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DrFeederino-LC_API_V50-3.4.10 icon


Multipurpose modding API for Lethal Company V60

Date uploaded a month ago
Version 3.4.10
Download link
Downloads 57346
Dependency string DrFeederino-LC_API_V50-3.4.10

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



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The definitive Lethal Company modding API. Includes some very useful features to make modding life easier.


This is a repackage of the original LC_API built with version 55 (v56) of the game.

For Developers

If you want to use the API in your plugin, add the LC_API.dll as a project reference!


If you wish to contribute to this project, you will need unity netcode weaver to implement custom networking properly. Follow their instructions to get NetcodeWeaver set-up for patching Lethal Company mods and keep note of the filepath where you chose to install it.

Once you have forked and cloned the repository, you will need to create a file in the solution folder called LC-API.csproj.user to set paths to build dependencies. Here's a template for that file's contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="Current" xmlns="">
        <LETHAL_COMPANY_DIR>F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company</LETHAL_COMPANY_DIR>
        <TEST_PROFILE_DIR>$(APPDATA)/r2modmanPlus-local/LethalCompany/profiles/Test LC API</TEST_PROFILE_DIR>

    <!-- Create your 'Test Profile' using your modman of choice before enabling this. 
    Enable by setting the Condition attribute to "true". *nix users should switch out `copy` for `cp`. -->
    <Target Name="CopyToTestProfile" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent;NetcodeWeave" Condition="false">
                Condition="Exists('$(TEST_PROFILE_DIR)') And !Exists('$(TEST_PROFILE_DIR)/BepInEx/plugins/2018-LC_API')"
        <Exec Command="copy &quot;$(TargetPath)&quot; &quot;$(TEST_PROFILE_DIR)/BepInEx/plugins/2018-LC_API/&quot;" />

It is vital that you change the NETCODE_PATCHER_DIR property to the location of your local NetcodeWeaver installation.

Ensure your Assembly CSharp is set Publicize="true" in the .csproj file to ensure it gets publicized.

Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to properly build the solution.

Making a PR

Your pull request should target the dev branch. This is because the main branch is reserved for tested features that are ready for release. Basically if someone were to clone the repo, they should be able to build main and use it without any fear of broken things.

The dev branch, however, may contain untested features and is used to build release candidates. Before releases, the dev branch will be frozen and tested for issues, when it passes its testing then it will be merged into main and a release will be made. Pre-releases may come from the dev branch for release candidates and testing. These will be generally stable, but may still contain broken features before testing is done.

Pull requests targeting the main branch will not be merged in most circumstances. Most merges to main will be directly from the frozen dev branch after testing.


AssetBundle loading - Put asset bundles in BepInEx > Bundles and load them using BundleAPI.BundleLoader.GetLoadedAsset

ServerAPI - Utilities relating to the network and server. This includes:

ModdedServer - Automatically alerts other users when you host a server that your server is modded. It also lets mod authors make their mods put users in special matchmaking where they can only play with other modded users

Networking - Easily send data across the network to sync data between clients


R2ModMan or Thunderstore Manager (highly recommended)


  1. Go to the thunderstore page
  2. Click Install with Mod Manager

Thunderstore Manager

(if the above doesn't work for you, open up the Thunderstore App to do the following)

  1. Click Get mods/Online (whatever it happens to be called)
  2. Search for LC API
  3. Download it


  1. Go to the thunderstore page
  2. Click Manual Download
  3. Unzip files
  4. Navigate to 2018-LC_API-VERSION/BepinEx/plugins and copy the contents
  5. Find your BepinEx installation's plugin folder, by default it would be in steamapps: steamapps\common\Lethal Company\BepInEx\plugins
  6. Create a folder titled 2018-LC_API
  7. Paste the contents into that folder

DO NOT PLACE THE BUNDLES FOLDER IN THE PREMADE BepinEx/Bundles FOLDER! It must be in the 2018-LC_API folder.

If you did all of this correctly, it should load properly.

The resulting file structure should look like this:

        │   └───networking


  • Picking up and dropping item events
    • Including Player.StartGrabbingItem, Player.GrabbingItem, Player.GrabbedItem, Player.DroppingItem, and Player.DroppedItem
      • The present-tense versions are cancellable, StartGrabbingItem, GrabbingItem and DroppingItem.
      • StartGrabbingItem exists for items that take time to pickup.
  • Using item events
    • For shovels, that's hitting
    • For boomboxes, that's activating music
    • etc. though this would all fall under one event probably just Item.Using or Item.Activating
  • Player begin and end moving events
  • Player crouch and jump events
  • Changing item event
  • Selling items event
    • Probably one for selling many items on the counter which will also call an event for each individual item being sold
  • Item spawning event
  • Enemy stuff is a bit further out, but here's some events that will be useful for them (as well as their past tense versions):
    • Spawning
    • Hurting
    • Dying
    • Attacking (when the enemy attacks a player)
    • There may be ones specific to some kind of enemy as well
  • Player.EnteringFacility and Player.LeavingFacility
    • With a bool for using fire escape



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



Version [3.4.11]

  • Built for v64 update.

Version [3.4.10]

  • Built for v60 update.

Version [3.4.9]

  • Built for v56 update.

Version [3.4.8]

  • Changed path to networking bundle file.

Version [3.4.7]

  • Updated package name to avoid any possible name-collisions.

Version [3.4.6]

  • Built against V50 release of the game and fixes MissingMethodExceptions when displaying tips.

Version [3.4.5]

  • Fixed an issue where bodies would not ragdoll after death when using vanilla support.
  • Fixed an issue where hurting sometimes did not work while using vanilla support.

Version [3.4.4]

  • Fixed an issue where dropping/grabbing items would not work properly if vanilla support was enabled.

Version [3.4.3]

  • Fixed an issue where intro tips would play regardless of if you've seen them or not.

Version [3.4.2]

  • Fixed object placement not rotating with the player properly.

Version [3.4.1]

  • Fixed players not taking damage or dying.

Version [3.4.0]

  • Added Player.Died and Player.Hurt past-tense events.
  • Added Player.StartGrabbingItem and Player.GrabbingItem and Player.GrabbedItem events.
  • Added Player.DroppingItem event.
  • Added new Player.ShowTip(string header, string message, float duration, bool isWarning, bool useSave, string prefsKey) and Player.QueueTip(string header, string message, float duration, int priority, bool isWarning, bool useSave, string prefsKey)
    • Player.ShowTip bypasses the new tip queue.
    • Base game tips (or mods that use the HUDManager.DisplayTip method) will be treated as max priority tips for compatibility.
    • Tips now have a configurable duration in which they will stay on the screen.
    • The host can show tips to anyone, however local clients can only show tips to themselves.
    • The int priority parameter of the QueueTip method allows you to set a priority, where higher means it will be shown sooner.
      • Tips will always go to the end of their equivalent priority "list" meaning tips added after another that have the same priority will be shown after the ones added previously.
    • When a tip bypasses the queue for any reason, the currently showing tip will continue afterwards with whatever time left it had remaining as long as there were >= 1.5 seconds remaining.
      • This is the only "breaking" change as it will also affect tips shown by other plugins using other methods, which usually won't requeue the current tip. This will be monitored in case it needs to be removed.
    • With this, GameTips class has been deprecated, but will still work as expected.
  • Fixed Player.Username not updating on the radar or escape menu.
  • Added Player.PlayerObjectId which returns the player's specified player object index in places like allPlayerScripts.
  • Fixed an issue where players would be added twice to the player's dictionary causing an error.
  • Fixed an issue where giving an item to a player but not switching to it would cause it to not be held properly.

Version [3.3.2]

  • Fixed Player.Postion setter for v47.

Version [3.3.1]

  • Fixed Player.Username not updating on the radar or escape menu.
    • Because of this, Player.PlayerObjectId has been added which returns the player's specified player object index in places like allPlayerScripts.
  • Fixed Player.ActiveList not resetting.
  • Fixed Player.Dictionary not resetting.

Version [3.3.0]

  • Fixed an issue where the old networking (ServerAPI.Networking) would not work properly.
  • Fixed issues with the build workflow.
  • Fixed the file structure in the README for manual installation.
  • Fixed an issue where network messages wouldn't properly be re-registered when rejoining.
  • Added a "Vanilla Support" config option that will disable installing the network bundle so you can play on vanilla servers.
    • The Player and Item classes will be completely disabled and this will probably break mods! Please just consider everyone in your game having LC API.

Version [3.2.4]

  • Fixed an issue with the Player.Joined and Player.Left events where they wouldn't work on LAN due to not having a steam ID.

Version [3.2.3]

  • Fixed package references being added as transitive dependencies when using the NuGet package.

Version [3.2.2]

  • Remove directory validation when pushing to NuGet (dotnet validates for us)
  • Pack readme, changelog and license into nuget package

Version [3.2.1]

  • Fix nupkg-build artifact pathing in Publish workflow
  • Lordfirespeed sucks.

Version [3.2.0]

  • Added Networking namespace
    • Provides much better networking that the previous ServerAPI.Networking class, which still exists for backwards compatibility.
    • See the wiki for usage instructions.
  • Added CI/CD github actions.
  • Changed a hard-coded file location to be dynamically based off of where the plugin file is to prevent an issue with manual installation.
  • Significantly revamped project structure.

Version [3.1.0]

  • Added Item class for interacting with grabbable objects easily.
  • The Player class now has multiple new properties for inventory management.
    • Player.Inventory will return a PlayerInventory for this.
  • The Player.Joined event should now work properly on LAN.

Version [3.0.2]

  • Fixed the command handler "eating" messages if they started with the command prefix, but weren't registered as commands.

Version [3.0.1]

  • Fixed Player.HostPlayer.

Version [3.0.0]

  • Removed automated bundle loading.
    • Legacy loading will still automatically load bundles if wanted.
  • Added event system.
    • More events to be added in future.
  • Added Player class for interacting with players easily.
  • ModdedServer.GameVersion will now contain the base game version even if LC API modified the version to set modded only.

Version [2.2.0]

  • Added a command handler.
  • The bundle loader will only attempt to load actual bundles.
  • Added a temporary fix for lethal expansion bundles. Will be looking into a long term solution in the next update.
  • The local player now will NOT receive data that they broadcast. The bool value on the receive delegates is also gone. If you were using Networking, you will need to ajust your code.

Version [2.1.2]

  • Updated to game version 45.

Version [2.1.1]

  • Actually fixed the BundleLodaer loading assets twice.
  • Added new CheatDatabase with the purpose of catching users trying to join non-modded servers with cheaty mods. The CheatDatabase also allows for the host to view all mods installed by people joining. (As long as they have LC_API installed).

Version [2.1.0]

  • Fixed the BundleLodaer loading assets twice.

Version [2.0.0]

  • Changes to the BundleLoader to stop conflicts with other plugins loading assets without the BundleLoader.
  • Changes to Networking and GameState events, plugins using these will need to be rebuilt.
  • Added GameTips to GameInterfaceAPI. GameTips uses a tip que system to ensure no popup tip messages overlap with eachother.
  • Changed the CheatDatabase to now (in theory) work for all players, not just the host.
  • Changes the CheatDatabase to use GameTips to display information. It will still output information to the logs.

Version [1.4.2]

  • Fix for the new config option causing the API to fail to initialize.

Version [1.4.1]

  • LC_API should now be able to load no matter if the Hide Manager GameObject option is on or off.
  • A config option has been added that will disable the BundleLoader.

Version [1.4.0]

  • Changed how the BundleLoader in the BundleAPI loads assets to fix issues with certain languages. This will break some mods, but a config option is included to revert to the old system so you can still use older mods.
  • If you are a plugin developer, use GetLoadedAsset to get an asset, instead of using the asset dictionary. This ensures that your plugin will still work even when changes like this are made.

Version [1.3.0]

  • Changed how the BundleLoader in the BundleAPI loads assets to fix issues caused by downloading mods from mod managers. The path BepInEx > Bundles is outdated and should not be used anymore.

Version [1.2.1]

  • Adjusted README formatting.

Version [1.2.0]

  • Added new GameInterfaceAPI. Documentation will be created soon.

Version [1.1.1]

  • General bug fixes for Networking

Version [1.1.0]

  • General bug fixes for Networking

Version [1.0.0]

  • Release