Updated a year ago

The Modpack has updated, and it has removed certain mods, is it safe to remove them?


  • Yes, once a mod has been removed from this mod pack it becomes no longer dependent on this mod pack and can be safely disabled or removed by the end user w/out having to uninstall/disable the rest of the mods/modpack.

My game has become laggy what can i do?


  • We recommend updating the modpack to the latest version if you haven't done so and remove any mods that became no longer dependent on this mod pack since its launch debut and removing any non dependent mods that came with earlier versions of this modpack.

I am trying to join the official lobby, but get an error has occurred, how do i fix it?


  • The reason you maybe you're getting an error is due to the fact you may have either a mod that this modpack no longer requires, not on the latest version, or have mods that was once a part of the modpack and was removed and the host is no longer running.

  • If you have removed all mods no longer in the latest version of this modpack and you are still getting an error, make sure networking is enabled in the custom sounds mod only. Make sure there is also no mod you personally added that the host doesn't have/host is required to have!
