DemonMae-Rrajigar_Mine_Interior icon

Rrajigar Mine Interior

An Unreal Interior modeled after the depths of the Rrajigar Mines.



  • A bit more extensive normal mapping.
  • Lighting improvements.
  • Tag changes to various rooms for consistency reasons.
  • The hinge bridge is properly tagged and on the Room Layer.
  • Fixed a Lights position.
  • Emergency Lights above doors light up properly again.
  • Fixed a bunch of Lights not spawning properly.


  • Patched a hole in the Large Pillar room.
  • Toned down the normal mapping on Brick materials.


  • Added Lunar Lights, Realestudios' Vulcan9 port, Prominence, Starlancers moons and Frostfall to the Default moon weight presets.
  • Experimental changes to the interiors presentation.


  • Added Generics Moons to the Default moon weight presets.
  • Updated Rrajigars Readme.


  • Fixed a missing icon when climbing the ladder in the two-level room.


  • Project Reimporting neccesitated fixing a multitude of broken references, I've forgotten what's been changed, added and fixed.


  • Fixed some broken transparencies.


  • Filesize optimization
  • The Two Level rooms Navmesh has been fixed.


  • Added Rosies moons to the list of default Weights
  • Revamped the Dungeon Tilesets, Many rooms are now marked as unique, and some are weighted higher depending on if they're on the main path or branching.
  • Fire Exits no longer spawn in the cave room.


  • Updated internal LLL dependencies.


  • Added JLL as a dependecy.
  • depending on the moon tag, The rock and lava textures, and light colors change depending on the Moons tag. Currently supported tags are Rocky, Canyon, Tundra, Ocean, and Asteroid-14.
  • Lights are even brighter with further range.
  • Doors have pneumatic opening and closing sounds from Unreal.
  • Door Frames have proper room tags, preventing some oddities.
  • The Rocky floors are rougher and not flat surfaces.
  • Patched up a lot of holes in the tiles geometry.
  • Raised the Lava surface in the Lava Hallway room. This is so if the liquid in the room doesn't instantly kill, it is high enough to drown in.
  • Increased the total Light count in larger Rooms.


  • Adjusted the position of the Main Entrance slightly, this should help the Code Rebirths Shockwave gal pathfind her way outside.
  • Overhaul of default weights.


  • Materials are now GPU instanced, this should squeeze a bit more performance when used.


  • Lava is brighter and lights rooms with it better.
  • Fixed some error spam with lights.
  • Falling in Lava Does not leave recoverable bodies and makes appropriate burning sounds.
  • Lights in the storage room, and cave room, and control room are brighter.
  • The Main entrance Light is brighter and has a larger radius.
  • Fixed a buried Crate.
  • Removed or reduced the volumetrics from several lights.
  • Removed the Unreal Content tag since LLL dungeon matching doesn't work.
  • Reduced dungeon length (9-10 => 9-9)
  • Reduced Branch count. (26-32 => 26-30)
  • Dynamic dungeon size restrictor change to 1.8, equivalent to Rends dungeon size.


  • widened the navmesh blocker in doors to prevent fringe cases of monsters slipping through them.
  • Slightly brightened emergency door lights.
  • Slightly increased the range and brightness of Cave Lights.


  • Cave Nodes for the Man Eater.
  • Lava Light should be brighter everywhere.
  • Turbo Charged the Lumens on everything.


  • Lights above doors now light up when the power is off, they're dim but cast a wide range.
  • Added a custom Security Door. I have confirmed these are compatible with VEGA.


  • Added Cracks in floors with lava flows, these are for aesthetics and to provide light when the power is out.
  • Removed Unused Meshs to reduce File Size.
  • Added security doors, they spawn very rarely.


  • Fixed several incorrectly assigned crate.


  • New Icon to better represent the dungeons contents.
  • Lowered the min/max dungeon length (10-11 => 9-10)
  • Increased Branching count (24-29 => 26-32)


  • Fixed the weird Main Entrance Light texture.


  • Fixed an incorrect texture assignment.


  • Updated the Readme and moon weights.
  • Crunched File sizes into a singularity


  • Added 2 new tiles, these are Asymetrical in design and should spice up dungeon generation.
  • Added an item, the Tarydium Crystal. Currently unused.
  • Fixed some missing seams.


  • Ported to V60
  • Ported to LLL V.1.3.9
  • Brightened the Fire Exit Light.
  • Lights above doors have a more easily distinguishable color from Fire Exit Lights.
  • Changed the Storage room and Cave rooms Crate Layout.
  • Removed a Hazard spawn point from the Control room.
  • Fixed erroneously placed AI nodes in the Control room.
  • Brightened the Main Entrance Light.
  • Adjusted the Entry rooms components, hopefully lowering the chances of Main Entry Spawn failure.
  • Added a bunch of Lights to the lower floor in the Huge Pillar Connector room.


  • Enemies can traverse the mini bridge in one of the lava room tiles when it's raised now.
  • changed the dirt pile tags, they should sound like dirt when stepped on now.
  • Items should spawn in the entryroom minecart more consistently.
  • Changed the light properties in the Ladder Vent 8 way.


  • Fixed some incorrectly assigned boundaries.
  • Spruced up the Hallways and removed Bloat in Hall tile variety, this should mean more unique tiles should generate more often and feel less confusing to navigate.
  • Increased the chances of the Locker Room Spawning.
  • Fixed a misplaced Vent spawn.
  • 1 New Tile, the Ventilation 4-way Corridor.
  • Potentially fixed missing entrance errors.


  • Shuffled Hazard Types.
  • The glow around Lights has been reduced and their shadows removed, The light emitted from lamps are brighter and have a larger radius.
  • Fire Exit lights are brighter and more Conspiscuous.
  • Added Sierra to the list of Default moon assignments.


  • Greatly expanded the Range Scrap and Hazards will Spawn.
  • Normal Mapping!
  • 1 New tile, a locker room.


  • Release Version