawns. For Host only -
View Credits: Format: /getcredits - Alt: /credits
Description: Shows the credits for the ChatCommands mod. Host and Client