CodeEnder-Custom_Boombox_Fix icon

Custom Boombox Fix

Allows basic content mods to integrate with Custom Boombox Music


CustomBoomboxFix 1.2.5

  • Added option to share songs directly without music content mods (through songs stored in configs folder)
  • Added Configs to the mod, so you can choose between using music content mods and sharing music via configs (or both)
  • Added new guide on how to share your music via configs

CustomBoomboxFix 1.2.4

  • Fixed a minor bug
  • Updated guide courtesy of Uber_Dragon

CustomBoomboxFix 1.2.3

  • Added support for .ogg files and reinstated guide due to addition of content mod category

CustomBoomboxFix 1.2.2

  • Removed instructions and guide due to large influx of stupid questions and low effort (copyright infringing) mods

CustomBoomboxFix 1.2.0

  • Added functionality to enable and disable content mods
  • Updated README to hopefully answer questions before they get asked

CustomBoomboxFix 1.1.0


  • TLDR: Fixed issues with modloaders not correctly installing content mods
  • Functionality to recursively search the plugins folder for any directories named Custom Songs.
  • Automatically copy all .mp3 and .wav files found in these directories to the Custom Songs folder managed by the mod.