DarthLilo-LevelMusicLib icon


Allows custom moons to load their own music

Last updated a day ago
Total downloads 3196
Total rating 2 
Categories Mods Libraries BepInEx Moons
Dependency string DarthLilo-LevelMusicLib-1.0.2
Dependants 6 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



A simple library to allow custom moons to play their own music instead of the vanilla muisc when landing onto a planet.

This mod will do nothing on its own!


To use it add the mod DLL into your unity project, add an empty GameObject into your scene with any name and give it the "Custom Level Music" script.

You can now add musics under the daytime or evening music groups and adjust their weights. The weight of music playing at all on your moon may also be adjusted with the "Music Chance" slider, vanilla is 20.

Now when you land on your moon you should hear your custom music!