NOTE: As this is an Indev version, you may experience (more) bugs than with the Release version

Version 1.0.2 (1.3.0 alpha 3)

  • Added ShyHUD and Elad's HUD compatibility
    • It's likely the compatibility related settings aren't working as intended yet

Version 1.0.1 (1.3.0 alpha 2)

NOTE: Your config will be partially reset (only the compatibility related settings) due to an oversight by me. This will only occur if you've used the previous alpha version

  • Once version 1.3.0 of InsanityDisplay is released, the indev version will also jump to 1.3.0 (and be deprecated until new updates occur)

  • Added majority of the mod compatibility

    • Currently implemented: An0n Patches, CrouchHUD, InfectedCompany, HealthMetrics, DamageMetrics and GeneralImprovements
    • Still needed to be implemented: Elad's HUD, LethalCompanyVR and ShyHUD
  • Added new config setting to InfectedCompany compatibility

    • You can now disable the insanity meter unless, you are infected
    • This is disabled by default
  • Fixed the player icon showing incorrect behaviour

    • Such as staying centered when it shouldn't be
    • Most likely would've only been visible if you used the AvoidOverlap setting
  • Updated Changelog and README to be more unique

    • It's just easier to tell the difference now
    • I may revamp them both to be more unique and less basic
  • Refactoring of the code (again)

    • Mostly just compatibility related code though
  • Changed the Mod Compatibility section to the mod's own section

    • For example, for InfectedCompany it would now be InfectedCompany Compatibility Settings

Version 1.0.0 (1.3.0 alpha 1)

  • Added HookGenPatcher as a dependency on Thunderstore

    • The mod will not work without it
  • Added more customisability to the player icon

    • You can now also choose to never center the player icon
    • By default it will only center to avoid overlapping
  • Improved performance of the mod

    • No longer allocates to the GC every frame
    • Only updates the UI when visible changes are made
  • Refactoring of the code

  • Will add proper distinction between Indev and the Release version soon