Updated 5 months ago

Q: Lethal expansion core is deprecated, should I still use it?

A: YES! This mod is required with lethal expansion core and will not function without it. Lethal expansion core is still compatible and safe to use, it just won’t receive anymore updates which is why it is marked as deprecated.


Q: The mod broke my game, what do I do?

A: This mod should be compatible with lots of mods including Lethal level loader and shouldn’t break the game, the issue may reside in another mod.


Q: Is there any way to configure the spawn rates / price / etc?

A: Unfortunately there is no way to do this as of yet.


Q: Is buttery fixes required?

A: Its not exactly required, it won't break the mod if you disable or remove it but its better to have it there for one function.


If you have any other question, feel free to message me via Twitter instead or Instagram.( @Crafty_Glitches)