ChocolateCookies-CookiesMOONS icon


🍪 A Moons & Dungeons component for Cookies Vision Modpack, you can download this alongside CookiesVision, or any other modpack! it's designed to work with any modpack 🍪


Cookies Moons 1.2.11

  • Updated MoreInteriors
  • Updated SCPFoundationDungeon
  • Updated Scoopys_Variety_Mod

Cookies Moons 1.2.1

  • Updated ScarletDevilMansion
  • Updated LethalLib

Cookies Moons 1.2.0

  • Added Abandoned_Manor
  • Added MoreInteriors
  • Added Bikini_Bottom
  • Added ScarletDevilMansion
  • Added Dust2
  • Added Ether
  • Updated Scoopys_Variety_Mod
  • Updated Etern
  • Updated StarlancerMoons
  • Updated Atlas_Abyss
  • Updated E_Gypt_Moon
  • Updated Infernis
  • Updated LethalExpansion
  • Updated SCPFoundationDungeon
  • Updated LethalLib

Cookies Moons 1.1.2

  • Updated LethalExpansionCore
  • Updated StarlancerMusic
  • Updated StarlancerMoons
  • Updated Starlancer
  • Updated LethalExpansionCore

Cookies Moons 1.1.1

  • Updated Atlas_Abyss
  • Updated Etern
  • Updated Acidir

Cookies Moons 1.1.0

  • Updated SCPFoundationDungeon
  • Updated LethalExpansion
  • Updated Infernis
  • Updated Aquatis
  • Updated Acidir will
  • Updated E_Gypt_Moon
  • Updated Atlas_Abyss
  • Updated StarlancerMoons
  • Updated Starlancer
  • Updated Etern

Cookies Moons 1.0.9

  • Updated Etern
  • Updated Atlas_Abyss
  • Updated E_Gypt_Moon
  • Updated Acidir
  • Updated Infernis
  • Updated LethalExpansion
  • Updated SCPFoundationDungeon
  • Updated LethalLevelLoader
  • Updated LethalLib

Cookies Moons 1.0.8

  • Introduced config files
  • Decreased % chances of the Scoopys_Variety_Mod dungeon
  • Increased % chances of the SCPFoundationDungeon
  • Updated StarlancerMoons
  • Updated Aquatis
  • Updated SCPFoundationDungeon

Cookies Moons 1.0.7

  • Added Etern
  • Added Celest
  • Updated LethalLib
  • Updated Infernis
  • Updated Acidir

Cookies Moons 1.0.6

  • Updated LethalLib
  • Updated Starlancer
  • Updated Acidir
  • Updated Orion
  • Updated Infernis

Cookies Moons 1.0.5

Cookies Moons 1.0.4

  • Changes will be shown here until Moons is fully integrated into the Main Modpack.
  • Updated Acidir
  • Updated Infernis
  • Updated LethalExpansion
  • Updated Scoopys_Variety_Mod
  • Updated LethalLevelLoader
  • Updated LethalLib
  • Added Abyss
  • Added Starlancer
  • Added Peaches_Castle
  • Added SecretLabs
  • Added E_Gypt_Moon
  • Added Ducks_Moons
  • Added Kast

Cookies Moons 1.0.0

  • Initial Release (further updates will reflect on the modpack's Main Page.)

This summarizes the changes in the Cookies Moons mod updates. If you have any specific questions or need more details on a particular update, feel free to ask!