DemonMae-Praetor_moon icon

Praetor moon

A lategame moon ravaged by its proximity to its planet, scorched and barely held together.



  • Fixed and incorrectly Assigned Extendedmod Entry.


  • Both of the Fire Exits had the same ID, this is no longer the case.
  • There are 3 methods to reach the Main entrance, but only 1 good way back. There is now a ladder on the other side of the platform entrance you can take to get back to the ship.
  • Decreased the maximum outside power count. (10 => 9)
  • Lowered the maximum inside power count. (18 => 15)


  • Praetors Map hazards take after titan, but not it's dungeon multiplier, so the max and minimum count for turrets and Spike traps have been reduced by 28% to be more in line with them. (Land mines are staying where they are >:) )
  • Added Small space navmesh effectors under bridges and Platforms. This should prevent most cases of Eyeless Dogs biting Players through walls and Platforms.
  • Enemies won't pathfind behind the main entrance building.


  • Adjusted Outside Spawn weights

Mouthdogs (100 => 80)

Coil Head (13 => 15)

Old bird (37 => 30)

Baboon Hawk (0 => 10)

- Reduced Outside Power count (11 => 10) - Increased Maximum scrap count (33 => 34)


  • Increased maximum indoor power count. (17 => 18)
  • Removed Rainy weather, it was left in by accident.
  • Added Navmesh volumes to the Gazebo Platforms, Old birds shouldn't be able to walk in them anymore.
  • Updated the Icon, made by BBAPepsiMan


  • Release Version.