Lemon Company Modpack
Lemon Company is a Lethal Company overhaul modpack, aiming to add several features, balance adjustments, and quality of life changes, while retaining the feel and difficulty of the original base game.
- Always backup saves before upgrading!
- Always delete the Lemon Company Mod Manager profile and or re-install the Modpack whenever there is an update. Otherwise, old mods may persist, which can potentially cause several issues.
- Older versions of Lemon Company may have issues.
v2025.3.22 [v69)]
Hotfix update that updates mods and fixes issues, including issues related to suits. I planned on getting this out sooner but I ended up being very busy at the time.
You will need to perform a clean install of the modpack (in a new profile) to prevent things from breaking.
Updated DetourContext_Dispose_Fix from v1.0.3 to v1.0.4 and added it as a dependency.
- According to the mod author, this update didn't change anything with the mod, it was done due to a Thunderstore related reason. I updated it simply to remove it from the "updates available" list.
Updated AutoHookGenPatcher from v1.0.4 to v1.0.6 and added it as a dependency.
Updated MaskFixes from v1.2.2 to v1.3.1 and added it as a dependency.
Updated TooManyEmotes from v2.3.1 to v2.3.2.
Updated StarlancerAIFix from v3.8.4 to v3.9.0
Updated LethalLib from v0.16.2 to v0.16.4.
Updated BepInEx_Faster_Load_AssetBundles_Patcher from v0.6.5 to v1.0.0.
Removed all Custom Suit related mods.
- Due to several issues, Customs Suits have been temporarily removed until I can figure out what is causing issues.
- This does not affect Vanilla Suits, as all Vanilla Suits will still be unlocked by default in this modpack.
v2025.3.14 [v69)]
It's been a while since I've had a change to update Lemon Company.
Dozens of different mods were updated and or replaced in this Lemon Company update. This should also fix several issues that were present in the previous version of the Lemom Company Modpack.
There will be an actual content update that will likely feature new Scrap and Cosmetics at some point in the future. I just haven't had time to get to it yet. Especially since I really need to learn about Blender 4.x. Hopefully, I'll get back into using Blender again at some point soon(ish).
Added Mirage v1.19.0.
- Replaces MirageLegacy, the older version. Now that the newer one should be fixed.
Added LC_Shrimp v1.0.5
- The Shrimp Entity is now a separate entity.
Added TerminalGamepadCitrus v2025.3.14.
- This adds better and proper Gamepad/Controller support for the terminal. This is a modified version of the TerminalGamepad mod I created that I consider more balanced than the orignal version.
Added DiFFoZ-BepInEx_Faster_Load_AssetBundles_Patcher v0.6.5
- This should speed up loading times, once you have loaded this version of the Modpack (and every future version) once.
- I thought this mod was causing issues, so it was previously removed, but it was likely a different mod causing issues, which has since been removed.
Updated Matty_Fixes from v1.1.31 to v1.1.33.
Updated VertexLibrary from v1.0.0 to v1.1.0 and added it as a Modpack Dependency.
Updated TooManyEmotes from v2.2.13 to v2.3.1.
Updated TerminalFormatter from v0.2.23 to v0.2.28.
Updated ShipWindows from v1.10.2 to v1.11.0.
Updated PathfindingLagFix v1.4.0 to v2.1.1.
Updated OpenBodyCams from v3.0.3 to v3.0.5.
Updated MrovLib from v0.2.10 to v0.2.23.
Updated More_Suits from v1.4.5 to v1.5.2.
Updated MeleeFixes from v1.3.1 to v1.4.0.
Updated Loadstone from v0.1.16 to v0.1.22.
Updated LethalNetworkAPI from v3.3.1 to v3.3.2.
Updated LethalLib from v0.16.1 to v0.16.2.
Updated LethalLevelLoader from v1.3.13 to v1.4.11.
Updated LethalFixes from v1.2.4 to v1.2.6.
Updated LethalCompany_InputUtils from v0.7.7 to v0.7.10.
Updated LC_Office from v1.2.5 to v1.2.7.
Updated JetpackFixes from v1.5.0 to v1.5.2.
Updated HotbarPlus from v1.8.0 to v1.8.5.
Updated FixPluginTypesSerialization from v1.1.1 to v1.1.2.
Updated EnemySoundFixes from v1.5.10 to v1.6.6.
Updated Emblem from v1.6.2 to v1.6.4.
Updated CullFactory from v1.5.0 to v1.7.0.
Updated CruiserImproved from v1.4.1 to v1.5.0.
Updated ButteryFixes from v1.10.10 to v1.13.1.
Updated BetterStamina from v1.5.4 to v1.5.5.
Updated BetterEXP from v2.5.2 to v2.6.2.
Updated AsyncLoggers from v2.1.3 to v2.1.4.
Removed MirageLegacy.
- Replaced with the Mirage mod.
Made adjustments to Mirage mod configuration.
- The updated Mirage mod uses different and newer configuration files compared to MirageLegacy.
- There is now around a 1% chance a standard Mask entity that does not mimic anything or copy outfits will spawn instead of a Mask that does those things.
Made a minor adjustment to ButteryFixes mod configuration.
v2024.12.7 [v68)]
This update reverts the Mirage mod to use MirageLegacy at the recommenedation of the Mirage Developer in order to fix issues related to Masks Enemies, and updates several other mods.
- Removed Mirage and replaced it with MirageLegacy, at the recommenedation of the Mod Developer until Mirage Main is fixed.
- Updated several mods.
v2024.11.7 [v68)]
This is the v2024.12.7 update but was uploaded as v2024.11.7 due to a typo.
v2024.11.6 [v68)]
This update is a hotfix update that removes a problematic mod that was causing crashes and may have also been the source of other issues.
- Removed the Corporate Restructure mod.
- This mod originally provided improvements for the unused monitors on the ship and also offered some additional improvements.
- This mod was causing crashes for certain users (inluding myself, the modpack curator).
- The issues were discovered during one of my Lethal Company Livestreams.
- This mod may have also been causing other issues (but I am unable to confirm or deny that).
v2024.11.4 [v68)]
- Removed the RemoveInteriorFog mod as it is no longer needed.
- Updated several mods.
- Fixed an issue where the Main Menu would not display the correct version of the Lemon Company Modpack.
v2024.11.3 [v67)]
- Replaced BetterFog with RemoveInteriorFog
- BetterFog (if I actually configured it right) would mess up fog visuals on outdoor scenes and some other things. RemoveInteriorFog only removes the bad Halloween Fog
- Also updated TooManyEmotes.
- Despite not being Nov. 3rd when this is released, this update will be referred to as v2024.11.3 since this was a hotfix and since Thunderstore doesn't allow more than 2 decimal points (so no v2024.11.1.x).
v2024.11.2 [v67)]
- Disabled the ability to toggle fog settings for BetterFog
- Forgot to disable these in the config, oops.
- Fixed an issue where the version of Lemon Company displayed on the Main Menu was incorrect.
- Calling this update v2024.11.2 despite being released on Nov 11, 2024. I won't be releasing any updates to Lemon Company for a bit after this unless it is urgent.
v2024.11.1 [v67)]
- Added the BetterFog mod and removed the Halloween Fog.
- The Halloween Fog Zeekers added was a good idea on paper, but in practice, makes the game unnecessarily difficult. The Halloween Fog should honestly be as rare as the meteor showers.
- Updated several mods.
v2024.10.31 [v66)]
- The Main Menu now displays the correct version of Lemon Company (the vanilla, base game version was still listed properly before).
- Changed the way the versioning of the modpack works and how it is listed.
- Instead of using standard version numbers (v11, v12, etc.), Lemon Company's versioning is based on the date of each release.
- For example, this version is v2024.10.31 (making it the 10/31/2024 update).
- Removed BarchLib
- This is no longer being used by any mods in Lemon Company, so it is no longer necessary to keep.
- Removed ModlistHashChecker.
- This mod was intended to make things easy for players to keep track of and was mean't to help prevent mod conflicts. Unfortunately, this would usually make things more complicated, due to being difficult to keep it updated and working, especially since the Potato and Ultra Potato add-ons/alternate packs exist.
- Replaced Matty_Fixes_Experimental with Matty_Fixes.
- The other "experimental" version is now deprecated.
- Removed UniTask
- This is no longer being used by any mods in Lemon Company, so it is no longer necessary to keep.
- Removed LethalConfig
- This is no longer being used by any mods in Lemon Company, so it is no longer necessary to keep.
- Added LethalSettings to the dependency list.
- This will allow the modpack to use the newest version of this mod (as of this modpack update).
- Updated Several Mods.
v11.5.0 [v66)]
- Updated OpenBodyCams because of course, this specific mod had a bug fix update right after releasing Lemon Company
v11.4.0 [v66]
- Removed BepInEx_Faster_Load_AssetBundles_Patcher due to potential issues.
- Updated several mods.
- Adjusted several configuration files.
v11.3.0 [v64]
- Fixed a minor issue where the game/modlist checker would "complain" about things not being correct.
- This was due to forgetting to update the modlist hash, oops.
v11.2.0 [v64]
- Updated several mods.
- Most, if not all of the mod updates were bugfix related.
v11.1.0 [v64]
- Fixed a minor issue where the game/modlist checker would "complain" about things not being correct.
- Updated a few mods.
- Most, if not all of the mod updates were bugfix related.
v11.0.0 [v64]
- Updated several mods for compatiblity for Lethal Company v64.
- Re-adjusted the balance of Stamina Consumption.
- Stamina was originally approx. 36% improved, it should now only be improved by approx. 20% [Nerf] [Fix]
- Stamina consumption is now slightly more forgiving when carrying a lot of weight compared to prior versions of Lemon Company [Buff]
- Made Mineshaft Interior more frequent on Titan compared to Vanilla.
- It's basically a 50/50 between getting Facility and Mineshaft, with a small chance of getting Mansion.
- Lockpicker now takes 45 seconds to unlock/lock doors [Nerf]
- This change was mainly made due to the Belt Bag being added.
- If you need to lock/unlock several doors without using keys (for some reason), you can just bring multiple lock picks using the Belt Bag.
- Adjusted some settings for Body Cams (OpenBodyCams) to potentially improve performance.
- Benificial for players running 90+ FPS.
v10.0.0 [v56]
This is one of the largest updates made to Lemon Company in a while, and will likely be one of the last feature heavy updates for a while. I will still continue to keep things up-to-date but don't expect any major additons for a while.
Several Mods have been updated.
Added the "BetterEXP" mod.
- This improves the EXP feature of the game. Although the built-in XP system is fine, this is just a bit better.
Added the "BetterPaycheck" mod.
- This fixes and improves the appearance of the item list shown after scrap has been sold.
The "ButteryFixes". "EnemySoundFixes", "DoorFix", "JetpackFixes", "LethalFixes", "Matty_Fixes_Experimental", "MeleeFixes", and "TerminalConflictFix" mods have been added.
- These mods fix several bugs found in the vanilla version of the game.
- Most of these "Community Patches" are being used in this modpack. Only a select few "fixes" have been disabled to retain the vanilla aspects of the game.
Added a new Menu Logo via the Emblem Mod.
- The "More Company" currently still appears when loading into a game.
Updated the Modpack Icon on the Thunderstore listing to also use the newer logo.
Added the "HotBarPlus" mod.
- Items like Flashlights and Boomboxes will now display how much energy is left in them in each Hotbar Slot.
- A lightning indicator will now appear over items about to be struck by lightning in the Hotbar.
Added the "LCAmmoCheck" mod.
- When holding a Shotgun, you can now check how much Ammo is left in the Shotgun by pressing the Reload input (When you don't have any Ammo in your inventory).
Added the "LobbyControl" mod.
- This replaces the functionally of a now removed mod.
- This mod may even allow you to close the lobby and prevent additonal players from joining via the terminal.
Added the "ScalingStartCredits" mod.
- The credits you start with (after pulling the lever) is now based on how many players are in your lobby.
- Changes nothing if there are 4 or less players in the lobby.
- Adds 15 additional credits to your starting amount (after pulling the lever) per additional player (e.g. 5 Players = 75 Credits, 6 Players = 90 Credits, etc.)
Added the "EnhancedLockpicker" mod.
- Lockpicks now take 40 seconds to finish their task.
- Lockpicks can now lock doors, as well as unlock them.
Added the "RandomSlimeColor" mod.
- Hydrogere now available in a variety of different colors.
Removed the "CupboardFix", "FireExitFlip", "LateCompany" and "SlimeTamingFix" mods.
- The functionality of these mods have been replaced by a few of the mods added in this update and are no longer necessary.
This Modpack Update adds compatibility for v56, adds an improvement or two for the Company Cruiser and adds starting credits adjustments for lobbies with lots of players. As per usual, I would re-install the modpack if using an older version.
- Added the CruiserImproved mod.
- This brings several well needed tweaks and fixes without taking away from vanilla gameplay.
- Added the ScalingStartCredits
- Updated Several Mods.
- One thing that has changed for the better: The Elevator in the Office Interior is smoother and less jittery now.
v8.2.0 [v50]
This update fixes an issue where a certain mod used for testing was accidentally added to the pack. You will want to re-install the modpack.
- Removed the Imperium mod that was accidentally added to the depencency list. Oops.
- This mod is a testing/cheat mod and is used to assist in testing the Modpack before each release.
- This... Was not supposed to be in the final release.
v8.1.0 [v50]
This update brings a small balance tweak, a minor new feature, updates several mods, and removes a problematic mod. You will need to re-install the modpack or (if updating from v8.0.0) manually remove the CollectYourDead mod.
- Re-balanced upgrade costs.
- Bodycam Upgrade Cost: 200 > 150 [Buff]
- You can you purchase a Door Window Upgrade for 150 Credits.
- Courtesy of the newly managed Ship Windows Mod
- Several Mods have been updated
- Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils (from v0.7.4 to v0.7.7)
- DiFFoZ-BepInEx_Faster_Load_AssetBundles_Patcher (from v0.5.0 to v0.6.4)
- qwbarch-BarchLib (from v1.0.0 to v1.0.2)
- mattymatty-AsyncLoggers (from v1.6.2 to v1.6.3)
- sfDesat-Celestial_Tint (from v1.4.3 to v1.5.1)
- TestAccount666-ShipWindows (from v1.1.2 to v1.3.6)
- AdiBTW-Loadstone (from v0.0.8 to v0.1.7)
- xilophor-LethalNetworkAPI (from v2.1.7 to v2.2.0)
- Verity-TooManySuits (from v1.0.9 to v1.1.0)
- Several configuration file tweaks.
- Removed the CollectYourDead mod due to causing game breaking issues.
- The issues seem to relate to the teleporting of Masked Entities.
- Removed "veri-ShipWindows-2.0.7" mod from the depency list.
- This version of the Mod is no longer being maintained and no longer does anything. The mod is now being maintained by TestAccount666.
v8.0.0 [v50]
This update adds one new scrap item, several new features/improvements, brings back an aesthetic feature, and updates several mods.
- Body/Helmet Cameras are now a purchasable upgrade.
- Bodycams currently cost 150.
- Since the Bodycams are now an upgrade object much like the Signal Translater or Loud Horn, you can now disable them if you want to.
- Non-host Employees can now put items into storage.
- This has been tweaked so that players can get themselves unstuck in certain situations.
- Only the host can get items out of storage as of now.
- Updated several mods.
- The Ship Window shutter switch has been changed and also uses new sound effects.
- The Ship Window mod is now under a new developer which is why this has changed.
- Yes, there are currently supposed to be 2 Ship Window mods. The formor developer likely disabled the old version within the code or something. Shouldn't cause any issues as of now.
- Re-added the Celestial Tint visuals.
- Since CT no longer depends on LethalLevelLoader, this mod should be here to stay now unless something breaks again.
- Added the "BetterEmotes" (KlutzyBubbles) mod.
- Not to be confused with "TooManyEmotes" which is a separate mod.
- Number Keys 4-9 (by default) have additional emotes (this is outside of the TooManyEmotes wheel).
- Number Key 0 (by default) allows you to type a message to a sign that you can show to your fellow Employees.
- Dead Bodies are now automatically "collected" when they are teleported to the ship via a teleporter.
- Courtesy of the "CollectYourDead" mod.
- You can now hold the scan button to continuously scan rather than needing to spam click.
- You can still click away if you prefer that.
- Courtesty of the "Hold_Scan_Button" mod.
- Added "LCMaxSoundsFix" that fixes/prevents certain sound related issues.
- The counter at The Company Building no longer has an item limit. You can now place as many items on there as you want.
- Courtesy of the "NoSellLimit" mod.
- You can now hear player voices/voice chat for about 0.5 seconds after being "killed".
- Courtesy of the "MoreScreams" mod.
- Added the "StarlancerAIFix" mod.
- This potentially may fix an AI related bug or two but I'm not entirely sure if this actually does much.
v7.1.0 [v50]
This is a hotfix update that fixes an issue that prevented players from being able to join and also updates a few other mods.
- Rolled back LC_Office to v1.1.25 due to newer versions causing an issue that prevents players from connecting.
- Not sure what the exact cause of this issue is. Could be the mod itself. Could be a conflict with another mod or mod version. Who knows.
- Several mods have been updated.
- Mostly minor updates.
- Updated the Modpack Hash.
- This can make it easier to find and prevent issues if players are using different versions of the Modpack.
v7.0.0 [v50]
- Fixed issues related to the ModlistHashChecker.
- The game will now properly "complain" if it finds mod mismatches.
- The game will also inform you to re-install the modpack and to not update mods yourself if it detects a mismatch.
- This can help prevent confusion and other issues in most cases.
- Removed LethalLevelLoaderFixedv50.
- Implemented TerminalFormatter.
- The terminal has a slightly improved appearance but should function the same.
- This also currently fixes an issue related to LethalLevelLoader that prevents you from going to The Company Building (Gordion).
- Re-added (official) LethalLevelLoader.
- This allows newer versions of mods like LC_Office to work without needing to rollback said mods.
- Loading times for level generation after pulling the lever are much smoother.
- Courtesy of the Loadstone mod.
- Loading times may be slightly longer in some cases but are less prone to cause frame drops and interrupt voice chat.
- Assets (AssetBundles) are now cached to the disk after loading the game (with the modpack).
- This can improve loading times after an initial load and can also reduce memory related issues.
- This will take up a bit of disk space (but not by much).
- Implemented the PathfindingLagFix mod.
- This should improve performance related to (most) enemy AI.
- Disabled BepinEX logging entirely.
- This should increase performance.
- Seriously, the way logging is handled is not very optimized and it can spam certain messages like crazy.
- This may make it harder to report issues to Mod Developers but you shouldn't need to do that anyway (let the Modpack Creator do that).
v6.0.0 [v50]
- Removed CelestialTint mod.
- Outdoor visuals in Space have been adjusted.
- As of now, this mod does not work correctly with the current mods in v6.0.0.
- Hygrogeres (A.k.a "Slimes" or "Blobs") are now tamable (will not hurt you) when near a boombox playing music.
- Courtesy of the SlimeTamingFix mod.
- This was supposed to be included in earlier versions of Lemon Company but was somehow overlooked.
- Mimiced Voice Lines spoken by Masked are now synced and will be heard by all nearby players, not just one player. (Replaced the Skinwalkers mod with the Mirage mod).
- Slightly reduced the appearance rate of "The Office" interior.
- Added the ModlistHashChecker.
- This should theoretically make it easier to detect mod mismatches.
- Especially important as of this update since the standard LethalLevelLoader has to be manually disabled (in Mod Managers).
- Added several new Monster Plushie scrap items.
- Courtesy of the Moster Plushies mod.
- They currently appear on Rend, Dine, Titan, and (hopefully) Artifice.
- The Hoarding Bug plushie makes a "yippee" sound.
- The security camera monitor has been replaced with with Player POV Camera.
- Whenever you are focused on a player using the monitor, it will show you what they see in real-time.
- When focused on a Radar-Booster, it will have a panning camera that shows you everything around the Radar-Booster.
- Suits should now be placed on the rack correctly.
- Courtesy of the TooManySuits mod.
- Several mods have been updated (in the dependency list).
- Other minor tweaks and adjustments.
- Mostly related to configurations.
v5.0.0 [v50]
- Updated Mod Dependency list to use the latest version of several mods.
- Logs are now run on a separate thread via the AsyncLoggers mod.
- This should theoretically improve performance.
- Re-added the Celestial Tint Mod which adds new space aesthetics.
- Re-added "The Office" interior and the "Shrimp" entity via LC_Office.
- "The Office" interior can now appear on Adamance and Artifice.
- Added the LethalLevelLoaderFixedV50 mod.
- This is a temporary solution until the official LethalLevelLoader is updated.
- Make sure to disable the standard LethalLevelLoader if another mod tries to install it.
- Re-added Ship Windows.
- Made minor adjustments to some of the configuration files.
v4.0.0 [v50]
- Lemon Company Modpack is now compatibie with Lethal Company v50
- Updated Dependency List to use the latest versions of used mods.
- (Temporarily) removed LC_Office, Celestial_Tint, ShipWindows and all related mods.
- LC_Office, Celestial_Tint, and their dependencies are not currently supported by v50 yet and will need to be updated before being added back.
- ShipWindows is technically compatible with v50 but not really a point in using them right now without Celestial_Tint.
- Main Menu now displays both the Lethal Company version and Lemon Company Modpack version together.
v3.0.0 [v49]
- Modpack dependencies updated to use the latest versions (as of this Modpack update).
- Added a Ender Dragon Head Cosmetic via Jacob's Cosmetics Pack
- This is a preview release of the Cosmetics Pack. More Cosmetics will be added in the future.
- Lowered Ship Windows Upgrade price from 200 Credits each to 150 Credits each [Buff].
- This is an update to the config file and only affects the host.
- Added culling support via the CullFactory Mod.
- This should enhance performance.
- The amount of increased performance will vary based on the hardware you are using.
- Exact FPS can now be set using an FPS Slider (courtesy of the Framerate Slider Mod)
- I would suggest setting your framerate no higher than 120 FPS. The game tends to struggle past this point, even on High-End Hardware.
- If your monitor's refresh rate is (set to) 120hz, I would also recommend using V-Sync but that is up to your personal preference.
- Added the Groan Tube Scrap Item (the funny noise toy) courtesy of the Groan Tube Scrap Mod.
- Jacob's Scrap Pack now contains an additional item.
- The new item can be found most often on March, Rend, and Dine.
- For details, refer to the Full Changelog and or Credits file(s) in the Jacob's Scrap Pack files.
- The Jetpack "Random" (Stored) damage bug has been fixed via the JetpackFallFix mod.
- No more weird Jetpack Fall Damage logic.
v2.4.0 [v49]
- Modpack dependencies updated.
- Players can now join the lobby without needing to reload the save file after a session has already started.
- This was supposed to be included earlier but was somehow overlooked.
v2.3.0 [v49]
- Removed HostMoveOnly mod due to the mod causing compatibility issues in Multiplayer.
- The mod prevents players from being able to join due to "not having HostMoveOnly installed". Despite the mod clearly being installed.
- This was discovered after testing things with another player.
- If you installed v2.0.0, v2.1.0, or v2.2.0, Make sure to remove the HostMoveOnly mod as it will prevent you from joining other players.
- Added the Lockdown mod.
- This replaces HostMoveOnly
- Has the same functionallity as HostMoveOnly but it actually works, has more customization options and is Server-sided which is better.
- Added a new config file related to Lockdown.
- Only applies to the Host.
v2.2.0 [v49]
- Made a minor adjustment to the included configuration files.
- This change affects the Terminal Clock (display in the upper right corner) and the Discounted Equipment notification.
- Made minor adjustments to the Readme and Changelog.
v2.1.0 [v49]
= Fixed an issue where the wrong version of Jacob's Scrap Pack was set as preferred. Whoops. Typos will haunt.
v2.0.0 [v49]
- Items and Equipment can now be picked up on the ship any time, even if the round hasn't started.
- Spraypaint has been improved.
- Spraying with Spraypaint is now more consistent.
- You can toggle which color you are using using "T" while holding the item.
- You can resize the Spraypaint Spray using "+" (Plus) and "-" (Minus).
- You can also see Spraypaint Paint from slightly further away.
- Maximum Stamina increased by 20%.
- (Standard) Flashlight Battery Life increased by 20%.
- Boom Box Battery Life increased by 20%.
- Added "Left Window", "Right Window", and "Floor Window" as Ship Upgrades.
- Each window costs 200 Credits in the store.
- This also adds an additional Switch, allowing you to close the shutters of all windows.
- Outside Visuals when orbiting have changed (and have been improved, in my opinion)
- The visuals are only really noticeable if you have unlocked any of the Window Upgrades.
- Coil-Heads will now turn around and stare at you if you stare at them long enough.
- The Monitors on the ship now show...
- The value of all loot on the ship.
- The Time of Day (in-game).
- Total Credits
- The current day (Day 1, Day 4, Day 7, etc.)
- The Monitors that show the "Profit Quota" and "Deadline" now have black backgrounds instead of blue backgrounds.
- The monitors now show the Current Weather for the Moon that is being orbited.
- Items in the Cupboard should no longer fall through shelves on reload.
- Items in the Cupboard may still be found rotated and positions strangely (visually) on reload.
- The ability to vote for the Ship to leave early has been removed.
- Why is this even a thing in Vanilla?
- Players will now be alerted of Discounts in the Store,
- Usually after The Ship has landed on a moon.
- New Players Cosmetics have been added.
- Courtesy of EquipmentCompany by companyemployee.
- You will now face away from Fire Exits after entering them instead of towards the door itself.
- Furniture can now only be moved by the Host.
- This prevents what I will dub "Lightswitch-Gate", which involves players turning off the lights and hiding the Lightswitch.
- R.I.P. Cupboard memes.
- Players can now join later on during a session without having to reload.
- Players can not join in the middle a round. Otherwise, players would probably try to cheat death and it would probably cause other issues.
- Added a new Dungeon Layout, "The Office".
- Has roughly a 25% to 30% chance to appear on March, Rend, and Dine.
- Features an Elevator and Three Floors.
- Added a new enemy "Shrimp"
- A slightly adorable entity that enjoys eating loot.
- Shrimp gets angry when hungry.
- Feed Shrimp loot to keep Shrimp's hunger at bay. The more valuable the loot, the more satisfied Shrimp will be when fed.
- ...If Shrimp begins to growl or bare teeth, Feed Shrimp loot or... Run and Pray.
- Shrimp doesn't spawn all that often, so not much to worry about.
- You can now create more than 3 save slots and even rename them.
- To rename save slots, you will need to be in Online Mode. Refer to the LCBetterSaves page (https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Pooble/LCBetterSaves/) for instructions.
- I would recommend keeping Save File names short. Otherwise it may look a bit strange.
- Masked may now Mimic player voices more frequently.
- Hygroderes should now be "tamable" using Boomboxes.
- The Terminal now displays the Time of Day in the upper right corner.
- An Icon should now appear in the HUD when Microphone activity is detected.
v1.0.0 [v49]
Added addtional Scrap Items.
Added additional Suits.
Vanilla Suits are now unlocked by default.
Increased maximum player capacity.
Masked enemies can now replicate player voices.
Total value of all scrap on the ship is now (properly) shown when scanning from inside of the ship.
Dozens of Emotes and an Emote Wheel on top of Vanilla Emotes.
Walkie-Talkies can now be heard just by being near them, regardless of who is holding them.
Added the Ability to Snap furniture rotation on the ship using Left Click (Mouse)/Left Trigger (Controller)