Carrots-Carrots_Fun_Mode icon

Carrots Fun Mode

The Carrots Modpack + mods to make the game more fun without changing the base game as much as hard mode.


[1.2.1] - 2024-01-12

  • Add mods:
    • PotatoePet-AdvancedCompany-1.0.115
    • Zaggy1024-PathfindingLagFix-1.1.0
    • loaforc-FacilityMeltdown-1.2.3
    • PloufJPEG-CompanyCreatures-0.2.0
    • ViViKo-SpectateDeathCause-1.0.0
    • Major_And_Skiz-MoreInteriors-1.1.0
    • Badham_Mods-SCPFoundationDungeon-2.0.0
    • Spantle-ThrowEverything-0.2.1
    • Alice-ScarletDevilMansion-1.0.4
  • Update mods:
    • darmuh-ghostCodes-1.5.0
    • FlipMods-TooManyEmotes-1.7.16
    • RugbugRedfern-Skinwalkers-4.0.1
    • Drakorle-MoreItems-1.0.2
    • HomelessGinger-MaskedEnemyOverhaul-3.0.0
    • Spyci-CozyImprovements-1.2.2
    • NutNutty-SellTracker-1.2.1
    • mrov-LethalRichPresence-0.5.6
    • Kittenji-Herobrine-1.2.1
  • Remove mod:
    • Bobbie-WhimsicalWeather-1.0.0
    • Uprank-No_Turret_Laser-1.0.0
  • Remove imported mod: Welcome to Ooblterra 0.7.5

[1.2.0] - 2024-01-10

  • Add mods:
    • Uprank-No_Turret_Laser-1.0.0
    • Kittenji-Herobrine-1.0.0
    • Piggy-MaskedAIRevamp-0.1.1
  • Import mod: Welcome To Ooblterra 0.7.5
  • Update mods:
    • ZG-BetterSpec-1.1.2
    • Owen3H-IntroTweaks-1.4.2
    • Jamil-Corporate_Restructure-1.0.6
    • Spyci-CozyImprovements-1.2.1
    • Jordo-NeedyCats-1.1.1
    • x753-Mimics-2.3.2
    • Suskitech-AlwaysHearActiveWalkies-1.4.4
    • HomelessGinger-MaskedEnemyOverhaul-2.4.1
    • NutNutty-SellTracker-1.1.0
    • Woecust-Immersive_Visor-0.2.1
    • mrov-LethalRichPresence-0.5.3
    • FlipMods-TooManyEmotes-1.7.7
    • notnotnotswipez-MoreCompany-1.7.4
    • RugbugRedfern-Skinwalkers-2.0.6
    • NomnomAB-RollingGiant-2.3.0
    • Kittenji-Dont_Touch_Me-1.2.1
    • IntegrityChaos-Diversity-1.1.10
    • Azim-LethalPresents-1.0.4
    • kyxino-LethalModManager-0.0.2
    • kuba6000-LC_Masked_Fix-0.0.2
  • Remove mod: Sligili-HDLethalCompany-1.5.6

[1.1.6] - 2024-01-03

  • Update configuration files

[1.1.5] - 2024-01-03

  • Update mod: Woecust-Immersive_Visor-0.1.601

[1.1.4] - 2024-01-03

  • Update configuration files

[1.1.3] - 2024-01-03

  • Add mod: Azim-LethalPresents-1.0.3
  • Add mod: kyxino-LethalModManager-0.0.1
  • Update mod: FlipMods-TooManyEmotes-1.6.3
  • Update mod: NomnomAB-RollingGiant-2.2.1
  • Remove mod: BlueAmulet-LogNeuter-1.0.2
    • Disabled unity logging in BepInEx configuration file
  • Remove mod: Orion-DontBlink-1.0.3

[1.1.2] - 2024-01-02

  • Fix dependency strings

[1.1.1] - 2024-01-02

  • Add mod: Bobbie-WhimsicalWeather-1.0.0

  • Remove imported mod: legoandmars-WhimsicalWeather

[1.1.0] - 2024-01-02

  • Add mod: IntegrityChaos-Diversity-1.1.6

  • Add mod: BlueAmulet-LogNeuter-1.0.2

  • Add mod: linkoid-DissonanceLagFix-1.0.0

  • Add mod: Sligili-HDLethalCompany-1.5.6

  • Add mod: Kittenji-Dont_Touch_Me-1.2.0

  • Add mod: NomnomAB-RollingGiant-2.2.0

  • Add mod: Uprank-Silent_Turrets-1.0.1

  • Add mod: Caseuhdeeyuh-MolesterLootBug-1.1.0

  • Update mod: mrov-LethalRichPresence-0.5.1

  • Update mod: Spyci-CozyImprovements-1.2.0

  • Update mod: NiceHairs-Symbiosis-1.0.5

  • Update mod: FlipMods-TooManyEmotes-1.6.0

  • Remove mod: loaforc-ShipVoiceCommands-1.5.2

    • Incompatible with NomnomAB-RollingGiant-2.1.3
  • Remove mod: ModdingNoob-ItemsForQuota-1.2.2

    • Bug prevents scanning when corpse is in ship
  • Remove mod: Piggy-JesterStompShake-1.0.8

    • Breaks LogNeuter
  • Remove mod: Midge-PushCompany-1.2.0

  • Import mod: legoandmars-WhimsicalWeather

1.0.9 - 1.0.0

[1.0.9] - 2024-01-01

  • Update mod: ZG-BetterSpec-1.1.0
  • Update mod: Woecust-Immersive_Visor-0.1.1

[1.0.8] - 2024-01-01

  • Add mod: FlipMods-TooManyEmotes-1.5.10
  • Remove mod: Sligili-More_Emotes-1.2.2

[1.0.7] - 2023-12-31

  • Update mod: Owen3H-IntroTweaks-1.4.0

[1.0.6] - 2023-12-31

  • Update mod: Jamil-Corporate_Restructure-1.0.5
  • Update mod: ZG-BetterSpec-1.0.8
  • Update mod: loaforc-ShipVoiceCommands-1.5.2
  • Remove mod: sunnobunno-YippeeMod-1.2.2

[1.0.5] - 2023-12-30

  • Add mod: Woecust-Immersive_Visor-0.1.1
  • Remove mod: JunLethalCompany-GamblingMachineAtTheCompany-1.0.4
  • Remove mod: AllToasters-SalmonRunQuota-0.1.0

[1.0.4] - 2023-12-30

  • Add mod: RickArg-Helmet_Cameras-2.1.5
  • Add mod: JunLethalCompany-GamblingMachineAtTheCompany-1.0.4
  • Add mod: ZG-BetterSpec-1.0.6
  • Add mod: NutNutty-SellTracker-1.0.0
  • Add mod: blink9803-DimmingFlashlights-1.0.1,
  • Add mod: Monkeytype-HideChat-1.0.0
  • Add mod: Midge-PushCompany-1.2.0
  • Add mod: Sligili-More_Emotes-1.2.2
  • Add mod: TwinDimensionalProductions-CoilHeadStare-1.0.3
  • Add mod: x753-Mimics-2.3.0
  • Add mod: BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100
  • Add mod: notnotnotswipez-MoreCompany-1.7.2
  • Add mod: Drakorle-MoreItems-1.0.1
  • Add mod: 5Bit-FPSSpectate-1.0.1
  • Add mod: mrov-LethalRichPresence-0.3.1
  • Add mod: EliteMasterEric-Coroner-1.5.3"
  • Add mod manually: AllToasters-SalmonRunQuota-0.1.0
  • Update mod: akechii-DiscountAlert-2.3.0
  • Remove modpack: Carrots-Carrots_Modpack

[1.0.3] - 2023-12-30

  • Add mod: kuba6000-LC_Masked_Fix-0.0.1
  • Add mod: NiceHairs-Symbiosis-1.0.4
  • Add mod: darmuh-ghostCodes-1.1.0
  • Add mod: Owen3H-IntroTweaks-1.3.0
  • Add mod: Orion-DontBlink-1.0.3
  • Add mod: Backrooms-Backrooms-0.1.3
  • Add mod: ModdingNoob-ItemsForQuota-1.2.2
  • Add mod: saint_kendrick-Lethal_Doors-1.0.3
  • Add mod: Spyci-CozyImprovements-1.0.0
  • Update modpack: Carrots-Carrots_Modpack-1.0.18
  • Remove Mod: FlipMods-LetMeLookDown-1.0.1
    • Made coil heads too easy to navigate around

[1.0.2] - 2023-12-29

  • Remove mod: AllToasters-SalmonRunQuota-0.1.0
  • Update mod: Jamil-Corporate_Restructure-1.0.4
  • Update modpack: Carrots-Carrots_Modpack-1.0.17
  • Update cfgs

[1.0.1] - 2023-12-29

  • Add configuration files to modpack

  • Add mod: sunnobunno-YippeeMod-1.2.2

[1.0.0] - 2023-12-29

  • Add mod: loaforc-ShipVoiceCommands-1.4.0
  • Add mod: Jordo-NeedyCats-1.0.2
  • Add mod: Suskitech-AlwaysHearActiveWalkies-1.4.3
  • Add mod: OE_Tweaks-Possessed_Masks-1.1.2
  • Add mod: Jamil-Corporate_Restructure-1.0.3
  • Add mod: akechii-DiscountAlert-2.2.0
  • Add mod: RugbugRedfern-Skinwalkers-2.0.1
  • Add mod: HomelessGinger-MaskedEnemyOverhaul-2.1.0
  • Add mod: Piggy-JesterStompShake-1.0.8
  • Add mod: Monkeytype-HidePlayerNames-1.0.2
  • Add mod: FlipMods-LetMeLookDown-1.0.1
  • Add mod: AllToasters-SalmonRunQuota-0.1.0
  • Add modpack: Carrots-Carrots_Modpack-1.0.16