CoddingCat-HealthyCompany icon


Adds a fully working Medkit with customizable config to Lethal Company!


HealthyCompany v0.1.0/0.1.1

  • Customizable config!

  • Config syncs with host

  • You can make the medkit spawnable inside the facility using config

  • You can also change max uses/healing amount/cost inside the config

  • (Special thanks goes for hamunii :3)

HealthyCompany v0.0.5/6

  • Fixed almost EVERY bug possible (Thanks to Hamunii)
  • Overall Better working

HealthyCompany v0.0.4 -prerelease

  • bar works only for client side now!
  • major bar/gameplay fixes

HealthyCompany v0.0.3

  • Theres a Bar indicating how long do you need to hold Left to heal.
  • Minor bug fixes

HealthyCompany v0.0.2

  • it was just basicially a minor bug fixes

HealthyCompany v0.0.1

  • Mod Upload
  • Compatibility with v50