Chieri-RWBYNoise icon


Ruby Rose herself will introduce you to the game, welcoming you and being herself!



Version 1.0.0

  • Initial Release

Version 1.0.1

  • Changed the, used someone's mod for a template and forgot to save, sorry!

Version 1.0.2

  • Not an update persay, however I'm currently looking for RWBY voice actors. This project is slowly bringing out my creativity. I'm only looking for team RWBY and JNPR. Ruby is already taken. Please message me if you're interested on the website above!

Version 1.0.3 (MAJOR UPDATE "kind of")

  • I've went out and found voice actors for this mod, it took awhile but I believe this will be the best update for this mod to this day, I will soon figure out how to combine sounds together so I can get every single RWBY/JNPR member into this mod, I don't want people downloading 60 million different mods for no reason at all.

Major credits to these people who took time out of their day to voice act, and credits to the people who attempted but were declined.

LucyLoveLace - Ruby VA (

Arlen-RWBY - Ruby VA (Declined |

OfficialEntity - Ruby VA (They got worried that they wouldn't be good enough and declined themselves: |

This is the script all Ruby VA's were told to follow, however I didn't include some lines because it sounded better without them. Please check it out if you're curious!

Soon I will be listing others in this once I get everyone into the mod, this crediting page will stay on every single changelog until there is no updates I can physically do.

Version 1.0.4

  • There has been an extension added on to this mod, and this will most likely be the last and final version of this mod, however, I will be continuing to upload new mods for dependacies!

Huge credit to Bobbyrot for voicing Roman Torchwick!

Bobbyrot - Roman VA (