๐ช [v47 & v49] Adds MANY various randomized music/sound effects while respecting original game sounds! (open to sound/music suggestions on our discord!) ๐ช
Cookies Sounds 1.4.1
- Added Phone Sounds: ay ay ay I'm your little butterfly (Misc)
Cookies Sounds 1.4.0
- Added Spider Sounds: SJ-vox1 (Apex Leg)
- Added Spider Sounds: SJ-vox2 (Apex Leg)
- Added Spider Sounds: SJ-vox3 (Apex Leg)
- Added Spider Sounds: SJ-vox4 (Apex Leg)
- Added Purchase Sounds: cash-register_01 (Juicy Realm)
- Added Purchase Sounds: cash-register_02 (Juicy Realm)
- Added Purchase Sounds: cash-register_03 (Juicy Realm)
- Added Death Sounds: Head Splatter (CULTIST)
- Added Death Sounds: sndSplatter01 (CULTIST)
- Added Death Sounds: sndSplatter02 (CULTIST)
- Added Death Sounds: sndSplatter03 (CULTIST)
- Added Death Sounds: sndSplatter04 (CULTIST)
- Added Global Notification Sounds: sndSecretFound (CULTIST)
- Added Shotgun Sounds: RR1 (Juicy Realm)
- Added Shotgun Sounds: RR2 (Juicy Realm)
- Added Shotgun Sounds: RR3 (Juicy Realm)
- Added Shotgun Sounds: sndShotgunShellDrop01 (CULTIST)
- Added Shotgun Sounds: sndShotgunShellDrop02 (CULTIST)
- Fixed chances of fairground germs playing at entrance
- Fixed chances of Critical Injury sounds
- Adjusted chances of clownhorn sounds playing
Cookies Sounds 1.3.1
- Updated LCSoundTool
Cookies Sounds 1.3.0
- Added Escape Music: Substantial (Unused) (Instrumental) (Friday Night Funkin' - vs. Sonic.EXE Mod)
- Added Escape Music: Forestall Desire (Unused) (Instrumental) (Friday Night Funkin' - vs. Sonic.EXE Mod)
- Added Escape Music: Found You (Unused) (Instrumental) (Friday Night Funkin' - vs. Sonic.EXE Mod)
- Added Escape Music: Perdition (Unused) (Instrumental) (Friday Night Funkin' - vs. Sonic.EXE Mod)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: AWOLNATION (CSGO)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: Java Havana Funkaloo (CSGO)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: Diamonds (CSGO)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: Neo Noir (CSGO)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: All For Dust (CSGO)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: Desert Fire (CSGO)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: Total Domination (CSGO)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: Eye of the Dragon (CSGO)
- Added Turret Sounds: Alert! (Metal Gear Solid)
- Added Turret Sounds: Sentry Alerted (Team Fortress 2)
- Added Turret Sounds: Sentry Active (Team Fortress 2)
Cookies Sounds 1.2.3
- Added Landing Sounds: 4 New Cosmodrome Round Starts (COD Zombies)
- Added Dropship Sounds: Mulekick V1 Jingle (COD Zombies)
- Added Dropship Sounds: Doubletap V1 Jingle (COD Zombies)
- Added Dropship Sounds: Staminup V1 Jingle (COD Zombies)
- Added Dropship Sounds: Tombstone V1 Jingle (COD Zombies)
- Adjusted all landing sounds to be less loud
- big things are coming
Cookies Sounds 1.2.2
- Tweaked Terminal Sounds Percent chances
- Fixed Escape Music for the Apparatus (hopefully)
- todo: adding more music to Escape Music
Cookies Sounds 1.2.1
- Added Item Charge Sounds: suitcharge (Half-Life)
- Added AlertHUD Sounds: radiation_detected (Half-Life)
- Added Critical Injury Sounds: (Half-Life)
- Added Metal Door Sounds: (Left 4 Dead)
- Added Menu Music: Bracken, Right Behind You (My Creation)
- Edited Dawns of the Doors Menu Music to better fit the game vibe while also reducing file size greatly
Cookies Sounds 1.2.0
- Added Intro Company Speech Sounds: announcer_login (Black Mesa)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: pvzwin (Planets vs. Zombies)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: announcer_plr_finalstageoutcome01 (Black Mesa)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: announcer_success (Black Mesa)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: votesuccessOC (Misc)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: impressive (Quake)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: vote_success (Team Fortress 2)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: duel_challenge_accepted (Misc)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: announcer_secure (Black Mesa)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: announcer_victory (Black Mesa)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: announcer_success (Black Mesa)
- Added Bracken Sounds: hunter bacterias (Left 4 Dead)
- Added Bracken Sounds: hunter bacteria (Left 4 Dead)
- Added PurchaseSFX Sounds: cashRegister (Misc)
- Added Puffer Sounds: holy moly (Misc)
- Added Puffer Sounds: King Crying (Clash Royale)
- Added Puffer Sounds: King Laughing (Clash Royale)
- Added Menu Music: Main Menu (Left 4 Dead 2)
- Added Menu Music: CP Violation (Half-Life 2)
- Removed Menu Music: The Temple of Technology (Inscryption)
- Updated README.md
Cookies Sounds 1.1.9
- Added Menu Music: Depression Shop (The Binding of Isaac)
- Added Menu Music: Forgotten Lullaby [Secret Room] (The Binding of Isaac)
Cookies Sounds 1.1.8
- Added RecordPlayerJazz Sounds: Pigstep (Minecraft)
- Reduced size of GlobalNotificationSFX-Doll
- Reduced size of RecordPlayerJazz-thesaintswillnevercome
- Reduced size of IntroCompanySpeech-PortalOC
Cookies Sounds 1.1.7
- Removed Jester Sounds
Cookies Sounds 1.1.6
- Please install mod/modpacks on a new profile, way too often people do not do this, R2modman and Thunderstore do NOT clean cache properly unless you explicity do so, so then conflicts and issues happen.
- Fixed Doors Menu music
- Fixed Apparatus Music
- Added Jester Sounds: Free Bird (mod was not working correctly so I made my own version)
Cookies Sounds 1.1.5
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Custom-Made Sound (Portal)
Cookies Sounds 1.1.4
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Doubletap (Black Ops Zombies)
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Juggernog (Black Ops Zombies)
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Mule Kick (Black Ops Zombies)
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Widows Wine (Black Ops Zombies)
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Quick Revive (Black Ops Zombies)
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Speed Cola (Black Ops Zombies)
- Added Company Intro Speech Sounds: Shadow Man Voice Lines [WIP] (Black Ops Zombies)
- Updated README.md
Cookies Sounds 1.1.3
- tweaked percentage of menu music and fixed some stuff relating to it
- Increased chances of SpringWobble vineBoom
- Increased volume of Voice Cry Witches
- Fixed some audio files not playing due to update
- Updated README.md
Cookies Sounds 1.1.2
- Added Apparatus Music: 5 Bozak Talk Sounds (Dying Light)
- Changed HereICome from WAV to ogg audio file type
- Updated README.md
Cookies Sounds 1.1.1
- Added Menu Music: Dawn of the Doors - Doors (ROBLOX)
- Created a master script (oggSpawner) that converts and optimizes audio files for me c:
- Optimized and compressed a bunch of audio files (not complete)
- Compressed Landing Sounds
- Compressed Ambiance Music
- Compressed Dropship Music
- Compressed Deadline Alarms
- Compressed menu music
- Reduced file size
- No quality loss
- No quantity loss
Cookies Sounds 1.1.0
- Updated CustomSounds (big thanks to them and their amazing work, fixed a bunch of issues!)
- Added Reached Quota SFX: 2 Sounds, themonsterswithout & themonsterswithout-l4d1 (Left 4 Dead)
- Added Record Player Jazz Music: The Saints Will Never Come (Left 4 Dead)
- Added Item Charge Sounds: My edit of tf2 hologram sounds (Team Fortress 2)
- Added Gift Box Open Sounds: 25 happpy_birthday sounds (Team Fortress 2)
- Added Jack-o-Lantern Hit Sounds: 3 cat sounds (Team Fortress 2)
- Added Thumper Sounds: 1 charger bacterias (Left 4 Dead)
- Added DangerousMoodAmbience Sounds: Techno Techno (Buckshot Roulette)
- Added Robot Toy Cheer Sounds: R-T Voice Lines (Brawl Stars)
- In summary, added a bunch of new sounds, tweaked a few, patched % chances, and many more background changes!
- Updated README.md
Cookies Sounds 1.0.9
- PLEASE: delete old files from old versions of this mod, or simply create a fresh new profile on r2/thunderstore when installing new updates to fix any issues & clean old unused files
- For now sound % chance has been tempered with and increased for the worse (worse as in, it may cause some sound overlap occasionally when spamming sounds like Clownhorn), until LCSoundTool fixes this issue (which they will, confirmed, update 1.1.0 will address this)
- Added Mid Day Sounds: Difficulty Bell (Risk of Rain)
- Added Global Notification Sounds: Doll (Risk of Rain)
- Added Item Charge Sounds: UI_3D_printer_process_01 (Risk of Rain 2)
- Added Purchase Sounds: store_purchase (Cuphead)
- Added Intro Company Speech: Best Friends (Battleblock Theater)
- Added VoiceCry Sounds: 4 Witch Cries (Left 4 Dead 2)
- Added Bell Dinger Sounds: mrp_util_vo_04 (Brawl Stars)
- Added Terminal Enter Sounds: rt_start_vo_06 (Brawl Stars)
- Added 4 Clownhorn Sounds: 4 Jester Voice Lines (Brawl Stars)
- Added PlushieSqueeze Sounds: 3 Gus Voice Lines (Brawl Stars)
- Updated README.md
Cookies Sounds 1.0.8
- Added Music Ambiance Music: Beyond Factory Outskirts [CUT TO TWO PARTS] (Factorio)
- Added Mic Sounds: Sprout 3 SFX (Brawl Stars)
- Added Mic Sounds: Rico 2 SFX (Brawl Stars)
- Added Mic Sounds: R-T 4 SFX (Brawl Stars)
- Added Level Up Sounds: R-T 1 SFX (Brawl Stars)
- Added 4 Menu Music: (Inscryption)
- Updated README.md
- Reduced file size by a lot, now we use .ogg for soundsL
Cookies Sounds 1.0.7
- Added Ambient Music (1): Disasterpeace - Already Home (My Edit; 50%)
- Added Coilhead Sounds: Vine Boom (10%)L
Cookies Sounds 1.0.6
- Updated mod desc.
- Added Bell Chime Ambience: Clocks Chimes (FNAF) (25%)
- Lowered volume of IcecreamTruckV2-5 (firesale)
- Renamed Dropship Sounds wav files for readability and increased/improved the custom sounds chances of playing
- Renamed Bell Dinger Sounds wav files for readability
- Renamed Phone Scrap Sounds wav files for readability
- Renamed Landing Sounds wav files for readability
- From now on, all sound effects % chances will be more equally distributed unless I want to have a specific rare % chance, I will slowly but surely update, optimize & rename each sound file.
Cookies Sounds 1.0.5
- Updated README.md
- New Discord!
Cookies Sounds 1.0.4
- Added Escape Music: Doors (ROBLOX)
- Added PizzaTowerEscapeMusic as a dependency
- Credits to PizzaTowerEscapeMusic by BGN for the scripting
- Credits to [DoorsEscapeMusic]
Cookies Sounds 1.0.3
- Added Ghost Girl Sounds: Deathcard Cabin (Reprise) [RARE]
- Added Phone Sounds: World is Spinning (Intro) [RARE]
- Added Phone Sounds: La Foule by รdith Piaf [RARE]
Cookies Sounds 1.0.2
- Fixed issues with the dropship sounds (was only playing one of the tracks)
- Added Escargo Express at Your Service! (Earthbound)
- Added Radar Booster Sounds from Planets vs. Zombies
- Added a rare ๐ sound (5% chance)
- Made the custom dropship sounds more rare
- Updated README.md
Cookies Sounds 1.0.1
- Fixes (misc)
Cookies Sounds 1.0.0
- Initial Release.