AHIT Plushies
Adds 14 A Hat in Time plushies as scraps, with various voice lines, and 3 weapons to the game.
Nerfed default sell prices for all plushies as they seemed a bit too high. Delete the config file if you want to quickly reset all values to default.
Buffed time piece default spawn rates and nerfed the default damage slightly as the item was a bit too rare.
Revert floor offset as it caused plushies to clip through the ship floor
Readjusting the way the time piece animation gets handled
Added Time Piece rotation animation
Fixed typo in the configs
Fix C.A.W. Agent plush eyes texture
Added new general settings:
- Added random charge setting for powered plushies
- Added mimimum charge amount setting for powered plushies.
Added weapon hit force settings (default 1)
Added weapon spawn rate settings so that it is now separate from the items (default 10)
Added a few more voice lines to C.A.W Agent
Added 4 new characters:
- Fire Spirit
- Fish Dude (no voice lines)
- Mad Crow (no voice lines)
- Mafia Dude
- The Conductor's Grandkid (no voice lines)
Added Time Piece weapon with extremely rare spawn chance and 3x shovel damage (both configurable). Future plans involve turning this item into a throwable object rather than a melee weapon
Made all items hover slightly closer to the ground.
Hovering your cursor over each item now shows a more descriptive tooltip, i.e. Hat Kid Plushie now says "Grab Hat Kid Plushie"
Better organisation of the config sections
- Fix changelog visual bug
- Add image to README
- Fix Baseball Bat being classed as an electrical item
All one handed plushies use battery power. Added config option for whether plushies should have batteries.
Added various voice lines to CAW Agent
Added 4 new plushies:
- Bow Kid
- DJ Grooves
- The Empress
- Cruise Seal
Added 2 weapons:
- Hat Kid's Umbrella
- Nyakuza Baseball Bat
Added config options for:
- Moon based spawn weights/rates
- Selling price range for each plushie
Added various voice lines to:
- Conductor
- Hat Kid
- Mustache Girl
Add 4 plushies:
- Conductor
- Snatcher
- CAW Agent
- Mustache Girl