Archipelago Scrap
An Archipelago.gg themed scrap mod! Can be used with or without APLC!!.
- Re-added Lethal Level Loader as a dependency
- This is not an issue with my mod but with APLC. The dev is currently swamped with college work, and is referencing LLL in the APLC code. Doing this as a hotfix to help folks running Archipelago with Lethal Company.
- Fixed Custom Apparatus, now spawning properly
- Added Custom Apparatus Spawn Weight to configs
- Switched back to LethalLib from Lethal Level Loader
- Config is once again available and has been slightly reworked.
- AP Apparatus and AP Chests are enabled by default
- Removed Trophy/Collectathon toggle
- Config entries for Embrion, Artifice, and Adamance have been properly implemented
- Default values have been increased across the board
- Disabled all AP items from being grabbable by enemies
- Increased scan range for all AP items.
- Max Range increased from 7 to 15
- Fixed AP Apparatus - Custom name
- Previous fix had been reverted on accident
- Updated Lethal Level Loader to latest
- Updated mod settings to prevent softlock if played with my Tokucade Scrap mod
- Fixed AP Apparatus - Custom name
- Downgraded Lethal Level Loader from 1.2.2 to 1.2.1 due to terminal bug preventing players from going to the Company moon.
- Rebuilt mod to use Lethal Level Loader instead of Lethal Lib
- CONFIG FILE NO LONGER WORKS. Will (hopefully) be reimplemented in a later update.
- If you are wanting to change the spawn weight of AP items, it is suggested to use something like Lethal Quantities for now
- New AP Apparatus scraps fully implemented : Adamance, Embrion, Artifice, and Custom
- AP Apparatus - Custom will spawn on any modded moon and is used for Trophy mode
- Rebalanced all scrap spawn weights
- Higher chance of AP Chests spawning on more dangerous moons
- AP Apparatus will spawn at least one most of the time on all vanilla moons.
- Modded moons may have less chance if their interior map size is small.
- AP Chests updated to spawn on all moons, including new moons and modded moons.
- AP Chests will now spawn on ALL moons, included modded moons
- AP Apparatus' for Adamant, Embrion, and Artifice added, but do not spawn currently
- Mods that let you customize where custom scrap spawns can be used to spawn them.
- Fixed some typos
- Rend Apparatus should no longer scan as March Apparatus, for example!
- AP Apparatus scrap added!
- Each moon has its own custom AP Apparatus.
- Config added!
- Will now generate when mod is run for the first time
- Contains options to change the spawn weights of both AP Chests and AP Apparatus on each moon
- Also has option to select which 'mode' you are running in AP, and to disable the scrap of the mode you aren't running.
- Inreased spawn weights a small amount across the board.
- Reworked weights for all moons. The following are the rough chance and amount of chests that can spawn on each landing :
- Experimentation
- 25% chance, 1 chest
- Vow
- 35% chance, 1 chest
- Vow, while in the middle tier of moons, has an interior only slightly larger than Assurance, but spawns less scrap.
- Assurance
- 40% chance, 1 chest
- Offense
- 40% chance, 1 chest
- March
- 60% chance, 1 to 2 chests
- March and Titan have the largest interior sizes, but Titan has a much higher enemy spawn level.
- Rend
- 75% chance, 1 to 2 chests
- Dine
- 85% chance, 1 to 2 chests
- Titan
- 95% chance, 1 to 4 chests
All moons have a slim chance of spawning multiple AP chests.
#### This update is a full rebuild of the mod, using a different library mod that has less compatability issues with other mods. - Rebuilt mod to use Lethal Lib instead of Lethal Expansion - Added inventory icon - Flipped the Archipelago gems horizontally to match the logo - Changed custom grab/drop/throw sounds - Changed spawn weights : The Archipelago Chest now has a higher chance to spawn the more dangerous the moon is - - Experimentation, Assurance, and Vow have roughly a 1 in 8 chance - - Offense and March have roughly a 1 in 4 chance, with a very small chance of multiple chests at once - - Rend, Dine, and Titan have roughly a 1 in 2 chance, with a higher chance of multiple chests at oncev1.0.0
- Initial Release