- Improved Water Shaders.
- Applied a smoothing feature on some objects to make them look less blocky.
- The Gate should be properly synced between players now.
- Moved a fence near the ship slightly.
- Mazon is described as a mountainous jungle, I've added some jungle-ish trees and bushy foliage across the map.
- The Fire exit at the end of the Valley and the Main Entrance have been Swapped.
- There's now a gate in front of the fortress that must be opened from the inside, Reflecting the moons origins.
- New Interior Ambience!
- Slight increase to the max number of Turrets.
- Increased the Maneaters Weight. (5 => 20)
- Decreased the Thumpers Weight (30 => 25)
- Increased the Snare Fleas Weight. (50 => 75)
- Decreased the Spore Lizards Weight. (35 => 20)
- Removed Barbers from the Spawn Pool.
- Decreased the weight of Dogs (30 => 24)
- Increased the weight of Worms (91 => 100)
- Increased the weight of Old birds. (79 => 80)
- Forest Giants now have a very rare chance spawn outside.
- Interior spawn curves slightly adjusted.
- Scrap Count adjusted (24 - 28 => 24 - 29)
- Exiting the Interior makes the Moon Ambience properly play.
- Made the Wind Quieter.
- Spotlights are more effective at their jobs.
- LLL dependencies updated.
- Fixed the Main Entrance door slightly floating.
- Fixed more meshes for compatibility with Lethal Elements Snow Weather.
- Fixed some floating grass.
- New better looking grass models that should hopefully play nice with Lethal Elements snow weather.
- Project Reimporting neccesitated fixing a multitude of broken references, I've forgotten what's been changed, added and fixed.
- Updated internal LLL dependencies.
- Shiny new orbiting moon model.
- Unburied the primary Fire Exit.
- Added a ton of spawn denial zones in the tunnel and in the Bombed fence crater to mitigate Cruiser blocking obstacles.
- Quicksand should be visible again.
- Terrain has been meshified thanks to Voxx
- Widened the area around the ship.
- Smoothed out a bit of the cliffside, allowing easier fire exit reach when using an extension ladder or Boost jumps from Surfaced's Horseshoot crabs.
- If Praetor is installed, custom scrap from Mazon will have an very rare chance to spawn there.
- 4 new moon exclusive scrap to be found.
- Worms Have a rare chance to spawn inside.
- Route price decreased (450 => 400)
- Readme Changes
- Added a navmesh modifier in front of the fire exits and main entrance to prevent Worms and Old birds from camping the entrances.
- Scooted the Tunnel Over a little for more Cruiser space.
- Improved the lighting and skybox.
- Fixed a quirk with the main Entrance.
- Lowered the Spawn probability range.
- Updated the Readme and Icon, made by BBAPepsiMan
- Changed Difficulty to A tier,
- Route price increased (300 => 450)
- Increased Weights for shotgun ammo, gold bars and cash registers a little to compensate, and decreased the weights for the DIY Flashbang and Engine.
- Increased Dungen size multiplier. (1.45 => 1.5)
- Increased the Outside Max Power count (9 => 10)
- Increased the Inside Max Power count (9 => 11)
- Adjusted the Spawn weights of Inside enemies.
- Updated the Readme and Dependencies.
- Added the 'Paid' LLL content tag.
- Release Version.