This mod replaces 85 sounds to make game sound more immersive, there's no meme sounds.
By CyX
- New explosion sounds
- New Critical Injury sound
- slightly enhanced rain + storm sounds
- Fixed thunderstoreApp download (maybe, i hope)
1.2.0 I think i've gone a little bit far from "vanilla friendly mod", so there's update to make this mod more vanilla friendly.
- All footstep sounds changed to slightly updated original sounds
- Underwater low oxygen sound changed to original sound
- Deleted some music
- Updated HighAction1/2 (stress ambience)
- More sounds will be changed in the next update!
1.1.2 Bunch of new sounds for
- Turret
- Some ambience
- Footsteps
- Shotgun
1.1.1 New menu music
1.1.0 Updated few sounds (GlobalNotificationSFX and FinalDayBeforeDeadline) Added new music (StartOfDay, MidDay, LateDay, CompanyMusic) Deleted wood footsteps cuz annoying (i'll change em and menu music in later updates)