
  • Fixed the hotbar breaking when grabbing an object from the shelves whilst having an item in the currently selected slot.


  • Made the mouse scroll wheel gear changing only work if you are the vehicle driver.
  • Fixed the mouse scroll wheel gear changing not supporting multiple vehicles being spawned in at the same time.


  • Added a config option to enable changing gears with the mouse scroll wheel.
  • Changed the default configuration to be more similar to vanilla behaviour (vanilla controls with wheel auto-recentering & mouse scroll wheel for changing gears).


  • Added a config option to toggle whether vanilla controls are enabled.
    • Please note that enabling this will override the "Automatic Gearbox" option.
  • Added a config option to change the success chance of the ignition.
  • Made the "Automatic Handbrake Release" option not require "Automatic Gearbox" to be true.


  • Added a config option to toggle whether the gear automatically switches to drive/reverse from parked.
  • Added a config option to toggle whether the wheel should automatically re-center when the left/right buttons aren't pressed.


  • Initial Release