Title & loading screen customizations
- Hotfix for missing backgound color
- Extended submenu coloring to LobbyImprovements Mod
- Added new methods to assist with coloring submenus in future
- Fixed cosmetic button not being colored when lobby improvements installed
- "Friends Only" is now back to being the default selection
- Crewcount recursive loop replaced with host button listener
- Temporarily disabled Lobby Improvements coloring
- Updated Lobby Compatability references
- Added compatability for Lobby Improvements mod
- Fixed crew count flashing og color
- New branch to simply say we are still compatible with v64 !
- Hotfix for Morecompany V1.11
- Crew count recoloring works again
1.5.4 Bug Fixes
- Added warnings at the top of defualt text files
- Filtered out HTML comments from the text files
- Added some new recttransform helper methods
- Fixed all the uncentered submenu panels
- Updated README
1.5.3 More Fun Features
Dollar Signs
- Added a new bool flag in experimental for $'s
- Toggling on will fix the $ in the files panel
Custom Boot Text
- Animated bootup sequence can now be customized
- Two more config entries allow changing the text
- Re-uses the submenu theme color for continuity
- The new .txt file must be in your own /Emblem/ folder
1.5.2 International Color Parsing
- Ensured culture-invariant parsing for RGBA color strings
- Changed alpha values to 0-100 to avoid using decimals
- Backwards compatible so old 0-1 floats still work
- Changed all default color configs to new format
- This fixes a rare bug where non-english keyboard users could not use transparent colors
- Updated default spacing and offset to match vanilla appearance
- Fixed the slightly mis-aligned menu items
1.5.0 Custom Menu Item Update
- New feature for modpack curators wanting to inform end users on changes
- Allows for adding your own main menu item using a rich text file
- 4 supporting config entries (Enable, Title, Weight, Path)
- The new .txt file must be in your own /Emblem/ folder
- An example file has been provided in the defaults folder
- Theme-able with features from 1.4.0 update
- Added 2 new config entries for menus
- Offset will adjust the menu position vertically
- Height will adjust the spacing of menu items
- Cleaned up logs & updated readme
1.4.5 LobbyCompatibility Compatibility
- Added LobbyC as soft dependancy
- Fixed LobbyC icon alignment & visibility in lobby list
- Increased random delay between logo glitch waves
- Refactored dynamic recoloring of lobbylist
- Updated instructions file
1.4.4 MoreCompany Flavor
- Theme color now applies to MoreCompany crewcount
- Cosmetics button is also recolored
- Button no longer appears early during init scene
- Further cleaned up some logs
1.4.3 LCBetterSaves Compat
- When LCBetterSaves is present we will avoid messing with it
- Cleaned up some log entries
1.4.2 This one is for Lunxara
- Host option highlight is now correctly toggled to 'friends-only' by default
1.4.1 Hotfix
- Fixed default submenu theme color missing alpha value
- Updated config tips
1.4.0 The Colorful Update
- All submenus on the main screen can be custom themed
- Color palette is calculated from one single config entry
- Two new boolean configs added to the Menus section
- Re-using menu colors on submenu buttons is optional
- Essentially an entire new mod within a mod
- This is being released with some minor known compatability bugs
- Submenu coloring doesn't currently support live updates to cfg
1.3.2 Bug Fixes
- Fixed live changes not working on glitched logo
- Fixed submenus stopping glitched logo animations
- Dialed back scaling on retro TV effect to fix mouse positioning
1.3.1 New features
- Added new config option for Left/Center/Right version alignment
- Added experimental glitchy logo effect
- Updated readme
1.3.0 Live Config Changes
- Any config changes will now be applied without restart
- Use any config editor, even notepad
- Please report any bugs, extensive testing needed
- Fixed typed text not working on second game load
- Fixed scanline shader obscuring other plugins ui objects
- Added feature, press \ key to preview loading screen
- Slideshow transitions are no longer optional
- Added a config file dispatcher/watcher to track cfg changes
- Added unique names to repeatedaction coroutines
- Refactored classes to use event listeners
- Original headers are now hidden instead of replaced
- Loadtext now starts its own object and doesn't touch the original
- Video and image backgrounds now use the same container
- Refactored MediaManager into singleton pattern
- Fixed loading screen BG colors
- Made some config descriptions clearer
- Cleaned up logs
1.2.8 Bug fixes
- Made loading text more readable using magic
- Improved coroutine performance
- Fixed bug where coroutines continued to run in main game
1.2.7 Loading Text Effects
- Loading text can now be swapped on the slideshow timer
- Loading text can now appear to be typed out
- Retro TV effects now work on opening scenes
- Added log header ascii bar
- Fixed some naming rule breakers
- Refactored header replacement again, better but still messy
1.2.6 Slideshow Transitions
- Added animated slideshow opacity fade over time
- Added config option to enable transitions
- Adjusted random image selection to not use the same image twice in a row
- Added config option for transition time
- Made slideshow reuseable on various objects
- Refactored configurator & delayhelper into singleton patterns
- Reorganized header replacement methods to make sense
- Renamed some gameobjects for sanity
1.2.5 New Features
- Added scanlines as an embedded shader, setting is in experimental section
- Added slideshow to rotate any image section when setup to be random
- Cleaned methods that weren't checking if they already existed
- Cleaned some debug log entries, fixed class prefix's
1.2.4 The TV Update
- New experimental Retro TV styling for entire main menu scene
- Camera volume masking fix for more company compatability
1.2.3 Media Path Refactor
- Added caching to improve performance of repeated path queries
- Fixed path processing to accurately handle nested Emblem folders
- Removed padding for LobbyHost and LobbyList for consistency
- Moved corner layer behind popup menus and version number
- Refined de-borking log entries into one
- Removed sub-menu corners as they were doubled up with custom ones
- Darkened transparent menus over background images for readability
1.2.2 Oops
- Missed one important detail in config path descriptions
1.2.1 Simpler Paths
- Added new path conversion mechanism to help with confusing instructions!
- We now search for the plugins/*/Emblem/ folder that contains your files
- Custom Themes or ModPacks all need a 'BepInEx/plugins/Emblem' folder
- Configs use something like Myfolder/BackgroudFlyingDolphins.png and it will work
- Instructions and readme have been updated
- Moved instructions to plugin root for acessability
- Apologies for the convoluted treasure hunting
- Backwards compatible
- Updated config path defaults
Asset location changes
- Profile codes were attempting to move images and videos which exceeded the 20mb limit
- Emblem won't use the BepinEx/config folder anymore for media
- Image & video paths must now be relative to BepInEx/plugins
- Please PLEASE read new instructions at Darkbrewery-Emblem/Defaults/EmblemInstructions.md
- After following directions, if you still need assistance, check into the discord channel
Config updates
- Reorganized config options for my sanity, sorry folks but you will have to rebuild your cfg's
- Header logo has some new default settings
- Removed canvas recoloring config
- Removed loading text wrap config
- All config descriptions are less verbose
New config features
- Added transparency option for loading images
- Added scale option for loading images
- Added option to use different png's & mp4's as loading screen background
- Added option so mp4's can be picked randomly if listed paths are separated by |
- Added option so main and Loading logo paths can be left blank to use no image at all
- Added main & loading background color options instead of global canvas color
- Added experimental vignette to blend background images with background colors
- Added padding config for borders
- Fixed loading images not respecting vertical y-offset config
- Fixed loading screen being zoomed slightly closer than main menu
- Fixed stretch loading image not properly overriding scale and offset
- Reset rectransform on more objects for overall layout consistency
Code changes
- Major code refactoring
- Moved background management to its own class
- Expanded the color parser helper to accept RGB and RGBA
- Some method names are now less verbose
- Changed up some default backgrounds
- Lots of small things I forgot to add to the changelog
- Configurator has been cleaned for readability
- Update Readme
- Fixed ultrawide backgrounds being squished
- Fixed mp4s not using master audio volume settings
- Adjusted png texture conversion
- Cleaned up some global constants
- Removed some default images and compressed logo
- Light code refactoring
- Fixed mp4 videos restarting when opening submenus
- Fixed the vanilla sticky menu item highlighting bug
- Enabled audio track playback from mp4's
- Backgrounds now persist within menus
- Added background layers for readability
- Renamed some new Emblem gameobjects
- Configs configs configs
- Added version number formatting, 4 new configs!
- Replaced center loadingtext config with a Y-offset config
- Edited some config texts
- Updated readme
- Fixed video pausing when entering menus
- Fixed borders hiding behind video layer
- Fixed menu colors not applying transparency alpha
- Added logs to moodsetter
- Simplified new GameObject names
- Cleaned up global constants, more specific
- Hotfix for videos blocking view of the loading screen
- Added option to use mp4 for video background instead of png
- Fixed flicker of menu colors on first load
- Diving into menu recoloring
- Added config options to change menu colors
- Sortof fixed glitchy menus by disabling animations and replacing with triggers
- Added delay helper for lethalconfig compatability
- Updated config tooltips
- Added config option to change the border coloring
- Refactored the border methods, both screens have the same placement now
- Logwarden has stopped all the loggers from arguing
- Moved pathfinder probe to it's own home, centralizing the helper
- Cleaned up some code and logs
- Replaced header and loading image centering with % Y offset
- Reset container elements to fix vanilla borked object spacing
- Fixed broken stretch loading image feature
- Adusted menu borders
- Improved UI element searching
- Updated readme
- Added ability to use multiple loading text messages and have 1 randomly chosen
- Added config entry for canvas recoloring on/off to keep this as modular as possible
- Refactored scenemanagement, imagereplacement, loadingtext, simplified code
- Created some helpers, reduced duplication
- Prefixes on logs to help diagnose future issues
- Removed unused baseclass, organized namespace
- Updated readme
- Preparing for more plugin complexity..
- Update log entries to be more clear, removed rendundant ones
- Reorganized code and cleaned up unecessary comments
- Refactored to use constants from Emblem namespace within classes
- Added a ColorParser class for improved code consistency
- Set custom background default to true so users see it working right away
- Added option to change color of canvas behind the background
- Updated docs
- Reworded config options for useability
- Image path configs are now relative to BepInEx folder
- Updated default paths
- Compressed included sample images
- Updated prefix method to fallback on any random png if the prefix isn't present at all before throwing an error
- Paths in logs now properly show BepInEx as path root
- Re-organized paths again, lets see how this goes
- Added prefix support
- Updated docs
- Since thunderstore is squishing folder paths, we will point to .pngs directly for now, updated defaults
- Fixed default paths
- Added a couple more generic background images
- Initial Release