LethalProgression PatchFix keepProgress
Leveling and skillpoints through a managed GUI! Patched and bugfixed until official copy updated.
[1.7.4_chib] (2024-05-04)
- Added config variable to keep progress on death
1.7.4 (2024-04-11)
Bug Fixes
- actual default jump height (sorry) (659bc0f)
- jump height no longer resets on death or returning to lobby (e57095a)
1.7.3 (2024-04-11)
Bug Fixes
- default jump height was incorrect (1cbc7b8)
1.7.2 (2024-04-11)
Bug Fixes
- HP HUD updating for everyone when one player takes damage (0ea240e)
- jump height not syncing for all players (a035893)
1.7.1 (2024-04-08)
Bug Fixes
- dummy commit to be able to release (4d60b73)
1.7.0 (2024-04-08)
- new networking and lots of bug fixes (214de7e)
Bug Fixes
1.6.0 (2024-04-05)
- bump version (e308800)
1.5.2 (2024-04-04)
Bug Fixes
- dll output dir (ece3f83)
1.5.1 (2024-04-04)
Bug Fixes
- thunderstore toml (d9e30be)
1.5.0 (2024-04-04)
- v1.4.2 (a8c7c40)
- Initial release
- Fixed XP resetting, quota scaling and upgrade buttons not appearing.
- Added configs for every skill.
- Disables handslot upgrade if ReservedSlots is installed.
- Fixed scaling issues with multiple skills.
- Fixed XP being given multiple times per scrap.
- Fixed disconnect syncing.
- Fixed getting fired not resetting your skills.
- Fixed typos.
- Updated readme.
- Added oxygen as a skill. - You can stay in water for longer, with custom oxygen bar.
- Configs now fully sync with the host when you're a client.
- You can now only unspec on the ship. This can be disabled in the config.
- Added a tooltip to the upgrades menu, put your cursor over the Upgrades panel for some info on leveling.
- Changed the skill menu into a scrollbar for more future skills.
- Fixed hand icons being unsynced when upgrading when hand is full.
- Made hand slots centered when there are more than 4.
- Fixed getting fired not resetting upgrades again.. (Hopefully it will work this time.)
- Nerfed the default value of Team Loot Value down to 0.5% per level.
- Rework 1.2.0
- Reduce loot value multiplier to 0.25 per level
- Fix hand slots wiping items
- Started using publicised assemblies
- Reworked saving system
- Added skill saving, requires Online mode
- Fix loot values being re-added on level change
New Skills
- Jump height (still affected by fall damage)
- Sprint (increase sprint speed, low impact)
- Strength (decrease total weight by percentage)
- Include the GUI fix by @CatsArmy
- Include saving refactor by @CatsArmy
- Include fix for interaction bug on dropping item by @douglas-srs