Clammys_Clamms-clammys_modpack icon

clammys modpack

Clammy(jah)'s modpack, made for convenience sake


- v1.10.0

- Added LC_API_V50 by DrFeederino, HSRForLethal by pegasusu, NuclearLib by NiceHairs, Symbiosis by NiceHairs, FixPluginTypesSerialization by Evaisa, LethalModDataLib by MaxWasUnavailable, LethalLevelLoader by IAmBatby, LethalCompany_InputUtils by Rune580, and ImmersiveScrap by XuXiaolan
- Removed LC_API by 2018

- v1.9.0

- Added Announce Moon And Weather Change by TestAccount666 and Cheaper Fuel Company by TimeMonkey

- v1.8.0

- Added Box More Suits by BoxCreations and ModelReplacementAPI by BunyaPineTree

- v1.7.0

- Added NoSellLimit by ViViKo, GamblingMachineAtTheCompany by JunLethalCompany, DissonanceLagFix by linkoid, AdditionalContentFramework by AlexCodesGames, and Runtime_Netcode_Patcher by Ozone. Removed FOV_Adjust by Rozebud and EmployeeAssignments by amnsoft

- v1.6.0

- Added CleanerLogs and Coroner by EliteMasterEric and LethalRichPresence by mrov

- v1.5.0

- Added AbsasCosmetics by NiaNation and Eunssillysuits by eunoia

- v1.4.0

- Added UnlimitedPaint by Mischief, EmployeeAssignments by amnsoft, and LethalThings by Evaisa

- v1.3.0

- Added TooManyEmotes by FlipMods and SuitSaver by Hexnet111

- v1.2.0

- Added BandaidsMegaCosmetics by bandaidroo

- v1.1.2

- Removed LethalRebinding by Bobbie

- v1.1.1

- Removed WinterCompany by boxofbiscuits97

- v1.1.0

- Added LEtMeLookDown by FlipMods, HideModList by Sv_Matt, More_Emotes by Sigili, and WinterCompany by boxofbiscuits97

- v1.0.1

- Removed Pinger by MoreLethal

- v1.0.0

- Release